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高科  李琼  黄希庭 《心理学探新》2012,32(2):110-115
自我控制的能量模型是解释自我控制的一个重要理论模型。该模型认为,所有的自我控制行为依赖一种共同且有限的能量,执行自我控制会消耗这种能量,导致自我损耗效应的产生,但能量也可以通过一些方法得以恢复和提升。该模型得到大量行为和生理层面研究的支持,但也有研究者从疲劳、情绪、动机、血糖指标、时间知觉等方面提出质疑。未来研究可从自我能量的性质、总量等角度进一步完善能量模型,同时结合我国文化探讨理想、信念、价值观对提升我国国民意志力的作用。  相似文献   
Although relaxation training is often used with children, there are few comparative evaluations of different approaches to relaxation. This study examines the effects of Progressive Muscle Relaxation and imagination, both presented with five and ten sessions, as well as in a standard and an intensified version. Both techniques are compared to presenting nontension producing neutral stories and tension-inducing arithmetic problems. One hundred and sixty children aged 9-12 years participated in the study. Evaluative criteria included physiological parameters (heart rate, skin conductance level, and skin temperature) and self-report measurements of mood and physical well-being. The results show clear short-term effects of both relaxation techniques and of presenting neutral stories. However, there is nearly no benefit if the training is extended or intensified.  相似文献   

Strain-induced grain evolution in a 304 type austenitic stainless steel has been studied in multiple compression with the loading direction being changed in each pass. The tests were carried out to total strains above 6 at 873 K (0.5 T m) at a strain rate of about 10-3 s-1. Multiple deformation promotes the rapid formation of many mutually crossing subboundaries because various slip systems operate from pass to pass. The gradual rise in misorientations across dislocation subboundaries with increasing strain finally leads to the evolution of very fine grains with large-angle boundaries. It is concluded that a new grained structure can result from a kind of continuous reaction during deformation, namely continuous dynamic recrystallization. Such deformation-induced grains are characterized by relatively low densities of dislocations, and considerable lattice curvatures developed in their interiors. The latter observations suggest that high elastic distortions are developed in the grain interiors and so such strain-induced grain structures are in a non-equilibrium state.  相似文献   
For more than 20 years, scholars have used the term “attitude strength” to refer to the durability and impactfulness of attitudes, and a large literature attests to the important leverage that this concept offers for understanding and predicting behaviour. Despite its prominence, however, a number of fundamental questions remain regarding the structure and function of attitude strength. In this chapter we draw on a wide range of evidence to clarify the nature of attitude strength. Rather than conceiving of attitude strength as a meaningful psychological construct, we argue that it is better conceptualised as an umbrella term that refers in only the most general way to multiple, separable classes of attitude outcomes, instigated by different antecedents and produced by distinct psychological processes. Although strong attitudes share a set of general qualities—resistance to change, persistence over time, impact on thought and behaviour—there are many distinct routes by which attitudes come to possess these qualities, and many diverse ways in which these qualities manifest themselves. Our analysis shifts the focus away from the structural properties of attitude strength and towards a fuller appreciation of the distinct sources from which attitudes derive their strength. We argue in particular for the value of attending more closely to the social bases of attitude strength, and we illustrate the value of this approach by reviewing several lines of research.  相似文献   
Infants of about 5 months of age who have just mastered the ability to reach succeed more frequently in contacting an object when they are seated upright than when they are supine or reclined. That effect of posture disappears in the subsequent months. Whether that effect can be attributed either to insufficient muscular strength or to insufficient control over the mechanically unstable arm was the subject of the present investigation. Kinematics and electromyography (EMG) of reaching movements of 8 sitting and supine infants at 12, 16, and 20 weeks of age were recorded. Maximum levels of shoulder torque as well as kinematic stability measures were similar in both postures. Coactivation levels and the frequency of on-off switching of muscles turned out to be higher in the sitting than in the supine posture. The authors suggest that the difference in reaching behavior resulted from the degree of error in the feedforward control signal that was allowed by the different postures rather than either insufficient muscular strength or insufficient control over the mechanically unstable arm.  相似文献   
乐商(或乐观智力)是指人乐观的能力,它既包括一个人乐观水平的高低,也包括个体从所经历的消极事件中获取积极成分的能力,以及影响或感染他人的能力.“杜乡微笑”是高乐商的一种主要外在表现形式.心理学过去的有关研究证实,高乐商不仅有利于个体的社会性发展、获得稳定的幸福婚姻、提高人的生理健康水平、提高学业成绩和减少坏事情的发生,而且高乐商还有利于促使个体寻求社会支持和社会交往.这些研究结果表明,乐商可能是一个比智商和情商更能决定人未来发展命运的因素.  相似文献   
自我控制是人们克服冲动、习惯或自动化的反应,有意识地掌控自己行为方向的能力。自我控制的力量模型认为自我控制的执行会消耗有限的心理能量。力量模型的证据主要来自冲动行为、人际交互以及决策和判断等领域的研究,影响自我控制力量的因素包括人格和个体差异、情绪和动机以及自我控制训练等。自我损耗与疲劳感的区别、动机和信念在自我损耗中的作用以及力量模型的应用价值等是未来研究值得关注的问题。  相似文献   
Semantic priming was analysed in two groups of French children contrasted on comprehension skills with a visual lexical-decision task using a long SOA (800 ms). Two relation types between related primes and targets were examined: pure semantic relation (categorical vs. functional), and lexical association strength (strong vs. weak). Targets were preceded by related, unrelated, and neutral primes. Skilled comprehenders showed semantic priming only for category-related words, whatever their association strength, and without any evidence of an associative boost. Less-skilled comprehenders also showed semantic priming for category-related words, irrespective of their association strength, but with an indication of an associative boost. They also displayed semantic priming for function-related awords that are strongly associated, but not for those that are weakly associated. These results are discussed within the theoretical frame proposed by Plaut and Booth (2000 Plaut, D. C. and Booth, J. R. 2000. Individual and developmental differences in semantic priming: Empirical and computational support for a single-mechanism account of lexical processing. Psychological Review, 4: 786823.  [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   
Humor in the Values in Action (VIA) Classification of Strengths is conceptualized as a unipolar and unidimensional strength and is subsumed under the virtue of transcendence. Its scope is intentionally restricted to forms of humor that serve some moral good. The present study (N?=?203) investigated the relation between five dimensions of humorous conduct, sense of humor, and the VIA-Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS). Results show (1) that the VIA-humor correlated with socially warm and competent humor, and the sense of humor, all with a common basis in humanity. (2) Each humor style showed relations to strengths. Additionally, strengths related to the virtue of temperance were also related to not showing mean-spirited and earthy forms of humor. Hence, humor in the VIA-IS can be well-located in established humor taxonomies, but does not cover all of the virtue-related humorous behaviors. Further research is requested to investigate the role of virtue in humor.  相似文献   
Mass media campaigns that promote responsible drinking are rarely tested for their usefulness in reducing heavy alcohol consumption. Existing campaigns that appeal to responsible drinking while simultaneously displaying young people in social drinking situations may even have paradoxical effects. To examine such possible effects, we drew on a real-world media campaign, which we systematically modified on the basis of recent prototype research. We pilot tested questionnaires (using n = 41 participants), developed two different sets of posters in the style of an existing campaign (n = 39) and investigated their effectiveness (n = 102). In the main study, young men were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: sociable or unsociable binge drinker prototype condition or a control group. Outcome variables were intention, behavioural willingness, attitude, subjective norm, self-efficacy, prototype evaluation and prototype similarity with respect to binge drinking. Binge drinking as a habit was included to control for the fact that habitual drinking in social situations is hard to overcome and poses a particular challenge to interventions. The manipulation check showed that the experimental variation (sociable vs. unsociable drinker prototype condition) was successful. Results of the main study showed that the sociable drinker prototype condition resulted in a higher willingness and – for those with less of a habit – a higher intention to binge drink the next weekend. The unsociable drinker prototype condition had no effects. The results imply that the social components of mass media campaigns might inadvertently exacerbate binge drinking in young men. We therefore advocate against campaigns including aspects of alcohol consumption that might be positively associated with drinker prototype perception. Finally, we provide suggestions for future research.  相似文献   
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