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A direct chill (DC) cast Al-15% Si alloy was processed by hot rolling with a single pass at a temperature of 520°C with a thickness reduction of 80%. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to investigate the evolution of the sample’s microstructure. After hot rolling, silicon particles homogeneously distributed in the Al matrix with fine equiaxed grains of average size ~ 0.95?μm. High-angle boundaries (HABs) (about ~75.8% in percentage) dominate in the Al matrix structure. There is evidence for Si-particle-stimulated continuous dynamic recrystallization (CDRX) during hot rolling.  相似文献   
王苏  傅永聚 《管子学刊》2011,(3):49-52,90
先秦儒家十分强调“礼”对于个体修身养性的重要性。他们认为,道德修养的价值就在于成就德性自我,在礼义规范的认同、体验中确立个体的道德主体地位,从而将外在的礼义约束转化为内心的道德自觉,进而成就理想人格,达到道德境界。  相似文献   
对竞和的现代从商之道进行企业伦理解读,我们不难发现,企业如果以竞和为自己的从商之道,必能形成一幅企业内部和谐、外部和顺、整体协调以及企业与整个社会义利共生的和谐图景。而这种义利共生的和谐图景,带给企业和社会的也不只是遵循企业伦理原则之义,还有和实生物、和气生财、和能致祥以及和成天下之利。  相似文献   
阎书昌 《心理学报》2018,50(8):920-928
据史料表明, 中国人执权居士于1872年在《申报》上首创了学科名称“心理(学)”一词, 这要早于日本学者西周1875年公开使用“心理学”一词。本文判定晚清的持平叟、执权居士、持平子、持平居士、公道老人均系同一人, 即朱逢甲。朱逢甲饱读经书, 国学底蕴深厚, 并在襄助传教士办报纸过程中接触到了西学, 具有了现代学科意识。1871年, 他在讨论中国传统相术时, 曾在心理学意义上使用过“心之理与事”一词, 为其创制“心理(学)”一词奠定了基础。中学与西学的交融与碰撞是朱逢甲创制“心理学”这一学科名称的时代与文化背景。尽管“心理(学)”一词首先由中国知识分子创制, 但因西学在中国晚清时期发展的延缓和曲折, 故没有像日本学者西周使用“心理学”一词之后在日本学界产生更为深远的影响。  相似文献   
南洋华侨在当地生活中仍广泛使用中医药,一些国家和地区逐渐形成了具有相当规模与水平的中医药专业群体。南洋中医在应用中医药的同时,还根据中医的方土理论,探讨了中医药在当地应用的特色,他们通过与中国的比较,提出了中医理论是否适应于五洲万国的问题。以黎伯概为代表的医家,强调作为中医核心理论的阴阳五行学说,同样可适用于中国区域以外的地区,但也需要借鉴现代科学知识来更新与变革。南洋医家的探索,表明华侨不仅是传播中医的先导,也对中医药理论有创造性的发展。  相似文献   
Fei Lan 《亚洲哲学》2016,26(4):311-328
The Confucian classic the Liji 禮記 defines ‘desire’ as ‘the arousal of nature’. In line with this classical definition, Dai Zhen 戴震 (1724–1777) sees desire as human nature in activation. However, while the Liji ascribes human deceits and debauchery to the susceptibility of human nature, Dai Zhen speaks highly of its responsiveness and receptivity. This article discusses Dai Zhen’s conception of desire and argues that Dai Zhen distinguishes himself from other Confucian moral thinkers by bringing to light the dimension of the Other in addressing the issue of desire. As the Confucian tradition has long been disturbed by an anxiety to keep desire in check, Dai Zhen draws our attention to how to cultivate the affective faculty inherent in human nature to develop our sensitivity to the needs and desires of others, especially those of the widow, the orphan, the solitary, the sick, and the weak.  相似文献   
The theory of growing up in spirit is the core of Li Zhi’s thought. The theory attempts to get rid of the limit of the rigid ethical doctrine of Confucianism and to encourage growth in a helpful person for the benefit of the country, which demands both a free environment of society and enough courage and insight of the individual. At the same time, the criterion of growing up in spirit indicates the limitation of Li Zhi’s thought. His free exploration, however, provides various revelations for us. Translated from Journal of Wuhan University, 2005:4 by Yang Xu  相似文献   
魏伯阳的《周易参同契》运用西汉及东汉早期的象数易学 ,通过观象、立卦、“拟诸其形容” ,使无形的不易感触的微观的运动 ,摆脱感观的局限而诉诸于形容 ,将丹道与易道结合 ,以推阐还丹之理 ,使丹术得以升华 ,同时又引导道教完成了由外丹向内丹的转化。正是《参同契》的丹术对《周易》原理的精妙运用 ,使它通过神仙方术和炼丹术的形式 ,接续了中国文化所固有的传统理念 ,承转了中国文化的慧命 ,故而使《周易参同契》在中国道教史、易学史和科技史上享有崇高的地位  相似文献   
陈立先生撰写《平话心理科学向何处去》一文蕴涵着丰富的方法论价值与深邃的人文关切,对于活跃当今中国心理学的发展具有不可低估的意义。谨以该文纪念陈立先生,进而引发相关的一些思考,以期对中国心理学的健康发展有所裨益。  相似文献   
本文不同意蔡仁厚把"三"释为三才、三光、三教等,认为"三"有明确性,且传达着尚中和的儒家意识;反对将"离中"解成"中宜离以显其用",认为"离中"即附丽中道.进而提出"三"为<离>卦之数,"离中"则源于<离>六二爻,牟宗三的名字寄予着对德业双修的期望--如丽(离)中天的事业,中正美好的德行.  相似文献   
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