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Many of the same fundamental principles and regulations that govern civilian biomedical research also apply to research conducted by the US Military. Despite these similarities, the conduct of research by the US Military has additional requirements designed to preserve service members' informed consent rights, ethical standards and information that may be deemed classified. Furthermore, there are also additional rules and regulations associated with potential research to be done in a combat setting. Before conducting battlefield research, many unique circumstances must be considered to include: (1) the current legal and regulatory requirements for advanced informed consent (2) the tactical situations, and the ability to adequately document in the "austere" environment (3) the need to provide improved drugs and devices for combat casualty care and (4) the special nature of the superior-subordinate relationship. This paper discusses historical background, regulatory oversight, ethical implications and release of information as it pertains to research conducted by the US Military.  相似文献   
农村中医药人才的培养机制探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目前农村中医药人员的人员状况和从业素质令人担忧,主要存在人数减少、人员学识低下、临床能力不足等问题。发展中医药事业,重点是加强中医药人才的教育,培养出一批农村中医药人才骨干队伍,从而满足农村基层对中医药卫生医疗保健的需要。  相似文献   
采用项目反应理论(IRT)的多侧面Rasch模型(MFRM),分析评价中心技术中无领导小组讨论(LGD)的测评结果,探讨被试能力水平、评委评分宽严度、评分内部一致性、维度难度和评定等级等问题,进而讨论各种偏差。通过 MFRM 分析人事测评结果,可深入了解被试能力的真实差异、甑别维度难度、探查测评误差源,从而完善测评试题编制、评估或诊断评委合格性、提高测评维度与测评目的匹配性,为拓展项目反应理论在人事测评中的应用提供独特视角。  相似文献   
自杀问题是当下社会中存在的精神卫生症候之一,从关怀哲学的视角探究自杀防控理念的历史源流、现实境遇、临床困境与价值诉求,经由医患关怀的和谐转化,医务人员可以在防控自杀病人的进程中达到“关怀”与“防控”的知行统一,一方面为自杀病人提供文化关怀的防控脉相,另一方面为医护人员在自杀防控的实践运用层面提供参考.  相似文献   
This essay addresses the key role of analytical psychology amid our changing world: to work towards an expansion of Humanity's worldview. In current times of utmost transformation, it becomes imperative that we embrace a total cosmovision, one that includes the 360 degrees of existence: not only the 180 diurnal degrees of ascent, light and order, yet also the descendent sphere, incorporating what is unconscious, nocturnal and mysterious. Integrating this lower realm in our psychic life, however, contrasts our Western worldview, in which these two domains are seemingly opposed and mutually excluding. Mythopoetic language, and the mythologems that manifest in different myths, provide the means of delving into the profound paradoxes at the core of the total cosmovision. Myths such as Añañuca (Chile), Osiris (Egypt), Dionysus (Greece) and Innana (Sumer), highlight the descending path, providing a symbolic narrative of an archetypical transformation or spin, a key moment of “turning on its own axis” that merges the realms of Life and Death, ascent and descent, birth and decay. To live this paradoxical and generative path of transformation, individuals must seek their personal myth not outside but within themselves, where springs the Suprasense.  相似文献   
The present study addressed itself to the problem of self-inflicted injuries (SII) in the Israeli army, and to the wider question whether non-fatal self injuries and suicide are part of the same phenomenon. The findings show that in some cases SII is an unsucessful suicide while in others SII is anything but a reflection of a death wish. It appears that the modus operandi is a major indication as to the intentions of the actor. The study also demonstrates the difference between the population of the suiciders and that of the SII victims. While suiciders seem to score higher on the Performance Prediction Score (PPS) and Combat Suitability Scale, the SII population seems to be overly represented in the lower parts of the PPS and the Combat Suitability Scale. The study used a data set that represents a 5 year period, and followed the consequences of the SII in terms of medical status and occupational assignment of the actors. The findings yielded some possible policy implications, in terms of a better classification of the relevant populations, and a possible attribution of a more refined meaning to the behavior. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
This study compared nursing supervisors' percentile estimates (15th, 50th, and 85th) of staff nurse performance made in terms of dollar value and two alternative metrics—output (number of patients cared for) and staffing (number of nurses required to staff a unit). Of the three estimation procedures, nursing supervisors were most confident in the accuracy of their output-based estimates and least confident in the accuracy of their dollar value-based estimates. Estimates of the standard deviation of performance as a percentage of mean performance (SDp) ranged from 19% for the staffing-based estimate to 29% for the output-based estimate. Contrary to expectations, dollar value-based SDp estimates were only minimally correlated with staffing- and output-based SDp estimates. I conclude that allowing supervisors to make percentile estimates in terms of familiar metrics has potential value for improving the accuracy and managerial acceptability of utility analysis.  相似文献   
曾维希  张进辅 《心理科学》2007,30(3):746-748
分析了评判人员选拔的有效性存在的误区,指出评判人员选拔的有效性不应局限于评判素质测评的有效性,还应该全面地评判工作分析、人员管理、绩效评估等环节的有效性。提出了评判人员选拔有效性的三角互动模型,并指出这一模型所揭示的提高人员选拔有效性的途径。  相似文献   
The purpose of this research was to apply the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in a model of youths’ career choice intentions and parents’ recommendation intentions. Specifically, a TPB model was developed for youth-parent dyads and tested with SEM to examine parental influence on youth intentions as well as behavior. Results indicated that a modified TPB model is useful for describing how youth and parent beliefs translate into enlistment intentions and pre-enlistment behavior. The strongest impact parents appeared to have on their children was through efficacy beliefs, followed by the link between parents’ attitudes and youths’ normative beliefs. Implications for recruitment and outreach efforts are discussed.  相似文献   
对改善农村医疗卫生人才队伍现状的思考   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
农村卫生技术人才匮乏给农村卫生事业发展带来了严峻的挑战,导致这一现状的缘由应从多层面进行分析。作为医学领域新思想、新知识、新技术的创造者和发源地以及医学人才培养摇篮的高等医学院校在改变这种格局中担负着重大的使命。探讨如何以客户意识作为教育及办学价值取向,从而为改善农村卫生队伍现状开拓了思路。  相似文献   
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