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声音诱发闪光错觉效应是典型的视听整合错觉现象, 是指当视觉闪光刺激与间隔100 ms内的听觉声音刺激不等数量呈现时, 被试知觉视觉闪光的数量与听觉声音的数量相等。声音诱发闪光错觉的影响因素既包括自下而上和自上而下的被试内差异因素, 也包括视听刺激依赖程度、视听整合的发展和视听刺激知觉敏感性等被试间差异因素。该效应的产生在时程上主要体现在早期加工阶段, 在脑区上主要涉及多处皮层及皮层下相关脑区。未来研究应进一步考察注意、奖赏和视听整合方式等认知加工对声音诱发闪光错觉的影响, 同时也应该关注声音诱发闪光错觉对记忆和学习的影响以及结合计算模型和神经科学的手段进一步探讨其认知神经机制。  相似文献   
知觉与行为的分离是指人的视觉对物体的知觉与对行为的控制属于两个不同的系统。最早人们从临床病例中发现存在知觉与行为的分离,以后Aglioti等利用铁钦纳错觉实验证实正常人中也存在这一分离现象。一些研究者将两者的分离看作是两个不同视觉皮层通路(腹侧知觉系统和背侧视觉运动系统)的结果。围绕这一分离现象的实验和假说引发了不少的争论。该文回顾了十年来利用错觉实验所做的众多验证性研究,分析了支持和否定分离现象存在的各类证据,对一些重要结果和观点进行了总结,并由此提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   
People see themselves as less susceptible to bias than others. We show that a source of this bias blind spot involves the value that people place, and believe they should place, on introspective information (relative to behavioral information) when assessing bias in themselves versus others. Participants considered introspective information more than behavioral information for assessing bias in themselves, but not others. This divergence did not arise simply from differences in introspective access. The blind spot persisted when observers had access to the introspections of the actor whose bias they judged. And, participants claimed that they, but not their peers, should rely on introspections when making self-assessments of bias. Only after being educated about the importance of nonconscious processes in guiding judgment and action—and thereby about the fallibility of introspection—did participants cease denying their relative susceptibility to bias.  相似文献   
The rubber hand illusion (RHI) is a perceptual illusion in which participants perceive a model hand as part of their own body. Here, through the use of one questionnaire experiment and two proprioceptive drift experiments, we investigated the effect of distance (12, 27.5, and 43 cm) in the vertical plane on both the moving and classical RHI. In both versions of the illusion, we found an effect of distance on ownership of the rubber hand for both measures tested. Our results further suggested that the moving RHI might follow a narrower spatial rule. Finally, whereas ownership of the moving rubber hand was affected by distance, this was not the case for agency, which was present at all distances tested. In sum, the present results generalize the spatial distance rule in terms of ownership to the vertical plane of space and demonstrate that also the moving RHI obeys this rule.  相似文献   
The rubber hand illusion shows that people can perceive artificial effectors as part of their own body under suitable conditions, and the virtual hand illusion shows the same for virtual effectors. In this study, we compared a virtual version of the rubber-hand setup with a virtual-hand setup, and manipulated the synchrony between stimulation or movement of a virtual “effector” and stimulation or movement of people’s own hand, the similarity between virtual effector and people’s own hand, and the degree of agency (the degree to which the virtual effector could be controlled by people’s own movements). Synchrony-induced ownership illusion was strongly affected by agency but not similarity, which is inconsistent with top-down modulation approaches but consistent with bottom-up approaches to ownership. However, both agency and similarity induce a general bias towards perceiving an object as part of one’s body, suggesting that ownership judgments integrate various sources of information.  相似文献   
识脸错觉是在人际间同步多感觉刺激下将他人面孔感知为自我面孔的一种主观体验。继Tsakiris报告了识脸错觉现象之后,研究者通过选取不同的刺激呈现方式、不同的被试,重点对被试的主观体验、行为反应两个方面进行了考察,并得到了大量新的研究成果;发现年龄、性别及内部敏感性是影响识脸错觉强度的重要因素,右侧颞顶联合区、顶内沟和枕下回的神经活动与被试主观报告的错觉体验强度相关。未来识脸错觉研究应侧重于研究策略的多样化并为生物特征识别中新模态的选择提供理论支持。此外,同步多感觉刺激技术的开发与应用将会对自我新面孔认同训练具有重要意义。  相似文献   
周衡  何华  于薇  王爱君  张明 《心理学报》2020,52(7):823-834
声音诱发闪光错觉(sound-induced flash illusion, SiFI)是一种听觉占主导性的多感觉整合现象,即当视觉闪光伴随不相等数量的听觉声音在100 ms内相继或同时呈现时,个体会错觉性地知觉到视觉闪光的个数与听觉声音的数量相等。本研究分别将老年人群体和年轻人群体的声音诱发闪光错觉量(裂变错觉和融合错觉)与全脑的静息态低频振幅(amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation, ALFF)进行相关分析,考察老年人群体声音诱发闪光错觉效应与大脑静息状态自发活动区域的关系。结果发现,无论是裂变错觉还是融合错觉,老年人声音诱发闪光错觉均增大。对于裂变错觉,老年人的错觉量与内侧前额叶皮层的自发活动呈显著正相关;对于融合错觉,老年人的错觉量与额下回、额中回和颞下回的自发活动呈显著正相关,与枕上回和舌回的自发活动呈现显著的负相关。结果表明,老年人声音诱发闪光错觉量增大的原因与大脑中多个脑区的静息态自发活动存在关系。  相似文献   
Background and aimPatients with functional neurological symptoms are commonly seen in neurological practice. Nevertheless their aetiopathology remains unclear. We have recently shown that patients affected by functional motor symptoms (FMS) present lower interoceptive awareness and higher alexithymia levels than healthy controls. Nevertheless sense of body ownership has never been studied in FMS patients.The aim of the present study was to systematically investigate the sense of body ownership, with the rubber hand illusion (RHI) paradigm, in patients with FMS and healthy controls.Materials and methodsWe included in the study 16 patients with FMS and 18 healthy controls (HC). Patients and HC were asked to complete the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) and the self-consciousness scale (self-objectification questionnaire). All participants underwent the RHI paradigm: illusionary experience was measured by self-report and by proprioceptive alteration.ResultsA Mann–Whitney U test performed revealed that FMS (median = 2.11) participants embodied the rubber hand to the same extent than HC participants (median = 2.0, Z = −0.86, p > 0.05, r = −0.15). The same test revealed no significant difference in the Proprioceptive Drift experience between FMS (median = 0.0) and HC participants (median = −0.5, Z = −0.96, p > 0.05, r = −0.16).ConclusionsOur study revealed that sense of body ownership is not impaired in patients affected by FMS. This, together with the results from our previous experiment (studying the interoceptive awareness), supports the hypothesis that interoceptive awareness and sense of body ownership may be dissociated in patients with FMS.  相似文献   
张静  李恒威 《心理科学》2016,39(2):299-304
自我识别是人类自我觉知的行为标记。传统方法认为稳定的自我表征是自我识别的基础。随着对橡胶手错觉及一系列自我表征和自我识别错觉的揭示,这一能让人将外部客体感知为自身一部分的错觉研究使得我们能够以多感官整合的方式来研究自我表征和自我识别。拥有感和自主感被认为是我们进行自我识别的两类基本体验,本文对一系列橡胶手错觉范式研究的系统回顾表明,拥有感和自主感会发生改变,这说明人的自我表征是可变的和可塑的。  相似文献   
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