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孟子和苟子分别以“性善论”和“性恶论”为教育思想的道德基础。在教育方法上孟子强调由内而外,“反求诸己”的自我教育;而苟子强调外在的礼义教化,“隆礼”、“尊师”。他们教育的目的都是为了实现儒家的“仁政”。  相似文献   
As an advanced function of the cognitive neural mechanism of human brain, inductive reasoning is an important skill in language communication. Under the background of the development of information intelligence, it is a new research field to effectively display the cognitive neural function of inductive reasoning with the advantage of the logic operation of artificial intelligence algorithm. Therefore, in this paper, based on the neurolinguistics, the translation and introduction of Mo Yan's works were studied. And on the basis of the analysis of the characteristics of the cognitive neural mechanism of sentence inductive reasoning, by using fMR and ERP techniques, the narrowing characteristics of the semantic integrated components in the induction were investigated, and the dual processing model of inductive reasoning was discussed. After that, artificial intelligence particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was introduced, and the problem of alignment in the translation of English and Chinese sentences in Mo Yan's works was transformed into the problem of finding the optimal solution for the corresponding fitness function in Chinese and English sentences in bilingual space. Thus, a scientific mathematical model was used to improve the accuracy of translation. The simulation experiments show that this study can effectively improve the accuracy of the translation and introduction of Mo Yan's works.  相似文献   
《管子》社会伦理道德思想中蕴含有以"四维"为核心的丰富的荣辱思想,其基本内涵包括热爱祖国、爱民护民、重诚尚信、团结同德、节俭去奢、遵纪守法等方面。《法禁》篇也对《管子》荣辱观基本内涵有所折射。《管子》荣辱观带有鲜明的齐文化"经世致用"的理论色彩。  相似文献   
"时"观念是理解中国古代思想的重要线索。在一定层面上讲,"时"观念的延展及其实践承载着传统农业社会的绵延。"时"在《管子》中是一个基础性的核心概念,贯通全文,它传承"时"的原发观念和本质特性,融入气、阴阳、五行思想,与道、德、法相通融,"时"作为论理基准,在"治国安邦"、"经世致用"中具有统领性意义。  相似文献   
本文通过对先秦儒学"性"、"命"概念之演化与发展的历史考察,指出:《易传》的性命之论与《中庸》、楚简、孟学相契,而与荀学不类;《易传》的创作年代是在荀子之前之思孟学派形成和兴盛时期,而不是在荀子之后。  相似文献   
The valence band structures of the NiAl–Mo alloy was investigated by photoelectron spectroscopy. The valence band spectra of the NiAl–Mo alloy was shifted away from the Fermi level so that the Ni-d-band centroid moved to a higher energy by 0.22 eV as Mo was added. A possible explanation lied in the overlap of Ni-d bands in the energy with Mo-d and Al-p bands. The participation of Mo-d bands was correlated with the site preference of Mo in NiAl alloys.  相似文献   
《萄子·王制篇》有《序官》一章,专门论述职官制度,通过对“乘白”、“乡师”、“州里”、“治市”、“治田”等条的考证.发现《序官》官制带有明显的齐国色彩。《序官》以及《王制篇》可能是苟子在齐国游学时所写。由于《王制》在齐国成书,当然为齐国学者所看到,《管子·立政》的作者为解决“国之贫”“五事”,所以《省官》一章有选择性地摘抄了《序官》“五官”。  相似文献   
张军 《管子学刊》2011,(1):8-12
面对着日益严重的环境危机,今天的人们已经逐渐意识到问题的重要性和迫切性。然而,人们对环境问题的认识仍然存在着严重的局限考虑——自然环境。这种片面的认识是不利于环境问题的根本解决。面对今天复杂、多向的环境问题,《管子》可以提供我们一些有益的启示:以"道"为核心的有机整体主义自然观和具体的一些自然资源保护措施;包含着经济正义、法律正义等的社会环境思想;心灵和谐的人文环境思想;自然、社会、人文整体主义的"一体之治"思想等。  相似文献   
王堃 《周易研究》2012,(3):26-33
荀子的"正名"理论蕴涵着深刻的语言学和伦理学思想,二者密不可分。从元语言学入手分析,会发现荀子的对象域建立于认识论和人性论的形上基础,而元语言和对象语言依据着形下的方法论原则。但归根结底,是形上的依据影响了形下的依据。异于西方分析伦理学家,荀子对形上依据存而不论,并不试图用形下的语言理论去解释形上问题。根据这两条泾渭分明的依据,荀子建立起了以元语言分析为基础的伦理体系。  相似文献   
陶磊 《周易研究》2004,(4):66-70
孔子老而好易,思想也随之发生了一些变化.子思受孔子晚年之教,他的思想中也有受易学影响的痕迹.郭店楚基竹简中的儒家著作,学界一般认为是子思学派的著作,这批竹简中也有深受易学影响的痕迹.从这些事实来看,<史记>所载孔子与<易>关系的事迹是可信的.  相似文献   
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