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郭昆  李朝义 《心理学报》1995,28(2):167-173
研究了在亮度对比与等亮度颜色对比的条件下,受试者分辨随机点阵立体图对的立体视敏度(最小视差).结果表明:(1)在亮度对比条件下,立体视敏度随对比度的增加而增加,10%的对比度即可引起立体视知觉,对比度大于30%时达到饱和;(2)在亮度对比与等亮度颜色对比两种不同的条件下,受试者的立体视敏度不存在有统计学意义的差异;(3)当双眼分别接受不同颜色的等亮度立体图刺激时,与亮度对比条件相比,受试者的立体视敏度无明显差异;(4)当受试者双眼分别接受由亮度对比和颜色对比形成的立体图刺激时,只有当颜色对比图中图形与背景间的对比度超过等亮度值38%以上时,才能形成立体视知觉.以上结果提示,大、小细胞系统(包括斑点系统与斑点间系统)均参与立体视知觉信息的传递.  相似文献   
More than six decades after Freud's death, psychoanalysts are certainly not more unified in their view of the concept of the unconscious—its structure and its way of working—than in ‘the good old days’. Challenges are facing psychoanalysis from many perspectives, urging psychoanalysts to continuously reconsider their theoretical grounds. This paper pursues three lines of argumentation concerning the Unconscious. The first line concerns the relation to neuroscience and this paper suggests the concept of background feelings (Damasio) as a contribution to another understanding of deficits in the psychoanalytic relationship. The second line concerns the relation to cognitive semiotics, and here, the paper stresses the concept of basic image sehemata as a possible link between the subject's pre-reflective awareness of the other and the internal world of phantasy. The third line pursues a concept of the analytic interpretation which is close to the Freudian idea that psychoanalysis is the communication between two Unconscious, and, consequently, that the psycho-analytic interpretation is not per se a conscious act.  相似文献   
This article tenders an inaugural discussion of how conceptual change theory can contribute to deeper understandings of what is conceptually involved when people attempt (or succeed) to transition from multi- and interdisciplinarity to transdisciplinarity. After explaining the nuances of Newtonian thinking (framed as formal rather than postformal thinking), the article shares a comparison of multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinarity along four dimensions. Special attention is given to Nicolescuian transdisciplinarity, an approach predicated on the new sciences of quantum physics, chaos theory, and living systems theory (rather than Newtonian and Cartesian thinking). Nicolescuian transdisciplinarity is a new methodology for creating knowledge and it comprises three axioms: multiple Levels of Reality and the Hidden Third; the Logic of the Inclusive Middle; and, knowledge as complex, emergent, and embodied. The discussion then turns to an overview of three basic approaches to conceptual change theory: knowledge as theory, knowledge as elements, and knowledge as context. The author then applies conceptual change theory to understand what is involved in moving toward transdisciplinary thinking, including four elements necessary for conceptual change to occur (intelligibility, plausibility, fruitfulness, and dissatisfaction with existing conceptualizations and mental models). The article concludes with the idea that transdisciplinary thinking is a form of postformal thinking (especially paradigmatic order thinking) and suggests that future conceptual shifts toward transdisciplinarity involve achieving a transdisciplinary conceptual tipping point.  相似文献   
The language through which scientific advancements are relayed reflects specific social, political, and cultural needs and expectations, as well as specific constellations of hopes and anxieties. Constructions and applications of atomic discourse provide a material touchstone that is no less tangible than any other aspect of scientific enquiry. The 1970s New Age movement saw the deployment of quantum concepts with the publication of Fritjov Capra's (1975) widely popular The Tao of Physics and Gary Zukav's (1979) The Dancing Wu Li Masters, and from these publications the notions of quantum consciousness and quantum mysticism were born. In the late twentieth and early twenty-first century, the post-New Age concept of quantum healing began to structure a cluster of self-help programs, while at the same time quantum ‘get-rich’ schemes developed a presence on the internet. In these reconfigurations of the quantum, atomic particles have been transformed into vivified ‘agents’ whose unique movements and interactions promise to secure health, happiness, and wealth to self-directed and depoliticized consumers. The commodification inherent in this process extends increasingly to encompass areas of subjectivity—for example, spirituality—that historically have been considered immune to overt commercialization. This extension of the commodification process is evidenced in the way that quantum methodologies are commercialized and then sold to people as a means of advancing, not just their financial interests, but their spiritual well-being as well. The new economy of the atom also emerges from the late-twentieth and early twenty-first century retreat from the public sphere and the attendant atrophy of the public sphere as a site of interpersonal engagement. At the same time, the invocation and application of quantum rhetoric touches on a deep contemporary sense of being unmoored and the need for structured guidance as a means toward a renewed sense of control over one's life. The nomadic quality of quantum language and concepts ensures that, no matter what an individual's complaint or desire, there exists a quantum strategy to ameliorate or realize it. This remarkable adaptability marks twenty-first century quantum language as unique, not only within the discipline of physics, but also relative to all fields of scientific inquiry.  相似文献   
The objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between different components of an auditory warning signal and determine elderly driver’s detection, criticality and urgency perceptions under varied auditory warning conditions. A laboratory study was conducted involving 28 younger and 28 older adults. A pure-tone audiogram was administered for quantification of the participant’s hearing level (in dBHL) prior to the test protocols. Audiogram was conducted in a sound isolated booth. The main experiment investigated the effects of frequency, temporal characteristics, aging, and noise on detectability, caution and perceived urgent levels. Method of adjustment was used by the subjects to adjust the sound pressure level (dBA) till they detected, or felt caution or urgent. Overall, the results indicated that elderly had higher sound pressure threshold than younger individuals in all the sessions (i.e., detectability, caution and urgency). Elderly were found to have higher hearing thresholds especially at 4000 Hz. Higher frequencies were also seen to require less sound pressure thresholds to convey feeling of caution and urgency. Sound pressure threshold to convey the feeling of urgency was the lowest for 2000 Hz and 4000 Hz with 1000 Hz requiring the highest threshold intensity. In conclusion, current study findings suggest frequency, temporal and spectral components to influence a person’s criterion. We would recommend the use of complex tones (multi-components) having high frequency around 2000 Hz for detection, warning and urgent conditions.  相似文献   
用amplaid455型电子纯音听力计对100名听力障碍者及100名正常人进行纯音听阈测试并进行听阈水平级的ABLB测试。结果,听力障碍者临床所测听阈值与实际听阈值不一致,共误差程度与正常人相比差异显著(P<0.05),且听力障碍者听阈水平的双耳主观响度变异非常显著(P<0.01)。此现象的发现提示,在对有听力障碍的被试进行ABLB及纯音检测时应注意随机变化的感觉因素的作用。  相似文献   
Ernst P 《心理科学进展》2011,19(6):775-793
时间加工是认知加工的内在属性。因此, 理解发生在知觉或更广泛的认知过程中的时间加工极为重要。为了应对中枢信息加工所面临的外部挑战, 大脑显然已形成了一些用于整合信息的特殊时间窗。已经发现, 其中一个时间窗介于数十毫秒的范围内, 它用于为意识活动产生必要的建构单元。来自反应时、时序阈限以及神经元结构振荡反应的研究为该时间窗的存在提供了实证证据。另一个时间窗的作用范围是2~3秒, 它用于产生“主观现在感”或作为使知觉体的标识保持不变的时间整合区间。支持该窗口存在的实验证据来自时距再现、两可图形、感觉运动同步以及神经生理学研究。还有一种时间窗以昼夜节律的形式存在。所有的心理和生理功能似乎都有着24小时的周期性变化。时间窗的紊乱会以神经或精神疾病的形式表现出来, 这恰恰表明了在基础研究之外对时间加工进行研究的重要性。  相似文献   
探讨并实现了一种阈限测量的算法——强迫选择法和变形阶梯法结合的算法。首先回顾了强迫选择法和变形阶梯法在阈限测量发展中的地位,然后分别说明这两种算法的原理,最后通过采用这种结合算法的人体电流感觉测量系统进行实验,说明了两种方法的结合是一种较好的阈限测量算法。实验结果表明,采用这种算法来实现阈限的自动测量,快速,稳定,具有良好的可重复性。  相似文献   
李宏汀  葛列众  罗静 《心理科学》2006,29(4):878-881,877
本研究采用熟悉人脸和平均人脸照片作为实验材料对人脸结构信息单维变化对人脸认知影响进行了系统的研究。结果表明:(1)随着人脸结构信息的改变,被试对人脸正确辨认的变化趋势可分为不变区、快速增长区、高原区三个区域。(2)熟悉人脸结构信息单维变化的认知阈限值:眼睛移动为0.19°视角;鼻子移动为0.24°视角;嘴巴移动为0.20°视角。平均人脸分别为:眼睛移动为0.15°视角;鼻子移动为0.16°视角;嘴巴移动为0.16°视角。(3)在人脸单维结构信息变化的各维度上,平均人脸的认知阈限值要小于熟悉人脸的认知阈限值。  相似文献   
Effects of task uncertainty on decision thresholds in a multiple cue decision task were examined under two types of feedback and three base rate conditions. In most such decision experiments, participants receive feedback after every trial (full feedback) with a single (usually .5) base rate. Our experiment explored conditional (decision‐contingent) feedback, in a task representing a detection problem (passenger screening) in which the decision maker receives no feedback unless the decision is positive (search the passenger). Increased uncertainty made all dependent measures worse. Task uncertainty had detrimental effects on both judgment and decision making, and interacted with effects of feedback and base rate. Decision performance was better with full feedback than with conditional feedback, but not by much. There may be no single unifying explanation for results of our base rate manipulation. Conditional feedback generally resulted in fewer positive decisions than full feedback, but not in the low (.1) base rate condition. Results provide partial support for constructivist encoding and for accuracy maximization with moderate and high base rates, but not with a low base rate. Our results indicated lower selection rates with conditional feedback compared with full feedback in moderate and high base rate conditions, and a more exploratory strategy with higher selection rates with conditional feedback compared with full feedback when base rate was low. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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