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Jan Plaza 《Synthese》2007,158(2):165-179
Multi-modal versions of propositional logics S5 or S4—commonly accepted as logics of knowledge—are capable of describing static states of knowledge but they do not reflect how the knowledge changes after communications among agents. In the present paper (part of broader research on logics of knowledge and communications) we define extensions of the logic S5 which can deal with public communications. The logics have natural semantics. We prove some completeness, decidability and interpretability results and formulate a general method that solves certain kind of problems involving public communications—among them well known puzzles of Muddy Children and Mr. Sum & Mr. Product. As the paper gives a formal logical treatment of the operation of restriction of the universe of a Kripke model, it contributes also to investigations of semantics for modal logics. This paper was originally published as Plaza, J. A. (1989). Logics of public communications. In M. L. Emrich, M. S. Pfeifer, M. Hadzikadic, & Z.W. Ras (Eds.), Proceedings of the fourth international symposium on methodologies for intelligent systems: Poster session program (pp. 201–216). Publisher: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/DSRD-24. Research partly supported by NSF Grant CCR-8702307 and PSC-CUNY Grant 668283.  相似文献   
A Note on Binary Inductive Logic   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
We consider the problem of induction over languages containing binary relations and outline a way of interpreting and constructing a class of probability functions on the sentences of such a language. Some principles of inductive reasoning satisfied by these probability functions are discussed, leading in turn to a representation theorem for a more general class of probability functions satisfying these principles.  相似文献   
A consistency default is a propositional inference rule that asserts the consistency of a formula in its consequence. Consistency defaults allow for a straightforward encoding of domains in which it is explicitely known when something is possible. The logic of consistency defaults can be seen as a variant of cumulative default logic or as a generalization of justified default logic; it is also able to simulate Reiter default logic in the seminormal case. A semantical characterization of consistency defaults in terms of processes and in terms of a fixpoint equation is given, as well as a normal form. Presented by Melvin Fitting  相似文献   
Pandora is a tool for supporting the learning of first ordernatural deduction. It includes a help window, an interactivecontext sensitive tutorial known as the "e-tutor" and facilitiesto save, reload and export to LATEX. Every attempt to applya natural deduction rule is met with either success or a helpfulerror message, providing the student with instant feedback.Detailed electronic logs of student usage are recorded for evaluationpurposes. This paper describes the basic functionality, thee-tutor, our experiences of using the tool in teaching and ourfuture plans.  相似文献   
Abduction is or subsumes a process of inference. It entertains possible hypotheses and it chooses hypotheses for further scrutiny. There is a large literature on various aspects of non-symbolic, subconscious abduction. There is also a very active research community working on the symbolic (logical) characterisation of abduction, which typically treats it as a form of hypothetico-deductive reasoning. In this paper we start to bridge the gap between the symbolic and sub-symbolic approaches to abduction. We are interested in benefiting from developments made by each community. In particular, we are interested in the ability of non-symbolic systems (neural networks) to learn from experience using efficient algorithms and to perform massively parallel computations of alternative abductive explanations. At the same time, we would like to benefit from the rigour and semantic clarity of symbolic logic. We present two approaches to dealing with abduction in neural networks. One of them uses Connectionist Modal Logic and a translation of Horn clauses into modal clauses to come up with a neural network ensemble that computes abductive explanations in a top-down fashion. The other combines neural-symbolic systems and abductive logic programming and proposes a neural architecture which performs a more systematic, bottom-up computation of alternative abductive explanations. Both approaches employ standard neural network architectures which are already known to be highly effective in practical learning applications. Differently from previous work in the area, our aim is to promote the integration of reasoning and learning in a way that the neural network provides the machinery for cognitive computation, inductive learning and hypothetical reasoning, while logic provides the rigour and explanation capability to the systems, facilitating the interaction with the outside world. Although it is left as future work to determine whether the structure of one of the proposed approaches is more amenable to learning than the other, we hope to have contributed to the development of the area by approaching it from the perspective of symbolic and sub-symbolic integration.
John WoodsEmail:
一本诞生于五千年前的中国古书《易经》,已经包含着深刻的现代科学数理逻辑原理,且与美学的审美逻辑原理互为支持、互为表里,使这两大类本来被认为水火不相容的领域及其独具的思维方式得到了高度完善统一的阐释。从这样的角度来看《易经》,也许会有助于目前心理学界对思维方式及逻辑问题的研究,拓开一条崭新的思路。  相似文献   
Restall  Greg 《Studia Logica》1997,59(1):121-141
Combining non-classical (or sub-classical) logics is not easy, but it is very interesting. In this paper, we combine nonclassical logics of negation and possibility (in the presence of conjunction and disjunction), and then we combine the resulting systems with intuitionistic logic. We will find that Kracht's results on the undecidability of classical modal logics generalise to a non-classical setting. We will also see conditions under which intuitionistic logic can be combined with a non-intuitionistic negation without corrupting the intuitionistic fragment of the logic.  相似文献   
This article outlines criteria for the evaluation of the argumentum ad hominem (argument against the person, or personal attack in argument) that is traditionally a part of the curriculum in informal logic. The argument is shown to be a kind of criticism which works by shifting the burden of proof in dialogue through citing a pragmatic inconsistency in an arguer's position. Several specific cases of ad hominem argumentation which pose interesting problems in analyzing this type of criticism are studied.  相似文献   
Egly  Uwe 《Studia Logica》2001,69(2):249-277
In this paper, we compare several cut-free sequent systems for propositional intuitionistic logic Intwith respect to polynomial simulations. Such calculi can be divided into two classes, namely single-succedent calculi (like Gentzen's LJ) and multi-succedent calculi. We show that the latter allow for more compact proofs than the former. Moreover, for some classes of formulae, the same is true if proofs in single-succedent calculi are directed acyclic graphs (dags) instead of trees. Additionally, we investigate the effect of weakening rules on the structure and length of dag proofs.The second topic of this paper is the effect of different embeddings from Int to S4. We select two different embeddings from the literature and show that translated (propositional) intuitionistic formulae have sometimes exponentially shorter minimal proofs in a cut-free Gentzen system for S4than the original formula in a cut-free single-succedent Gentzen system for Int. Moreover, the length and the structure of proofs of translated formulae crucially depend on the chosen embedding.  相似文献   
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