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In this article an analysis of trust is given and two basic forms of trust are distinguished, viz., trust in powers and trust in inclinations. These forms of trust allow us to gain a better understanding in the pivotal role trust plays in the relationship between caretakers, parents and children. It is argued that it makes no sense to speak about basic mistrust of infants, and that having unlimited trust in the inclinations of adults is only a virtue in children. By having trust in both the powers and inclinations of children, parents stimulate the development of their self-confidence and moral identity.  相似文献   
国外关于自信的研究综述   总被引:39,自引:1,他引:38  
近些年来自信研究已受到越来越多的心理学家的关注。文章对国外30多年来自信的理论和实证研究进行了系统综述,从概念和结构上阐述了国外自信研究的历史和现状,并从自信的差异研究、两极与反面研究以及影响因素3方面总结了具体研究领域的最新进展。在此基础上,指出了自信研究领域存在的问题和将来的研究方向。  相似文献   
Existing research indicates that there is very little agreement between youth and their parents on youth trauma exposure and subsequent treatment. Few studies, however, have attempted to examine factors that may contribute to this lack of agreement. This study addressed this gap by examining youth and maternal‐reported youth traumatic event exposure using a sample of 100 urban, African American adolescent–maternal dyads. Cumulative report of youth potentially traumatic event exposure (57%) was higher than youth (41%) and maternal (27%) reports. Findings indicate that there was agreement for sexual assault, being shot or stabbed, and auto accidents. Maternal depression was the only factor that was associated with both youth and maternal report of youth qualifying event. Other factors that distinguished youth reports included maternal event exposure, substance use disorder, antisocial personality behaviors, and youth reports of arguments with the mother and running away from home. Implications for reconciling reports of trauma exposure among youth and their mothers are discussed.  相似文献   
During infancy, orienting and gaze aversion serve as major self-regulatory mechanisms and play an important role in the development of deliberate self-regulation and control. The present study examined the interaction of intrinsic factors (MAOA-uVNTR and 5-HTTLPR gene polymorphisms) and extrinsic factors (maternal sensitivity) on early infant self-regulatory behavior. We assessed 5-HTTLPR (ss + sl versus ll) and MAOA-uVNTR (3 and 4 among boys, and 3/3, 3/4, and 4/4 among girls) polymorphisms, determined maternal sensitivity during mother–child free play, and coded infant self-regulatory behavior (i.e., orienting shifts in a temperament test) in 281 six-month-old infants. We found that infants who experienced a lower level of maternal sensitivity and had the short allele of 5-HTTLPR variants and the 3/3 MAOA-uVNTR polymorphism displayed lower self-regulation capacity than did those infants with a higher level of maternal sensitivity. This finding suggested a modulatory role of maternal sensitivity. Moreover, these findings are consistent with the genetic vulnerability hypothesis, which states that beneficial environmental factors serve as a buffer against harmful genetic predispositions during child development.  相似文献   
Two hundred and thirty-three 5-month-old infants and their mothers participated in a study designed to examine the influence of maternal sensitivity and infant neurophysiology, as well as interactions between these, on infants’ regulatory behavior and reactivity to emotional challenge. Maternal sensitivity was measured during two mother–child free-play episodes prior to the challenge task. Infant neurophysiology was derived from a measure of resting EEG asymmetry collected during a baseline episode. Infant regulatory behaviors (mother orienting and distraction) and reactivity to challenge (negative affect) were assessed during an arm restraint procedure. Maternal sensitivity predicted mother-orienting behavior for all infants, regardless of baseline EEG asymmetry. Maternal sensitivity also predicted more distraction behaviors for infants with left frontal EEG asymmetry at baseline. In contrast, maternal sensitivity predicted more negative affect for infants with right frontal EEG asymmetry at baseline. These findings lend support for the hypothesis that maternal sensitivity and infant neurophysiological functioning interact to predict regulatory behavior and reactivity and are discussed in terms of the significance for understanding infant regulatory development in the first year of life.  相似文献   
Early infant interest in their mother's face is driven by an experience based face processing system, and is associated with maternal psychological health, even within a non clinical community sample. The present study examined the role of the voice in eliciting infants’ interest in mother and stranger faces and in the association between infant face interest and maternal psychological health.Infants aged 3.5-months were shown photographs of their mother's and a stranger's face paired with an audio recording of their mother's and a stranger's voice that was either matched (e.g., mother's face and voice) or mismatched (e.g., mother's face and stranger's voice). Infants spent more time attending to the stranger's matched face and voice than the mother's matched face and voice and the mismatched faces and voices. Thus, infants demonstrated an earlier preference for a stranger's face when given voice information than when the face is presented alone. In the present sample, maternal psychological health varied with 56.7% of mothers reporting mild mood symptoms (depression, anxiety or stress response to childbirth). Infants of mothers with significant mild maternal mood symptoms looked longer at the faces and voices compared to infants of mothers who did not report mild maternal mood symptoms. In sum, infants’ experience based face processing system is sensitive to their mothers’ maternal psychological health and the multimodal nature of faces.  相似文献   
We explored the sociocultural context of early literacy development among Arabic-speaking kindergartners in Israel, focusing on the nature of mother–child joint writing. Eighty-nine kindergartners and their mothers participated. Mothers were videotaped in their homes while helping their children write words. Early literacy was evaluated by alphabetic knowledge, concepts about print, phonological awareness, and vocabulary. Kindergartners’ early literacy was related to socioeconomic status (SES), home literacy environment (HLE) and maternal mediation level. Hierarchical regressions indicate that HLE predicted alphabetic knowledge, phonological awareness, and vocabulary beyond SES. Maternal mediation of writing predicted all children's early literacy measures except vocabulary, after controlling for SES and HLE. We discuss maternally mediated joint writing interactions as a possible context for early literacy enhancement among young Arabic-speaking children in Israel.  相似文献   
This paper outlines the research methodology used as part of a professional doctorate in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The project researched the maternal state of mind following the loss of an infant or small child and the birth of the next baby. Three mothers were seen for psychoanalytic psychotherapy on a weekly basis as part of this research. They were encouraged to bring their new baby to sessions. The author describes how an interest in this area of research developed as a result of working as a child psychotherapist with 'replacement children' (Cain and Cain, 1964). An argument is made to show that the psychoanalytic method is unique and that the psychoanalytic setting may be considered an 'ideal laboratory' (Fonagy and Moran, 1993) for psychoanalytic psychotherapeutic research. Clinical material is used from one case study to show how material can be analysed and demonstrates the research methodology used within the project. The material explores the developing therapeutic relationship and focuses on the way one mother in the research group experienced the loss of a small child prior to the birth of her next baby. Cet article décrit brièvement la méthodologie de recherche employée dans le cadre d'un doctorat professionnel en psychothérapie psychanalytique. Le projet de recherche porte sur l'état psychique maternel à la suite de la perte d'un nourrisson ou d'un enfant en bas âge lorsque un nouveau bébé vient à naître. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, trois mères ont bénéficié d'une psychothérapie psychanalytique à raison d'une séance hebdomadaire. Il leur était proposé d'amener leur bébé aux séances. L'auteur décrit comment son intérêt pour ce champ de recherche s'est développé à partir de son travail de psychothérapeute d'enfants auprès d'"enfants de remplacement" [A. Cain & B. Cain 1964]. Elle affirme que la méthode psychanalytique à sa propre valeur et que le cadre psychanalytique peut être considéré comme un "laboratoire idéal" [P. Fonagy & G. Moran 1993] pour la recherche en psychothérapie psychanalytique. Le matériel clinique d'une étude de cas montre comment l'analyser et illustre la méthodologie de la recherche employée dans ce projet. Ce matériel explore l'évolution de la relation thérapeutique et traite en détail de la façon dont une des mères de l'échantillon a vécu la perte d'un enfant en bas âge avant la naissance de son bébé actuel. Questo articolo mette in rilievo la metodologia di ricerca utilizzata come parte di un dottorato professionale in psicoterapia psicoanalitica. Il progetto di ricerca studiava lo stato mentale materno conseguente la perdita di un neonato o bambino piccolo e la nascita del bambino successivo. Come parte della ricerca tre madri furono seguite una volta alla settimana in psicoterapia psicoanalitica, ed incoraggiate a portare alle sedute i loro nuovi bebe'. L'autore descrive come il suo interesse in questa area si e' sviluppato conseguentemente al suo lavoro come psicoterapeuta infantile con 'bambini sostituti' (Cain e Cain, 1964. Si cerca di mostrare l'unicita' del metodo psicoanalitico e come esso possa essere considerato un 'laboratorio ideale' (Fonagy e Moran, 1993) per la ricerca in psicoterapia psicoanalitica. Viene usato il materiale clinico di un caso per mostrare come esso possa essere analizzato e illustrare il metodo di ricerca usato nel progetto. Il materiale esplora la relazione terapeutica nel suo evolversi e si concentra sul modo in cui una madre nel gruppo di ricerca visse la perdita di un bambino piccolo precedente la nascita dell'altro bebe'. Dieser Artikel umreisst die Forschungsmethodik, die als Teil einer Doktorarbeit in psychoanalytischer Psychotherapie verwendet wurde. Das Projekt erforschte den müterlichen Gemütszustand nach dem Verlust eines Babys oder kleinen Kindes und der Geburt des nächsten Babys. Als Teil dieser Forschung wurden drei Mütter einmal wöchentlich in Psychotherapie gesehen. Sie wurden ermuntert, ihr Neugeborenes zu den Stunden mitzubringen. Die Autorin beschreibt, wie das Interesse in diesem Forschungsbereich sich als Folge ihrer Arbeit als Kinderpsychotherapeutin mit 'Ersatzkindern' entwickelt hatte. (Cain und Cain 1964). Es wird argumentiert, dass die psychoanalytische Methode einzigartig ist und das psychoanalytische Setting als ein 'ideales Labor' (Fonagy und Moran,1993) für psychoanalytische psychotherapeutische Forschung angesehen werden kann. Es wird klinisches Material einer Fallstudie benutzt, um zu zeigen, wie das Material analysiert werden kann und es demonstriert die Forschungsmethodik, die im Projekt benutzt wird. Das Material erforscht die sich entwickelnde therapeutische Beziehung und legt den Schwerpunkt auf die Art und Weise, wie eine Mutter in der Forschungsgruppe den Verlust eines kleinen Kindes vor der Geburt ihres nächsten Babys erlebte.  相似文献   
Although “late preterm” (LP) newborns (33–36 weeks of gestational age) represent more than 70% of all preterm labors, little is known about the relation between certain risk factors and developmental outcomes in LP compared to “very preterm” (≤32 weeks) children (VP).This study investigates: (1) LP and VP infants’ development at 12 months of corrected age (CA) using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development – 3rd Edition (BSID-III); (2) correlation between BSID-III performances and maternal stress (using Parenting Stress Index-Short Form, PSI-SF) among LP and VP at 12 months CA; and (3) the link between known neonatal and demographic risk factors and developmental outcomes of LP and VP infants.For both LP and VP infants the Mean Cognitive (LP: 102.69 ± 7.68; VP: 103.63 ± 10.68), Language (LP: 96.23 ± 10.08; VP: 99.10 ± 10.37) and Motor (LP: 91.11 ± 10.33; VP: 93.85 ± 10.17) composite scores were in the normal range, without significant differences between the groups. Correlations between PSI-SF and BSID-III showed that in the VP group (but not LP), Language score was negatively related to the PSI-SF ‘Difficult Child’ scale (r = −.34, p < .05). Regression models revealed that cognitive performance was significantly predicted by physical therapy in LP and by cesarean section in VP infants. For VP only maternal education and length of stay predicted Language score, whereas physical therapy predicted Motor score.Results of the study underline the importance of considering cognitive, language and motor developments separately when assessing a preterm child's development. Prediction models of developmental performance confirm the influence of some known neonatal risk factors and indicate the need for further research on the role of sociodemographic risk factors.  相似文献   
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