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近年来,贫富差距的不断加大已引起民众较为强烈的收入不公平感,而导致收入不公平感产生的一个主要原因是人们对自己收入所得不如他人的相对比较。本项目基于预期理论价值函数的参照依赖和损失规避双视角,对当前民众收入不公平感的形成机制与管理对策进行系列实证研究;采用心理测量、实验室实验和干预研究相结合的方法,并借助神经电生理的ERP技术和心理生理学的多导生理记录仪(SCR),以检验民众收入不公平感的自我-他人参照、单参照点-多参照点比较的整合性参照依赖框架;探索损失规避对多得不均等和少得不均等的非对称不公平感的根源性作用和神经生理机制;选取社区居民,操纵参照对象、参照点和得失框架,进行多轮次和多变量的干预研究,以探索减少民众收入不公平感的应对策略,并据此提出切实有效的管理对策。  相似文献   
Pike River Mine was an ordinary, everyday workplace, unremarkable, pragmatic, an industrial aesthetic inserted into a pristine landscape. Following an explosion in November 2010, 29 men became entombed in the mine and their bodies remain there. Unfolding revelations of the culpability of the mine's management and a shocking narrative of events left the mine suspended in time. As a crime scene, it remained sealed off until mid-2019, when the process of re-entry began. All of this is set within one of the country's most sublime landscapes, with lush rainforest, dripping, moist, tranquil. The living and the dead continue to communicate, families shouting names into the portal, Mines Rescue leaving a note for the dead men to read, and out of the mine flows the water that has crossed their bodies. The dead, the living, the mine, the forest, and the deep history of Māori, coalesce in the affective landscape of Pike River. This paper explores affectivity in the context of co-designing a memorial landscape with the dead men's families, local Māori, and the Department of Conservation.  相似文献   
Many treatments never seem to get off the ground. They end almost as quickly as they begin. These are often treatments of borderline, narcissistic or psychotic patients. While it is easy to dismiss these cases as failed, or unanalysable, they are valuable to study. One such case is presented.  相似文献   
The Attachment–Aversion Relationship Model proposed by Park, Eisingerich, and Park represents the latest in a series of attempts to expand, refine, and validate the increasingly popular concept of brand relationships. We find much value in the effort. We suggest, however, that researchers should avoid indiscriminate use of the term and focus on identifying the unique contribution that the notion of brand relationships can make to theory and practice. We also note how the present model could be expanded to achieve this objective.  相似文献   
在疼痛领域,基础研究传统上主要关注疼痛的感觉维度和诱发痛的机制,对疼痛的情绪维度和临床上更常见的自发痛研究较少,这造成了基础研究和临床应用的脱节.条件位置范式的诞生在一定程度上解决了这一问题.条件位置范式是研究药物奖赏和成瘾的经典范式.近10年来,它开始被应用到疼痛研究领域.本文系统总结了目前条件位置范式在疼痛领域的研究进展,主要包括应用条件位置厌恶范式研究疼痛情绪、应用条件位置偏爱范式探索自发痛机制以及进行镇痛药物筛选.最后,结合已有的研究,提出了未来条件位置范式在疼痛领域的应用方向.  相似文献   
Recent studies showed that fine motor control dysfunction was observed in fibromyalgia (FM) syndrome as well as allodynia. However, brain signatures of this association still remain unclear. In this study, finger tapping task (FTT) and median nerve stimulation (MNS) were applied to both hands of 15 FM patients and healthy controls (HC) to understand this relationship. Hemodynamic activity was measured simultaneously using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Experiments were analyzed separately by using 2x2 repeated measures ANOVA. Results for the FTT experiment revealed that HC showed higher activity than FM patients in bilateral superior parietal gyrus (SPG), left supramarginal gyrus (SMG) and right somatosensory cortex (SI). Furthermore, right-hand FTT resulted in higher activity than left-hand FTT in left SPG, left SI and right motor cortex (MI). In the MNS experiment, FM patients showed higher activity than HC in bilateral SPG, right SMG, right SI and right middle frontal gyrus (MFG). Negative correlation was observed in left SPG between FTT and MNS activities. Besides, MNS activity in left SPG was negatively correlated with left-hand pain threshold.This study revealed that left SPG might be an important indicator to associate fine motor loss and allodynia in FM.  相似文献   
《The Journal of psychology》2013,147(2):127-134
Despite a growing body of research investigating the origins and effects of food aversions, few research instruments have been developed to measure aversions to specific types or categories of food. Undergraduates (N = 209) responded to a series of food aversion questionnaires. The results suggest that people tend to be averse to 2 types of foods (vegetables and meats or fats) and to the texture and taste of certain foods (e.g., oysters). Aversions were slightly more prevalent among women than among men and were correlated with lower educational levels. The authors provide a means of advancing future research on this problem by reliably identifying 3 categories of food aversions. Future researchers should evaluate additional food categories and expand the focus on food aversions beyond the current concern with learned avoidance of specific food items.  相似文献   
Philip Pullman has repeatedly drawn attention to his commitment to 'realism' in the writing of his trilogy His Dark Materials. In this paper, which considers Volume 1, and which will be followed by papers on the succeeding volumes, we explore the meaning of this in the domain of psychic reality. We argue that Pullman writes in the tradition of children's literature which explores children's emotional development. His heroine, Lyra, embarks on a journey which involves learning to differentiate between untrustworthy and dependable parental figures. The magical features of the story allow for fluidity in exploring unconscious phantasy and dreamworlds. The 'fantasy' genre of the story allows its author at the same time to explore many aspects of the contemporary world and its problems, and thus offers its readers an experience of intellectual as well as emotional adventure. Philip Pullman machte wiederholt auf seine Verpflichtung an 'Realismus' in seinem Schreiben der Trilogie His dark Materials aufmerksam. In diesem Artikel, der den ersten Band betrachtet und dem weitere Artikel über die folgenden Bände folgen werden, erforschen wir die Bedeutung dieser Ausssage im Bereich der psychischen Realität. Wir argumentieren, dass Pullman in der Tradition der Kinderliteratur schreibt, die die emotionale Entwicklung von Kindern exploriert. Seine Heldin Lyra tritt eine Reise an, die beinhaltet zu lernen, wie man zwischen unzuverlässigen und verlässlichen Elternfiguren unterscheidet. Die magischen Anteile der Geschichte erlauben eine Fluidität, um unbewusste Phantasie und Traumwelten zu explorieren. Das 'Phantasie'genre der Geschichte erlaubt dem Autor, viele Aspekte der zeitgenössischen Welt und ihre Probleme zu explorieren und bietet den Lesern ein Erlebnis sowohl eines intellektuellen wie auch emotionalen Abenteuers. Dans plusieurs passages de sa trilogie À la Croisée des Chemins (His Dark Materials), Philip Pullman attire l'attention de ses lecteurs sur son parti pris de «réalisme». Dans cet article, qui traite du premier tome et qui sera suivi d'autres commentaires sur les tomes restants, les auteurs en explorent la signification pour la réalité psychique; selon eux, les textes de P. Pullman prennent place dans la tradition de la littérature enfantine ayant pour thème le développement émotionnel de l'enfant. Lyra, héroïne du récit, s'embarque pour un voyage qui, pour partie, exige qu'elle apprenne À différencier les figures parentales qui ne sont pas dignes de confiance de celles qui sont autrement plus fiables. Les aspects magiques de l'histoire permettent une certaine fluidité dans l'exploration des phantasmes inconscients et du monde onirique. Puisqu'il s'agit d'un récit «fantastique», le romancier peut s'autoriser À explorer plusieurs aspects du monde contemporain et des problèmes qui s'y manifestent; ce faisant, il propose À ses lecteurs de vivre une aventure non seulement émotionnelle mais aussi intellectuelle. L'autore ha ripetutamente sottolineato la sua fedelta' al 'realismo' nella stesura della trilogia His dark materials. In questo articolo, che esamina il volume 1, e che sara' seguito da altri articoli sui volumi successivi, gli autori esplorano che cosa questo significhi in termini psichici. Gli autori sostengono che gli scritti di Pullman si collochino nell'ambito della tradizione della letteratura infantile nella quale viene esplorato lo sviluppo emotivo dei bambini. L'eroina del libro, Lyra, intraprende un viaggio nel quale imparera' a distinguere tra figure genitoriali di cui non ci si puo' fidare e altre da cui si puo' dipendere. Le caratteristiche magiche del romanzo danno fluidita' all'esplorazione delle fantasie inconscie e del mondo dei sogni. Allo stesso tempo, il genere 'fantastico' della storia da' la possibilita' all'autore di esplorare molti degli aspetti del mondo contemporaneo e dei suoi problemi, dando quindi al lettore la possibilita' di un'esperienza intellettuale oltre che di un'avventura emotiva.  相似文献   
本研究考察社会比较对大学生公平感知的影响,并探讨主观社会经济地位在其中的调节作用。控制社会比较的方向、不公平程度及有无代价等因素,结果发现,社会比较会影响大学生的公平感知,在向上社会比较条件下,大学生更愿意选择平等选项;主观社会经济地位能够调节社会比较对大学生公平感知的影响,低主观社会经济地位大学生在向下社会比较时更愿意选择平等选项。大学生具有较强的公平感知,关注自身利益是否最大化。  相似文献   
Using a risky-choice framing paradigm, we investigated (a) the extent to which psychopathic features shape behavioral responses to potential losses vs. potential gains and (b) how these relations bear on real-world economic decision-making in a community sample (N =  475). Associations among psychopathic features, risk-seeking, sensitivity to framing, and financial practices were also examined. Disinhibition manifested positive relations with risk-seeking and maladaptive financial practices, whereas boldness manifested positive relations with risk-seeking and adaptive financial practices. Individuals high in disinhibition and/or meanness were significantly less likely to endorse risk seeking in negative frames. Results provisionally suggest boundary conditions for framing effects; in particular, certain psychopathic traits may render individuals modestly less susceptible to framing or bias them towards risk-taking in positive frames.  相似文献   
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