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"蜀石经"与《十三经》的结集   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
儒家"十三经"何时结集而成,自古迄今,众说纷纭。本文通过考察,发现始于孟蜀广政而成于北宋宣和的"蜀石经",已经将《周易》、《尚书》、《诗经》、《周礼》、《仪礼》、《礼记》、《春秋左传》、《公羊传》、《谷梁传》、《论语》、《孝经》、《尔雅》和《孟子》刻入石经,从而完成了"十三经"的结集过程。《孟子》之刻入石经,标志着儒学从"尊经重传",到"尊经重子"传统的转变;也预示着儒学从重视"经学"到重视"理学"的时代的来临。  相似文献   
This article explores a Confucian interpretation of creativity with reference to two classics—Analects and Mencius. A Confucian understanding of creativity centers on yi (appropriateness) and is motivated by shu (empathy) for the purpose of broadening dao (Way). Confucian creativity is manifested in two main ways: novelty through original interpretations of the objective world; and appropriateness through flexible responses to concrete circumstances synchronically and diachronically. Two major implications for research on creativity are highlighted. The first is that a Confucian approach to creativity extends the existing research on personal creativity by foregrounding the moral and interpersonal elements. Secondly, Confucian creativity synthesizes novelty and appropriateness, thereby challenging the essentialization of creativity and creative abilities of East Asians. A Confucian conception of creativity transcends a narrow focus on specific creative acts to a broader consideration of the agents, relationships, socio-cultural contexts and related moral issues.  相似文献   
孔子和孟子是先秦儒家最重要的代表人物,他们的思想中都有着丰富的德治内容。管子虽是早期法家的代表,但思想中同样具有德治的内容。孔、孟与管子在德治思想上有着很大的相似性,在惠民爱民、正名、正身率下、以民为本、善政措施、选贤任能等方面有着诸多的一致之处。但出于各自学派的立场,孔、孟与管子在德治与法治的关系、德治的目标与特征、德治的人性论的出发点等方面也存在着差异。  相似文献   
孔子心目中的"圣人"要求德、位兼备,而在孟子那里则更加注重于对德的要求。孟子所论"圣人"与孔子有所不同,可以说是孟子因应了从"犹秉周礼"至"杀人盈城"这一现实的形势、因应了"距杨墨"这一思想层面的形势以及为更加便于教化等因素影响而造成的。于孔子、孟子之间,从郭店楚简《五行》篇"德之行"五与"行"四等论述看,其中就已有了突出"圣"之德性的趋势。  相似文献   
在春秋战国百家争鸣的进程中,儒、道、墨、法和纵横家分别探讨了道德的价值。孔子、孟子、墨子、老庄与苟子所主张的道德内涵不同,但他们都充分肯定甚至夸大了道德的价值。韩非子与他们不同,把道德与政治剥离,纵横家则进一步提出了道德价值有限论。  相似文献   
《孟子·梁惠王》所记载的一个故事中的牛与羊的区别 ,可以用结构主义符号学的方法来思考。在这个故事中 ,齐宣王用“以羊易牛”的策略解决了既不能杀牛又不能废衅钟之礼的两难抉择。从结构主义符号学的角度来看 ,这里的牛羊之别 ,是经验中的有生命的动物牛与语言中的无生命的羊概念之间的区别。齐宣王以羊易牛的实质 ,是用一个没有生命的羊概念替换了一头有生命的动物牛。牛羊之别代表了经验和语言的区别 ,这正是中国传统哲学与西方后现代哲学的根本区别。  相似文献   
Zhi is an important Chinese notion that conveys among other things human capacity to set aims, to determine a course of action, or to persist in a resolve. The term naturally turns up in Chinese contributions to Western Free Will debate. In this paper, I explain zhi by working out a comparison that goes from East to West. I do a three-fold textual analysis of zhi focusing on the Mencius. I outline different usages found in the text, examine a nuanced, dominant meaning suggested in 2A.2, and discuss notional features based on language patterns. My analysis yields a more homegrown understanding of zhi which I shall compare with Western expressions of moral agency.  相似文献   
This article analyses the tradition of “articulating xing in terms of sheng” and related other expressions, and also examines the debate between Mencius and Gaozi concerning “xing is known by sheng.” It claims that while Mencius’ “human nature is good” discourse is influenced by the interpretive tradition of “articulating xing in terms of sheng”, Mencius also transcends and develops this tradition. Therefore it is only when Mencius’ views about the goodness of human nature are understood in the context of this interpretive tradition that his ideas can be fully understood. Utilizing this framework, the Confucian understanding of rights is then explored. Translated by Andrew Lambert from Zhexue yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Researches), 2007, (7): 36–42  相似文献   
孟庙是为奉祀孟子而建的人文景观,与孟子的命运息息相关。探讨孟子地位的变迁,不能不考察孟庙修建的情况。文章通过爬梳历代历次修庙碑记,考察宋以来孟子地位的变迁历程,认为孟子的地位宋以后经历一个曲折中上升的过程,其权威地位初步形成于宋,正式确立于元,至明清方彻底巩固下来;学者、皇帝、官吏、孟氏后裔和普通民众共同塑造了孟子的权威地位。孟子形象在不同时期、不同阶层中也是流变纷呈的。  相似文献   
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