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Transitive tasks are important for understanding how children develop socio-cognitively. However, developmental research has been restricted largely to questions surrounding maturation. We asked 6-, 7- and 8-year-olds (N?=?117) to solve a composite of five different transitive tasks. Tasks included conditions asking about item-C (associated with the marked relation) in addition to the usual case of asking only about item-A (associated with the unmarked relation). Here, children found resolving item-C much easier than resolving item-A, a finding running counter to long-standing assumptions about transitive reasoning. Considering gender perhaps for the first time, boys exhibited higher transitive scores than girls overall. Finally, analysing in the context of one recent and well-specified theory of spatial transitive reasoning, we generated the prediction that reporting the full series should be easier than deducing any one item from that series. This prediction was not upheld. We discuss amendments necessary to accommodate all our earlier findings.  相似文献   
Research on contingency judgement typically shows cell weight inequality such that the information in cell A of a contingency table is considered more relevant than the information in cell D, even though both kinds of information have the same confirmatory meaning. Two studies tested whether goal-driven reasoning can lead people to realise the value of the information in cell D. Participants' goal to defend a particular conclusion for which the information in cell D was helpful was manipulated. Whereas participants who did not have that goal displayed the usual cell D neglect, goal-driven participants for whom cell D contained goal-relevant information considered it important. More importantly, in subsequent tasks with different contents where participants were no longer driven by any goal, they continued to consider information in cell D relevant (Study 1), and they were more likely to make correct contingency judgements, which depended on considering cell D (Study 2).  相似文献   
The domain of "procedural ethics" is the set of reflective and deliberative methods that maximize the reliability of moral judgment. While no general algorithmic method exists that will guarantee the validity of ethical deliberation, non-algorithmic "heuristic" methods can guide and inform the process, making it significantly more robust and dependable. This essay examines various representative heuristic procedures commonly recommended for use in applied ethics, maps them into a uniform set of twelve stages, identifies common faults, then shows how the resulting stage-by-stage decision-making model could be adapted for general use and for use in computer ethics.  相似文献   
范畴三段论推理中信念偏差效应的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
王沛  李晶 《心理科学》2003,26(6):1020-1024
本研究利用三段论评价任务,分析了已有信念与三段论逻辑状态间的交互影响,探讨了三段论推理判断中信念偏差的存在与作用机制,同时从信念偏差角度对心理模型理论进行了初步验证。结果发现:1.范畴三段论推理的逻辑判断过程中存在信念偏差效应;2.信念偏差效应以逻辑状态与结论可信性交互作用的方式存在;3当逻辑结果与信念相一致时,信念会促进逻辑反应,反之则妨碍逻辑反应;4.信念偏差效应对逻辑有效、结论不可信的单模型三段论问题影响最大,而对逻辑有效、结论不可信的多模型三段论问题相对影响最小。  相似文献   
认知风格、内外向性、情绪稳定性与图形推理效果的关系   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
王有智 《心理科学》2003,26(6):1077-1081
采用EFT、EPQ和RSPM-CR量表对156名理科大学生进行测量研究,结果发现:场独立性认知风格在图形系统变化、系列关系、抽象推理方面,较场依存性有明显优势;情绪稳定性高者图形推理的总体效果显著优于情绪稳定性低者;内向性者与外向性者的图形推理效果无显著差异;认知风格、情绪稳定性与图形推理总分有显著正相关,认知风格的正向预测力居首位。  相似文献   
K. Helmut Reich 《Zygon》2003,38(3):633-641
The prophets Nathan (2 Samuel 12:1–15) and John the Baptist (Mark 6:16–28) had comparable tasks before them: to convince their respective kings about the wrongs of taking somebody else's wife and marrying her. Nathan succeeded, while John failed and furthermore lost his life. What made the difference? One possible explanation is that Nathan proceeded in two steps: (1) Tell an interesting, nonthreatening story that nevertheless makes the point at issue; (2) transfer that message to the case at hand. In contrast, John used a direct approach, which raised apprehension, even fear (on the part of Herodias, the woman involved), and led to failure. That lesson has wider applications, as illustrated here for teaching the biblical Genesis narration. The other ingredient in this teaching is relational and contextual reasoning (RCR), the use of which is also indicated for other issues besides teaching Genesis.  相似文献   
双陈述任务下演绎推理的错觉   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘志雅  赵冬梅  郑雪 《心理学报》2003,35(5):636-642
研究了双陈述任务下的复合命题推理和三段论推理的错觉。被试为暨南大学本科生60名。使用冠有“只有一个陈述是正确的”作为限制条件的双陈述推理任务。实验1为纯命题任务,实验2为角色化任务。t检验的结果表明被试只考虑了正确的陈述,却忽略了错误的陈述而出现推理的错觉。结果支持了心理模型理论中的正面表征原则,初步提出正反信息转换机制的观点。  相似文献   
复合命题理解能力的发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
采用命题-图形匹配实验法,探讨了儿童、少年和青年人三个阶段的5种类型复合命题理解能力的发展.结果表明:(1)随着年龄增长,复合命题理解能力迅速提高;(2)对复合命题理解的难易,决定于构建的心理模型的数目.理解能力的发展根据心理模型的类型呈现不同的步调,单模型命题的理解在小学阶段已经很好地获得发展,双模型命题则在初中阶段获得较好的发展,三模型命题发展较迟,直至成年仍需发展.  相似文献   
Political attitudes can be associated with moral concerns. This research investigated whether people's level of political sophistication moderates this association. Based on the Moral Foundations Theory, this article examined whether political sophistication moderates the extent to which reliance on moral foundations, as categories of moral concerns, predicts judgements about policy positions. With this aim, two studies examined four policy positions shown by previous research to be best predicted by the endorsement of Sanctity, that is, the category of moral concerns focused on the preservation of physical and spiritual purity. The results showed that reliance on Sanctity predicted political sophisticates' judgements, as opposed to those of unsophisticates, on policy positions dealing with equal rights for same‐sex and unmarried couples and with euthanasia. Political sophistication also interacted with Fairness endorsement, which includes moral concerns for equal treatment of everybody and reciprocity, in predicting judgements about equal rights for unmarried couples, and interacted with reliance on Authority, which includes moral concerns for obedience and respect for traditional authorities, in predicting opposition to stem cell research. Those findings suggest that, at least for these particular issues, endorsement of moral foundations can be associated with political attitudes more strongly among sophisticates than unsophisticates.  相似文献   
Implicit learning involves picking up information from the environment without explicit instruction or conscious awareness of the learning process. In nonhuman animals, conscious awareness is impossible to assess, so we define implicit learning as occurring when animals acquire information beyond what is required for successful task performance. While implicit learning has been documented in some nonhuman species, it has not been explored in prosimian primates. Here we ask whether ring‐tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) learn sequential information implicitly. We tested lemurs in a modified version of the serial reaction time task on a touch screen computer. Lemurs were required to respond to any picture within a 2 × 2 grid of pictures immediately after its surrounding border flickered. Over 20 training sessions, both the locations and the identities of the images remained constant and response times gradually decreased. Subsequently, the locations and/or the identities of the images were disrupted. Response times indicated that the lemurs had learned the physical location sequence required in original training but did not learn the identity of the images. Our results reveal that ring‐tailed lemurs can implicitly learn spatial sequences, and raise questions about which scenarios and evolutionary pressures give rise to perceptual versus motor‐implicit sequence learning.  相似文献   
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