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This paper examines the Akedah, the biblical narrative of the Binding of Isaac, and suggests that this story may be interpreted as inaugurating paternal function and thirdness. It marks the passage from the narcissistic father to the symbolic, dead father, and the institution of the Law that forbids all killings, opening up the succession of the generations. The author suggests that time is an essential element in establishing thirdness, creating a link between the here and now and the there and then in the après coup of the psychoanalytic process. The author also briefly reviews the psychoanalytic literature on thirdness and indicates this paper's contribution to it.  相似文献   
The authors addressed whether parental expression of disappointment should be included as a distinct factor in M. L. Hoffman's (2000) well-established typology of parenting styles (induction, love withdrawal, power assertion). Hoffman's 3-factor model, along with a more inclusive 4-factor model (induction, love withdrawal, power assertion, and expressions of disappointment), were respectively evaluated in exploratory factor analyses. The analysis utilized extant data (J. Krevans &; J. C. Gibbs, 1996) comprised of responses by children (N = 73) and their mothers (N = 67) to an adaptation of M. L. Hoffman and H. D. Saltzstein's (1967) parental discipline measure. The findings supported Hoffman's original model. Disappointment may be reducible to love withdrawal or induction, although disappointment may be a more appropriate induction for adolescents.  相似文献   
Derek R. Nelson 《Dialog》2013,52(4):332-339
Prayer exists as the dialectic between speaking and falling silent that presupposes, assumes and furthers the openness of the whole self to God. Prayer as speaking comprises thanksgiving, confession, petition, and instruction. Instruction includes a Torah‐like understanding of God's word as law, following Martin Luther. Prayer as silence includes the silence of confusion, the silence of expectation, and the silence of submission, following Søren Kierkegaard.  相似文献   

Research is a ‘core activity’ of ‘central importance in improving mental health and social care’ (NIME, CAMHS National Conference, 2005 CAMHS National Conference. January 2005. Research in CAMHS Conference Handbook January,  [Google Scholar]). This paper examines the philosophical issues confronted when considering psychoanalytic clinical research. It is argued that a well-suited partnership can be formed between psychoanalytic clinical research and Grounded Theory. The methodological issues encountered when using Grounded Theory to analyse qualitative clinical data are explored. The well-suited partnership formed between Grounded Theory and psychoanalytic clinical research has the capacity to provide explanatory mechanisms, findings that are translatable to routine clinical practice, and to discover new ways of grouping young people so that they are alike in the most significant aspects of their mental health presentations. This makes further clinical trials more reliable. Psychoanalytic clinical findings are used together with a range of material from different sources to develop concepts and theory that are readily accessible to the wider professional community. Illustrations will be provided from the author's doctoral research into Risk-Taking, Dangerous Behaviour.

Selon l'Institut National de la Santé Mentale en Angleterre [NIME], la recherche est une “activité fondamentale” d'une “importance cruciale pour l'amélioration des soins en santé mentale et dans le cadre social” [Colloque National des Services de Santé Mentale pour Enfants et Adolescents, 2005]. Dans cet article, l'auteur étudie les problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les chercheurs en clinique psychanalytique. Il affirme qu'un partenariat tout à fait opportun peut être établi entre la recherche clinique psychanalytique et la théorie inductive ancrée dans le réel (“grounded theory”). Il explore les difficultés méthodologiques que soulève cette théorie inductive appliquée à l'analyse des données cliniques qualitatives. Ce partenariat tout à fait opportun entre la théorie inductive et la recherche clinique psychanalytique est capable de fournir des mécanismes explicatifs et des résultats qui peuvent être mis en application dans la pratique clinique ordinaire; en outre, il permet d'envisager de nouveaux regroupements par catégorie basés sur les aspects les plus significatifs de la pathologie présentée par les jeunes. Les contrôles cliniques complémentaires sont alors plus fiables. Les observations cliniques psychanalytiques sont associées à un éventail de matériel de sources différentes pour développer des concepts et des théories à la portée de tous les intervenants de ce secteur. L'auteur illustre ses propos à partir de sa thèse de doctorat de troisième cycle portant sur la prise de risque et les comportements dangereux.

Mots-clés: Recherche clinique psychanalytique, méthodologie de la théorie inductive ancrée dans le réel (“grounded theory”), philosophie de la science, psychothérapeute d'enfants, spécialiste de Niveau 3 des Services de Santé Mentale pour Enfants et Adolescents, refuges

Riassunto: La ricerca è ‘attività principale’ di ‘importanza centrale per il miglioramento della salute mentale e dell'assistenza sociale’ (NIME, CAMHS National Conference, 2005). Questo articolo esamina le questioni filosofiche che si incontrano quando si considera la ricerca clinica in campo psicoanalitico. Si sostiene che un buon rapporto di partnership possa essere stabilito tra la ricerca clinica psicoanalitica e la Grounded Theory. Vengono esplorate le questioni metodologiche che si incontrano quando si usa la Grouded Theory per analizzare dati clinici qualitativi. Il rapporto di partnership che si stabilisce tra Grouded Theory e la ricerca clinica psicoanalitica ha la capacità di fornire meccanismi di spiegazione, risultati che sono traducibili nella pratica clinica di routine, e di scoprire modi nuovi di raggruppare i giovani in modo che siano simili per gli aspetti pi[ugrave] significativi della loro presentazione in salute mentale. Tutto ciò rende pi[ugrave] affidabili ulteriori prove cliniche. I risultati clinici psicoanalitici vengono usati con una serie di materiali di origini diverse per sviluppare concetti e teorie che siano facilmente accessibili alla pi[ugrave] ampia comunità dei professionisti. Verrà fornito del materiale dal lavoro di dottorato di ricerca dell'autore sul comportamento di rischio e sul comportamento pericoloso.

Parole chiave: ricerca clinica psicoanalitica, metodologia della Grounded Theory, filosofia della scienza, psicoterapia infantile, Tier 3 Specialist CAMHS, rifugi

Forschung ist eine ‘zentrale Aktivität’ von besonderer Wichtigkeit in der Verbesserung von psychischem Wohlergehen und Sozialfürsorge’ (NIME, CAMHS Nationalkonferenz 2005) Dieser Artikel untersucht philosophische Fragestellungen, mit denen man konfrontiert wird, wenn man psychoanalytische klinische Forschung in Betracht zieht. Es wird argumentiert, dass eine gut funktionierende Partnerschaft zwischen psychoanalytischer klinischer Forschung und grounded theory hergestellt werden kann. Es werden die methodologischen Fragen, auf die man stösst, wenn man grounded theory benutzt, um qualitative klinische Daten zu analysieren, exploriert. Die gut funktionierende Partnerschaft zwischen ‘grounded theory’ und psychoanalytischer klinischer Forschung hat die Fähigkeit, Erklärungsmechanismen und Ergebnisse bereitzustellen, die routinemässig in klinische Praxis übersetzt werden können, und neue Arten der Gruppierung von jungen Leuten zu entdecken, sodass sie sich in den signifikantesten Aspekten ihrer Präsentierung ähneln. Weitere klinische Versuchsreihen werden dann mehr verlässlich. Es werden klinische Ergebisse zusammen mit einer Reihe von Materialien von verschiedenen Quellen benutzt, um Konzepte und Theorien zu entwickeln, die für die weitere professionelle Gruppe leicht zugänglich sind. Es werden Illustrationen aus der Doktorarbeit der Autorin über das Eingehen von Risiko und gefährlichen Verhaltensweisen gegeben.

Keywords: Psychoanalytische klinische Forschung, Methodologie der ‘grounded theory’, Wissenschaftsphilosphie, Kindertherapeut, Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrischer Dienst, Zufluchtsorte  相似文献   
In 1943, Jung held a seminar at Eranos for a limited number of students dedicated to ‘solar myths’, which were exemplified specifically in the cartographic art of Opicinus de Canistris (c. 1296–1352). This seminar has stayed out of print until a few years ago. Notes taken during the seminar by one of Jung's students, Alwine von Keller (1878–1965), were discovered in the Eranos archives and published. Now, for the first time ever, the notes of another of his students, Rivkah Schärf Kluger, taken during the same seminar, are being published. This second series of notes are more extensive. They complete the first series by adding many features and so allow us to put together a more complete picture of Jung's seminar. James Hillman, who received these notes from William McGuire in 1976, firmly believed that they were important enough to be published. Now, seventy years after this seminar, thanks to the support of the Stiftung der Werke von C. G. Jung, the Eranos Foundation and the Journal of Analytical Psychology, these notes are finally being published.  相似文献   

It is argued that J. M. Barrie's ‘Neverland’ represents a latency phantasy of flight to a world apart from that of adults, in which there is scope for both a denial of, and a tentative exploration of, the coming realities of adolescence. Celebrated for his ability to stay a boy forever, Peter Pan can be understood as a character who embodies the narcissistic need of some individuals to retreat from the realities of the adult world. Reactions to Peter Pan have been curiously divided, and it is suggested that this split can be understood in terms of Barrie's highly ambivalent attitude towards childhood – in which sentimental nostalgia quickly turns to bitterness and a sense of exclusion from the maternal object.  相似文献   

Between 1956 and 1991, Chinese church leaders, and Protestant churches active from the formation of the World Council of Churches, experienced a dramatic break in their relations with the international ecumenical movement. This paper will focus on the ecumenical relations between the WCC and the churches in China after 1978, when reforms and the opening up of the country under Deng Xiaoping provided new opportunities for the renewal of ties. The China Christian Council resumed its official ties with WCC in 1991 but between 1978 and 1991, new expressions and new modes of ecumenical relations had already emerged. Central to these ties were the upholding of the Three-Self Principles and the practice of the ‘ecumenical sharing of resources’ influenced by the outcome of the WCC’s El Escorial meeting (1987). These ‘post-colonial’ partnerships contributed substantially to making Christianity better appreciated in China and were important channels for the practice of ecumenism in a rapidly transforming China.  相似文献   
越来越多的实验证据表明,n-3系多元不饱和脂肪酸(n-3PUFA)与抑郁症之间存在联系,二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)和二十碳五烯酸(EPA)可能具有预防和治疗抑郁症的作用.回顾国内外关于n-3PUFA与抑郁症之间存在的负性关系的研究并介绍其主要的研究结果和现状,解释n-3PUFA引起的抗抑郁效果可能涉及的神经机制,包括神经传递、葡萄糖的新陈代谢、促炎细胞因子的分泌、5-羟色胺(5-HT)以及脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)的水平、还有神经元的凋亡等的变化.并且总结现有研究中存在的一些问题,例如使用的n-3PUFA种类和剂量问题,DHA或EPA是否对于不同种类的抑郁症均有效,单独作用还是共同作用才能引起抗抑郁效果等等,n-3PUFA对抑郁症病理机制的具体影响可能是未来的研究方向.  相似文献   
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