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The function relating recognition reaction time to the size of a memorized set of items is steeper when the memorized items and the probe are in two different categories, related by a memorized translation scheme, than when they are in the same category. Experiment 1 demonstrates that this “translation effect” is obtained for both familiar and unfamiliar translation schemes and further demonstrates that the zero-intercepts of the functions are lower when the probe differs from the memorized items in category than when it does not. Experiment 2 demonstrates that the slopes of the functions relating negative RT to memorized set size when probe and set are the same in category are steeper than the slopes of the corresponding positive functions just in case subjects are aware that the probe and set categories may differ. Experiment 3 demonstrates that the translations between memorized items and a probe that differ in category are done during the rehearsal of the memorized set, not after the probe is presented. Arguments are presented that rehearsal strategy determines memory comparison time, presumably through a hypothetical memory strength variable, but that direct-access strength theories that deny a memory scanning process are inadequate to account for the data.  相似文献   
It is frequently assumed that the mental activity which leads to a given response is made up of separable components or processes. One or more of the processes are assumed to contribute to the time required to respond. Computation of the mean, variance, and distribution of the reaction time is relatively straightforward when all processes are arranged in series or parallel. However, such is not the case when the processes have complex arrangements. A solution to a useful special case of the above problem is proposed. Specifically, it is shown that simple computations yield closed form expressions for the mean, variance, and distribution of reaction time when the processes can be arranged in a stochastic PERT network and when the durations of individual processes are sums of mutually independent, exponentially distributed random variables. The method of solution relies on the construction of an Order-of-Processing (OP) diagram from the original PERT network representation of behavior.  相似文献   
Because speech prosody is thought to be impaired in Broca's aphasia, we conducted three experiments using Broca's aphasics and nonneurological control subjects in order to determine to what extent this statement is accurate. Using three acoustic measures of speech prosody—sentence-final fundamental frequency (F0) fall, F0 declination, and sentence-final lengthening—we found that some aspects of prosody were spared while others were abnormal. All Broca's aphasics, regardless of degree of impairment, exhibited sentence-final F0 fall. F0 declination was present in simple sentences but was absent over longer domains; moreover, the amount of declination was correlated with the degree of linguistic impairment. Sentence-final lengthening was clearly absent in Broca's aphasia; in fact, sentence-terminal words were actually shorter than their sentence-initial and medial counterparts.  相似文献   
A left-handed woman developed visual object agnosia, prosopagnosia, and visual disorientation after resection of the right occipital lobe. Color agnosia and alexia were absent. When asked to identify objects presented visually, the patient's errors represented visually related objects (underspecifications) or perseverations. Identification was facilitated when she observed the object being used in a natural way. Identification was impaired by surrounding the object with unrelated objects, decreasing the background illumination, decreasing the duration of exposure of the object to the patient, and probably also by decreasing the visual angle subtended by the object. In addition, there were disturbances of visualization (i.e., imaging in the absence of a visual stimulus) that paralleled the perceptual difficulties. We conclude that: (1) A deficit in visual perception, characterized by insufficient feature analysis of visual stimuli, was the basis of the visual agnosia in this case. (2) The visual agnosia could not be explained by (a) a vision-language disconnection syndrome, (b) decay of visual memory traces, or (c) deficiencies in the visual fields (pathologic Funktionswandel). (3) The ability to visualize (visual imagery) probably utilizes some of the same neural pathways used in perception. (4) The results in this case probably can be generalized to some but not all cases of visual agnosia; in particular, the deficit in most previously reported patients with prosopagnosia is similar to that of our case. However, agnosic alexia and color agnosia usually have a different neuropsychological basis.  相似文献   
We analyzed patterns of recovery, according to the rules of Pitres [1895, Revue de Medecine (Paris), 15, 873–899] and Ribot (1881, Les Maladies de la Memoire, Paris: Libraire Germer Baillere et Cie, pp. 146–147), in polyglot aphasics divided into subgroups by age. The rule of Ribot did not apply predictably for any age group. Pitres' rule clearly applied, but only for the nonelderly groups. Aging and its concomitant deterioration of recent memory seem to influence patterns of recovery from aphasia in polyglots.  相似文献   
As a parallel to the dual decoding concept for processing of written language we proposed that phonological encoding does not necessarily occur in writing and that the phonemic and graphemic subsystems can be independent on the one-word level. This hypothesis was tested by comparing oral and written performance in a picture-naming task in Broca's and Wernicke's aphasics. In addition, the residual tacit knowledge of the orthographic properties of the names of the pictures was examined with a multiple-choice recognition task. The principal finding is that Broca's aphasics who were better in written than in oral naming showed more graphemically and semantically motivated errors than aphasics who were better in oral than in written naming, the latter producing more phonemically motivated errors. This result supports the dual encoding concept for writing on the singleword level, implying a direct route from the mental lexicon to the graphemic system in parallel with a route mediated by the phonemic system. Multiple-choice recognition was found to be superior to both oral and written performance in both Broca's and Wernicke's aphasics.  相似文献   
To secure information on which aspects of linguistic functioning might be mediated by the nondominant hemisphere, a test battery assessing sensitivity to narrational and humorous materials was administered to a population of right-hemisphere-damaged patients, as well as relevant control groups of normal, aging, and aphasic individuals. While elementary linguistic functioning was adequate, the right-hemisphere-injured groups exhibited consistent difficulties in respecting the boundaries of a fictive entity, assessing the plausibility of elements within a story or joke, selecting the appropriate punch line for a joke, and integrating elements of a story into a coherent narrative. Certain elements—specifically emotional content and noncanonical facts injected into a narrative—also posed characteristic difficulties for these patients. The results suggest that, in contrast to the other populations, right-hemisphere patients exhibit special difficulties in processing complex linguistic entities and in utilizing the surrounding context as they assess linguistic messages.  相似文献   
The initiation of the spontaneous gestures of Wernicke's aphasics was analyzed in relation to shifts in semantic content between the syntactic boundaries of main clauses and embedded clauses. Gestures proved more likely to arise at the initial boundaries of embedded clauses when these were semantically discontinuous with the main clause than when these were semantically related to the main clause. Spontaneous gestures may signal underlying shifts in semantic intention, thereby reflecting the difficulties encountered by Wernicke's aphasics in maintaining a coherent stream of thought across syntactic boundaries.  相似文献   
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