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A model of therapy for adult stutterers which emphasizes the role of cognition in mediating the conditions for behavioral change is described. The philosophy of the program along with the specific forms and effects of several self-control strategies are discussed in relation to: (1) expectancy formation and the attainment of goals; (2) speech modification procedures; (3) transference of clinical gains; and (4) assessment of results. The use of cognitive restructuring procedures, self-instructional strategies, imagery and other coping skills for the management of speech-related stress is outlined. The importance of developing self-management and self-monitoring programs that clients may use in ongoing confrontations with real-life problems is emphasized in defining responsible behavior and the responsibility for change.  相似文献   
The cross-modal matching techniques that have produced scales of sensory magnitude for a variety of perceptual continua in adults were used to construct similar scales in children. Subjects were adults and children 4, 6, 8, and 12 years old. Their task was, first, to match the loudness of a 1000-Hz tone to various visual lengths, and, second, to match the length of a white tape to various loudnesses of the tone. Almost all subjects were able to perform the matching tasks; the average precision of older subjects (12 and Adult) was somewhat greater, but in each of the younger age groups a majority of subjects performed with a precision that equaled that of older subjects. The exponent of the power function that relates length and loudness does not change with age. The scale factor does change, in a way that suggests either that a given sound intensity seems softer, or, more probable, that a given length seems longer, to younger children. The success of cross-modal matching with subjects as young as 4 years means that it is possible to investigate not only single perceptual scales but also intermodal organization in young children.  相似文献   
Subjects were required to report the pitch sequence of two 10-msec tones of different frequency presented monaurally while the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between the two tones was varied. The value of the SOA at which the subjects achieved an 80% correct sequence report was determined by an adaptive procedure without feedback. This measure was compared in the right and left ears, on subjects with a right or left anterior temporal lobectomy and on a normal control group. The results reveal an elevated threshold for performing temporal order judgments in the ear contralateral to the surgical lesion.  相似文献   
Sixteen right-handed adult males with localized insult to either the right or left hemisphere and five control subjects without brain damage read aloud target sentences embedded in paragraphs, while intoning their voices in either a declarative, interrogative, happy, or sad mode. Acoustical analysis of the speech wave was performed. Right-anterior (pre-Rolandic) and right-central (pre- and post-Rolandic) brain-damaged patients spoke with less pitch variation and restricted intonational range across emotional and nonemotional domains, while patients with right posterior (post-Rolandic) damage had exaggerated pitch variation and intonational range across both domains. No such deficits were found in patients with left posterior damage, whose prosody was similar to that of normal control subjects. It is suggested that damage to the right hemisphere alone may result in a primary disturbance of speech prosody that may be independent of the disturbances in affect often noted in right-brain-damaged populations.  相似文献   
This commentary addresses itself to D.K. Lapsley and M.N. Murphy's critique (1985, Developmental Review, 5, 201–217) of my theory of egocentrism (D. Elkind, 1967, Child Development, 38, 1025–1034). These authors argue that the theory of egocentrism is inconsistent, that self-other differentiation occurs earlier than the theory suggests, and that self-consciousness does not require egocentrism. They conclude that perspective taking provides a more consistent and clear explanation of the adolescent phenomena of the imaginary audience and the personal fable than does egocentricism. I disagree and counter their arguments with my own.  相似文献   
作为现代新儒家早期思想的代表人物,马一浮先生提出了以儒家"六艺之学"统摄天下诸学的主张.这是马先生的一个创举,体现着他对传统儒学有意识地改造和发扬.作为"六艺之学"的一个分支,易学研究在马一浮先生的学术研究中无疑具有着"本体论"地位和作用,它所体现的"心之本体",不仅是"六艺"所自出的本原,也是"六艺之学"共同的目的和归宿.  相似文献   
The issue of limits in central processing capacity is of long-standing interest to psychologists. Some behaviors appear to draw on limited resources, others appear to have no resource limits. The existence of behaviors which do not compete for limited resources is suggested by the results from visual search experiments which keep constant the mapping of stimuli to responses. Behavior in such experiments is referred to as automatic detection. Results are reported which suggest, unlike the above, that resources are really quite limited in consistent mapping, visual search tasks. The results from this study (and other studies) are in agreement with a model of visual information processing behavior which assumes that the maximum number of cognitive comparison operations which can be executed simultaneously is restricted to somewhere in the neighborhood of four (the exact number depending on the subject). The model makes a strong prediction about the relation between the rate of stimulus presentation and accuracy, a prediction which is supported by the results. It is tentatively proposed that the steady-state, limited-channel model developed here may provide the beginnings of an integrated treatment of certain key results from subitizing and iconic memory experiments as well as visual search experiments.  相似文献   
We reply to three major points made by F. Horowitz (1983, Developmental Review, 3, 405–409) in her commentary on the ecological approach to infant knowing presented by E. Goldfield (1983, Developmental Review, 3, 371–404). We first clarify the relation between perceiving and acting from an ecological perspective, and distinguish between affordances as environmental properties scaled to the perceiver/performer and representations as mental structures. We then present a critique of the process of association offered by Horowitz as an explanation of infant learning. Association fails to specify the constraints on what is learned, while the ecological process of noticing affordances, presented by Goldfield, considers such constraints. We conclude by presenting operational criteria for measuring affordances and evidence that perception is scaled to the perceiver/performer.  相似文献   
This study examined employment outcome among recipients of a liberal arts BA at a state university, 1 year (N = 218) and 3 years (N = 156) after graduation. A working definition of underemployment (educationally inappropriate employment) was developed and described. The relationship of age, sex, and previous educational and occupational experience to occupational and educational outcome was examined, using cross-tabular analysis with controls to specify high-risk groups. Variables reflecting occupational outcome were each differently related to the independent variables, and many relationships changed over time. Educationally appropriate employment was related to college major and to participation in internship or work-study programs. Income and perceived stability of present job were linked to age, sex, and previous employment experience. Early unemployment was related to age, sex, previous employment experience, and inversely to grade point average. Patterns of occupational change were linked to sex, major, internships, and grade point average. Educational outcome was related to age, sex, major, grade point average, and first year employment outcome.  相似文献   
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