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Using Super's Career Pattern Study data, this study investigated the high-school age correlates of occupational stability and change among 148 men between the ages of 25 to 35. Only high-school grades were positively, though weakly, associated with both occupational stability and the degree of vocational progress that resulted from changing fields. In contrast to previous, shorter-term prediction studies, the lack of consistent relationships between high-school age correlates and adult occupational stability and change was probably due to the overriding effects of intervening events and experiences occurring between the high-school years and adulthood.  相似文献   
A series of five experiments using a total of 264 subjects investigated the effects of paired and unpaired key light (CS) and heat (US) stimuli on autoshaping the chick's key peck. Experiment 1 established that paired presentations of CS and US promoted a more rapid rise in key pecking than did randomly presented CSs and USs and that the specific sequence of stimuli under the random control procedure affected key pecking performance. Experiment 2 used a trace conditioning procedure to determine the role of the CS-US interval on autoshaping and to define empirically unpaired CSs and USs. Key pecking declined as the trace delay interval was increased from 0 to 25 sec; at 25 sec, no conditioning of key pecking occurred. Experiments 3–5 assessed the effects on autoshaped key pecking of (a) number of daily CS-US pairings, (b) added unpaired CS presentations, and (c) added unpaired US presentations, since paired and random control schedules differed in all of these respects. Reduction in the number of CS-US pairings slowed the acquisition of key pecking as did the concurrent addition of nonreinforced CSs and unsignaled USs. These results support theories of association formation that stress the effects of both paired and unpaired CSs and USs.  相似文献   
Piaget's characterization of formal operational thought and human judgment psychologists' model of bounded rationality are considered as two conflicting models dealing with the same domain of interest: the nature and limits of mature thought. Piaget's suggestion that the formal operational thinker brings the skills of hypothetico-deductive logic to deal adequately with environmental complexity is in sharp contrast with judgment psychologists' evidence that information-processing limitations and faulty reasoning leave decision makers poorly equipped to deal with their decision environments. While the two approaches have generated conflicting models, a look at the respective data bases demonstrates their complementarity. Considered together, the literatures in formal operations and bounded rationality make a formidable contribution to understanding the capacities and limits of mature cognition.  相似文献   
This paper reports a finding of hemispheric brain asymmetry for speech in short-gestation infants (mean gestational age = 36 weeks). Using a new measure—degree of reduction in limb tremors following exposure to speech stimuli compared to two control groups, one hearing orchestral music, the other no patterned stimuli—we found that speech disproportionately affected right limb movements. It is not clear whether the effect is due to asymmetries in cortical or subcortical processing. This provides evidence against the notion that brain specialization for language functions necessarily appears over time; rather, specialization for some functions (e.g., speech reception) must be present at birth.  相似文献   
Kindergarten and second-grade children (75 and 99 months of age, respectively) were first taught that the two stimuli within each of four pairs of multidimentional stimuli differed with respect to their values on every one of three bivalued dimensions: color, size, and form. Each of the eight stimuli was then presented twice, one at a time, and the child was asked either to find its duplicate (eight encoding trials) or to find its complementary mate (eight recoding trials) among the complete set of eight stimuli. Next, each of the eight stimulus compounds was presented twice as a display stimulus for 5 sec and, after a delay of 10 to 15 sec, the child was asked to find the display stimulus (eight trials of encoding plus memory) or its complement (eight trials of recoding plus memory) among the complete set. The stimuli for half the children in each age group were standard unitary compounds (e.g., a large red circle, a small blue square, etc.) and for the other half they were partitioned stimuli with their dimensional values spatially separated (e.g., large arrow, circle outline, and patch of color). Half of the children in each of these subgroups were given a basic pretraining, and the other half received extended pretraining, in recoding the stimulus attributes. The results indicated that unitary stimuli were easier to encode but the partitioned stimuli were easier to recode, that recoding was much more difficult than encoding, that extended training improved recoding performance, and that second graders were slightly better at encoding and much better at recoding than the kindergarten children. The patterns of performance on the tasks involving memory were similar to those just described. The results were discussed in terms of children's abilities to analyze multidimensional stimuli into their dimensional components.  相似文献   
Twelve aphasics with relatively preserved auditory comprehension were tested for their understanding of four adverbial sentence types expressing the temporal order of events. The relative effects of order of mention, adverbial choice, and adverbial clause placement on subjects' comprehension were investigated. Only adverbial choice was significant with aphasics producing more errors of temporal order on after than before sentences. Subjects' error patterns were not similar to those of children acquiring language. The results are discussed with respect to the theory of lexical marking and the regression hypothesis.  相似文献   
Rats were exposed to concurrent-chains schedules in which the terminal links were equal, fixed-interval (FI) schedules terminating in one or a varying number of food pellets. In most rats, choice proportions for the larger reinforcer increased with increases in reinforcer amount (e.g., from one to five food pellets). When log response ratios were plotted against log reinforcer amount ratios, the results indicated that the effects of reinforcer amount depended on the length of fixed-interval terminal links, by showing that rats undermatched their response ratios to reinforcer amount ratios with the shorter terminal links (FI 5 s, Experiment 1), whereas they overmatched with the longer terminal links (FI 20 s, Experiment 2). These results demonstrated that the manipulation of FI terminal-link schedules affected the sensitivity of choice to reinforcer amount, and are consistent with the previous findings that choice proportions for the larger of two reinforcers (one vs three food pellets) increased with increases in the length of FI terminal-link schedules.  相似文献   
An implicit assumption in the literature on functional hemispheric asymmetry is that the right hemisphere plays a special role in mental imagery. Using a definition of mental imagery as quasi-perceptual experience, we draw distinctions among visual imagery, visual recognition memory, and visuospatial abilities. We then review the research literature to evaluate the hypothesis that mental imagery is a specialized function of the right cerebral hemisphere, and find that it receives little unambiguous support. Case reports of loss of imagery are no more frequent with right than with left unilateral brain damage. Systematic studies of brain-injured patients provide some support for the hypothesis, but are also consistent with the alternative hypothesis of bilateral representation of imagery. Commissurotomized patients report dreaming and being able to form visual images. Behavioral and psychophysiological studies of non-brain-injured patients either fail to provide evidence in favor of the hypothesis or can be interpreted as compatible with the alternate hypothesis of bilateral hemispheric involvement in imagery. We conclude that there is, presently, insufficient empirical basis for considering imagery a right hemispheric function. We then discuss implications of this conclusion for future research.  相似文献   
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