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A study was conducted to replicate and extend a finding by Wheeler and Levine [1967] indicating that a dissimilar model was more effective in inducing the contagion of aggression than a similar model. On the basis of recent findings suggesting the circumstances under which dissimilar others are more influential than similar others, the following predictions were derived: When subjects are highly instigated, dissimilar models can influence subjects to be more aggressive than can similar models; when subjects are under a low degree of instigation similar models will influence subjects to be more aggressive. Subjects presented their point of view on a case study in a three-person group discussion setting. Then subjects heard the second person (instigator) attack their position in a highly abusive or slightly abusive manner (High vs Low Instigation). Next subjects heard a third person, whom they had been led to believe was similar or dissimilar to themselves, attack the instigator (Similar vs Dissimilar Model). Finally subjects had an opportunity to express their feelings to the instigator. The results supported the predictions.  相似文献   
通过两个研究,损益值大小效应在1元~1亿元的广阔范围内,以及在只采用选择反应模式的条件下得到了进一步探讨,其机制也在齐当别模型的全新视角下得到了讨论;此外,齐当别模型本身以及模型的经典判断任务也得到了探讨。结果发现:基于选择反应模式时,损益值大小效应在获得情景中稳定存在,并只存在一个风险倾向的拐点,而它在损失情景中则不存在;损益值大小效应的机制能够被齐当别模型很好的解释;齐当别模型的经典判断任务对模型预测效能的检验力不足,但其与新设计的维度内判断任务联合后却有很大改善;齐当别模型对损失情景中的均含0结果值的决策任务的解释力还有待进一步探讨  相似文献   
Abstract: This study analyzed the structural relationships between school‐related psychological variables (teacher support, learning flow, friendship) and the happiness of Korean youths, and compared structural equation models for middle and high schools. Questionnaire data were collected from students in middle and high schools in 10 cities and provinces of Korea. The final data set from 870 students was analyzed with Amos 20.0. Goodness of fit indices for the hypothetical model were good, and all paths were significant. That is, a model incorporating indirect and direct impact of school‐related psychological environment variables, such as teacher support, learning flow, and friendship, on the happiness of Korean youths is valid. Second, structural equation models for middle and high schools demonstrated significant differences. Therefore, different types of assistance are needed to increase the happiness of students in middle schools and high schools.  相似文献   
本研究对多个测验Q矩阵的相对合理性的比较与选用开展研究,采用Monte Carlo模拟与实证研究相结合的范式,探讨R_square、HCI、-2LL、AIC、BIC、residual、ABS_residual及本研究新开发的BIC2等八项指标在测验Q矩阵合理性侦查效果及其比较。研究发现:八项指标中,除BIC和BIC2两项指标的对测验Q矩阵相对合理性的平均正确识别率在95%以上,其余指标的平均正确识别率不足90%,整体而言,考虑样本容量及参数个数双重加权的BIC和BIC2两项指标的表现总体上优于其它几项指标;各项指标在不同Q矩阵错误类型下其正确识别率也不尽相同。  相似文献   
乐观、悲观倾向与抑郁的关系及压力、性别的调节作用   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
陶沙 《心理学报》2006,38(6):886-901
采用问卷法,考察了334名大学生的乐观、悲观两种一般结果期待倾向与其抑郁感受的关系,以及压力水平和性别的可能调节作用。研究结果表明:(1)乐观倾向、悲观倾向既显著相关又存在相对独立性,二者对于抑郁的作用在强度上有所不同。其中,悲观倾向对于抑郁变异的独立贡献率较高。(2)压力水平是认知倾向与抑郁关系的显著调节因素,主要作用表现为随着压力水平的增高,乐观倾向的保护意义具有增强的趋势。(3)性别也具有一定的调节作用,主要表现在悲观倾向对于男性大学生抑郁的影响作用更强。特别是在控制压力水平的情况下,性别对于悲观倾向和抑郁关系的调节作用更为明显  相似文献   
Arnold and McDermott [(2013). Test-potentiated learning: Distinguishing between direct and indirect effects of testing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 39, 940–945] isolated the indirect effects of testing and concluded that encoding is enhanced to a greater extent following more versus fewer practice tests, referred to as test-potentiated learning. The current research provided further evidence for test-potentiated learning and evaluated the covert retrieval hypothesis as an alternative explanation for the observed effect. Learners initially studied foreign language word pairs and then completed either one or five practice tests before restudy occurred. Results of greatest interest concern performance on test trials following restudy for items that were not correctly recalled on the test trials that preceded restudy. Results replicate Arnold and McDermott (2013) by demonstrating that more versus fewer tests potentiate learning when trial time is limited. Results also provide strong evidence against the covert retrieval hypothesis concerning why the effect occurs (i.e., it does not reflect differential covert retrieval during pre-restudy trials). In addition, outcomes indicate that the magnitude of the test-potentiated learning effect decreases as trial length increases, revealing an unexpected boundary condition to test-potentiated learning.  相似文献   
罗一君  牛更枫  陈红 《心理学报》2020,52(10):1224-1236
在生命史理论的视角下,本研究通过两个研究揭示了生命早期环境不可预测性对过度进食的影响及其作用机制。研究1招募处于生命早期阶段的91名初中生(年龄12~14岁),采用饱食进食(Eating in the absence of hunger,EAH)范式,结果发现生命早期环境不可预测性能够显著正向预测个体饱食状态下的高热量食物选择(即过度进食);研究2招募新冠病毒疾病(COVID-19)爆发背景下301名武汉市居民(高死亡威胁组)和179名其他省市居民(控制组)(年龄18~60岁)为被试,通过问卷法回溯性地测量生命早期环境不可预测性并探究其影响当前过度进食的机制,结果发现生命早期环境不可预测性通过生命史策略的中介作用间接影响过度进食。同时,死亡威胁(新冠病毒疫情)扩大了环境不可预测性通过生命史策略间接影响过度进食的效应,而社会支持则能缓冲这一效应。研究结果为COVID-19背景下和灾后居民的健康进食干预提供了依据。  相似文献   
曹贤才  王大华  王岩 《心理学报》2020,52(8):982-992
当依恋对象不在身边时,个体可以通过内部表征的方式通达依恋对象的可得与反应性,获得依恋安全感。然而,现有研究对内部表征通达途径的考察忽略了情节模拟的作用。该研究采用实验组控制组前后测设计,考察是否可以通过依恋相关的情节模拟通达依恋对象的可得与反应性,帮助个体获得依恋安全感。研究招募正处于恋爱关系中且恋爱时长超过6个月的大学生46名。前测评定依恋相关的困境情境;3天后实验组被试进行依恋相关的情节模拟任务,控制组被试进行情境结果的撰写任务,并再次对情境进行评定。结果发现,相比于控制组,情节模拟组预期伴侣的反应性和依恋安全感有更大提升。以上的研究结果表明,依恋相关的情节模拟可以通达伴侣可得与反应性并帮助个体获得依恋安全感。  相似文献   
Path analysis was employed with data collected during a longitudinal neuro-behavioral follow-up study of multi-risk children. The relative impact of maternal medical history, drug abuse, and day-to-day functioning during pregnancy on the course of labor and delivery and on neonatal outcome was examined. The subsequent impact of each of these sets of variables on the child's developmental status at 36 months was then explored. An additional factor, which incorporated postnatal environmental and family functioning characteristics, was also included in the model. Maternal drug abuse had a significant effect on the course of labor and delivery, due in part to the impact of maternal drug abuse on family functioning. The results indicate that in this multi-risk population, environmental and psychosocial variables are important predictors of the child's developmental prospects.  相似文献   
真实世界理论对医学、生命、疾病的认识,不只限于细胞、分子等微观层次,而是回到人的整体和病人的真实世界。病人的真实世界包括疾病所引起病人主观上的不良感受和客观病态改变,不断探索病人全部的真实世界是生物心理社会模式的体现;大型仪器和检查是病人局部的真实世界,关注病人感受可以便捷、高效扩展医生的横向思维,实现临床医学科学与非科学的统一。有效的医患沟通是进入病人真实世界的唯一途径,能够更多获得病人信息,提高诊疗水平,是医学人文与医疗技术的有机融合;通过不断探索病人的真实世界,可以为病人的叙事奠定基础。  相似文献   
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