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This study examines individuals’ perceptions of the impact their significant others have on their health and the extent to which these perceptions are associated with relationship quality and actual health. Two-hundred and ten participants (105 U.S. couples; mean age = 24.93) completed measures of their relationship quality and health along with an open-ended measure asking them to indicate how they felt their partner influenced their health. Results indicated that participants perceived their romantic partners to be primarily positive health influences, women believed their partners were more influential than did men, and eating and physical activity behaviors were believed to be most affected by partners. Participants’ relationship quality and health were associated with their reports of their perceived partners’ health influences. The research described in this report was supported by an award to Charlotte Markey from Rutgers University.  相似文献   
楚竹书《孔子诗论》“类序”辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对楚竹书《孔子诗论》的分析,结合对《诗经》文本形成过程的探讨,得出《诗经》之部类及其类序为《风》、《小雅》、《大雅》、《颂》的结论,同时厘清孔子、《孔子诗论》和《毛诗》在文本方面的关系。《诗经》的结集经历了一个过程,其分类由来已久;未曾更改。《诗》“类序”的形成也具有一定的历史性,是在《诗》文本编辑过程中自然形成的。孔子在整理《诗经》的过程中并不存在一个前提性的“编序”原则,所谓孔子“删诗”,只是对诗篇做些必要的一般性古籍整理而已。至于出土文献《孔子诗论》中偶尔出现的颠倒《诗》“类序”的论述亦属正常,并不能说明孔子曾编有与传统《诗》“类序”相反的文本,也不能否定《毛诗》文本具有一定的历史延续性,更不能由此说明《孔子诗论》中出现“类序颠倒”具有更为不可测知的寓意。  相似文献   
论理学对中国“画气”说的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国画学中以气论画的传统可以追溯到六朝时期,而真正形成具有丰富理论内涵的画气说则在两宋。画气说的形成具有明显的哲学背景,北宋以来的理学思潮是画气说形成的最直接因素。本文认为,理学对画学理论中气论的影响主要集中在三个方面,一是为画气说提供一个有机论的基础,在气机哲学的影响下,中国画学将表现对象活泼生机作为根本目的,这突出体现在山水画和花鸟画中;二是从审美体验角度,中国画学形成了“以气合气”的独特创作思想;三是在绘画艺术形式上,气势论成为一引人注意的理论,六朝时的气韵生动理论获得了新的发展。  相似文献   
东坡解易,本儒家“刚健有为、厚德载物”之精神,又博取道家“超然旷达”之思想,在北宋诸思想家中独树一帜。其核心主旨是:“学以致道”,“有心于学、无心于得”而得之;无心应物似水之元形而随物赋形,故苏轼崇尚水之外柔而内刚,从而旷达与执着成为苏东坡的人格追求;既注重德行又关注功业,崇德在于立业,通过德性修养从而有所作为于社会,实现由内圣向外王的转化。  相似文献   
关子尹 《现代哲学》2005,68(2):69-90
本文分引论、通论、分论和结论四部分。在“引论”中,作者首先介绍了康德和黑格尔对哲学史的看法,但作者认为两种看法都有一定问题,就是康德把哲学史看得太轻闲,而黑格尔则把哲学史订得太封闭。在“通论”中,为了探讨哲学史撰作的意义根本,作者列举了一些要目,作为反省的据点,其中包括:康德就“学院意义的哲学”与“世界意义的哲学”的区别、哲学活动的“处境”问题、哲学史撰作涉及的处境差距、哲学史的过去与未来导向、哲学史的主动性和进步问题、哲学史的分期和标名及种种有关的复杂性、哲学史的发展与脉络问题等等。在“分论”中,为了说明上述要目对哲学史的撰作和理解的深远影响,作者列举了西方哲学史各种最具代表性的分期和标名,以显出其中所可能涉及的种种复杂性,并作出初步的批判的反思。在“结论”中,作者带出“实质”和“虚灵”两种哲学史撰作风格的区别(前者为史实导向而后者为意义导向),并指出必须能于前者之上进一步发展后者,哲学史家才能于哲学史的撰作中取得方法上的主动和让哲学史的意义空间得到有创意的开拓。  相似文献   
徐素华先生文章把我提出的“中国马克思主义哲学”等同于他所说的“党的指导思想形态”,“在中国的马克思主义哲学”等同于他所说的“学术研究形态”,这不符合我的本意。“马克思主义哲学合法性问题”的讨论确实存在。“中国马克思主义哲学”是在中国实践中学习、运用,在总结实践经验、发扬中国优秀哲学文化、升华人民群众智慧的基础上发展了的马克思主义哲学。它是中国哲学的一个现代形态。它既是一个创新的哲学理论体系,又是党的指导思想的哲学基础。  相似文献   
牟宗三先生后期易学研究和他早年对<周易>的研究有所不同,他强调了<易传>是孔门义理,并发掘了<周易>的辨证思维模式.乾坤两卦是牟宗三先生后期易学研究的主要内容,通过对这两卦的研究他提出了"乾坤并建"原则.乾坤并建包括创生原则和终成原则,乾元代表了创生原则,儒家的道德形上学全都藏在乾卦;坤元代表了终成原则,包含了儒家的道德修养、道德实践.易简原则也是乾坤并建的重要部分,易简原则就指出了道德修养的方法,确立了道德实践的第一义.超越内在则概括了<周易>的总体特征和儒家的智慧,是儒家道德形上学的集中体现.  相似文献   
The author attempts to apply the psychoanalytic concept of “prolonged adolescence” to two literary works, both of which are embedded in England’s postwar social and political climate. The discussion of John Wain’s Hurry on Down ([1953] 1979) and John Osborne’s Look Back in Anger ([1956] 1989), by necessity, involves a look at those factors responsible for shaping the cultural “mood” in those days. However, the author’s primary concern lies with how two particular (fictional) individuals, or antiheroes, deal with the frustration, which, although generally felt among contemporary academia, in their cases seems to hide a much deeper layer of mental insecurity and instability. In fact, we come to feel that the characters have not achieved a proper sense of identity (“self”) and are, from the point of view of maturity, delayed and, hence, “unfitted” to cope adequately with the external world. Having long achieved formal adulthood, they seem to have gotten “stuck” somewhere along the passage of growing up. Essential papers by Sigmund Freud and his daughter Anna, as well as a very early paper on the topic by Siegfried Bernfeld, are, among others, taken into account, as is the profound research done by Peter Blos on the subject in question.  相似文献   
中国哲学史研究中长期运用的主要方法是经典的解读及理论的分析,但这种方法并不是惟一的、完全没有问题或缺陷的,所以,必须引入一些新的方法如思想考古的方法予以补充。所谓思想考古,即是借鉴历史学和人类文化学等学科的田野调查方法,去思想家生活、求学、家居、从业的地方进行详细的实地考察,以感受和体验研究对象的情感、思绪,把思想家的思想还原为在具体情境中的思想,找到其思想学说或行为的外在根据,并进而印证或质疑某些史书中对思想家的言行记载,对某些语焉不详的史料或有争议的问题做出分析与考辨。  相似文献   
Conflict of interest is an issue that has been put in the spotlight by the commercial application of the new biomedical technologies. This paper presents the approach of the Council of Europe and the binding legal instruments to deal with this problem. The main focus is on the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, and its draft additional Protocol on Biomedical Research. An earlier version of this paper was presented at an International Conference on “Conflict of Interest and its Significance in Science and Medicine” held in Warsaw, Poland on 5–6 April, 2002. The views expressed are personal and do not necessarily reflect any official position of the Council of Europe.  相似文献   
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