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蔡厚德 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1394-1397
采用半视野速示术对48名英语专业硕士研究生进行词汇判别的语义启动实验,检查中一英双语者词汇语义通达可能存在的大脑功能偏侧化与合作效应.结果提示:(1)相对熟练的中一英双语者L1(中文)和L2(英文)均可直接通达一个共同的词汇语义概念表征系统,但L1可以通过两半球,而L2可能主要依赖于大脑右半球;(2)跨语言条件出现了半球间语义通达的合作优势效应.  相似文献   
Racial asymmetry, the circumstance of having a teacher’s race differ from that of his or her student’s race, is often considered important because most Black students are taught by White teachers. This paper analyzes data from a nationally representative sample of students and teachers to ascertain the extent to which Black and White teachers differ in their evaluations of the work habits of their Black pupils. Unlike most other investigations on this topic, we explored the likelihood that subject matter and school demographics influence teacher-student relationships beyond the more visible factors of racial symmetry or asymmetry. Our analyses of NELS: 88 data using this framework reveal an inconsistent racial effect on teachers’ evaluations of Black students. The ratings of African American pupils by both Black and White teachers seem to be influenced by both the academic subject they teach and the demographic characteristic of the school. We discuss these findings and suggest avenues for further study.
Roger ShouseEmail:
A preliminary evaluation of the correspondence between functional analysis outcomes across settings was conducted with 2 children who had been diagnosed with autism and who engaged in challenging behavior. Differences across settings (a therapy room and a classroom) were demonstrated in ABAB reversal designs. Three potential patterns of results that may occur when comparing functional analyses across environments are described, and one possible explanation for the occurrence of discrepancies between environments (differing learning histories within separate environments) is offered.  相似文献   
Functional communication training (FCT; Carr & Durand, 1985) is a commonly used differential reinforcement procedure for replacing problem behavior with socially acceptable alternative responses. Most studies in the FCT literature consist of demonstrations of the maintenance of responding when various treatment components (e.g., extinction, punishment) are present and absent (e.g., Fisher et al., 1993; Wacker et al., 1990). Relatively little research on FCT has (a) evaluated the conditions under which alternative responses are acquired or (b) described procedures with technological precision. Thus, additional research on a cogent technology for response acquisition appears to be warranted. In the current study, we evaluated the efficacy of exposing problem behavior to extinction for inducing response variability as a tool for selecting an alternative response during FCT. Once participants engaged in appropriate alternative responses, the reinforcer identified in the functional analysis as maintaining problem behavior was delivered contingent on the alternative behavior. Results showed that exposing problem behavior to extinction was a useful method for producing alternative behaviors during FCT.  相似文献   
To test the assumptions of two models of timing, Scalar Expectancy Theory (SET) and Learning to Time (LeT), nine pigeons were exposed to two temporal discriminations, each signaled by a different cue. On half of the trials, pigeons learned to choose a red key after a 1.5-s horizontal bar and a green key after a 6-s horizontal bar; on the other half of the trials, they learned to choose a blue key after a 6-s vertical bar and a yellow key after a 24-s vertical bar. During subsequent test trials, they were exposed to the horizontal or vertical bar, for durations ranging from 1.5 to 24 s, and given a choice between novel key combinations: red vs. yellow, or green vs. blue. Results showed a strong effect of sample duration—as the test signal duration increased, preference for green over blue increased and preference for red over yellow decreased. The effect of sample cue was obtained only on the green-blue test trials. These effects are discussed in light of SET and LeT.  相似文献   
轻度认知损伤(mild cognitive impairment, MCI)是介于正常老化和痴呆之间的过渡阶段。近年来, 执行控制的损伤被认为是MCI的核心特征之一。当前, 在MCI执行控制的领域内, 对冲突监控与解决的特征及其神经机制的研究较少。本研究拟通过认知及情绪冲突实验范式, 结合脑成像技术, 探讨遗忘型MCI (amnestic MCI, aMCI)认知和情绪冲突的监控与解决的特征及相应的脑激活模式; 通过对比aMCI和正常老年人在认知和情绪冲突任务中激活的神经环路, 考察aMCI是否在执行加工的神经网络上存在激活异常。在上述研究基础上, 研究者拟探讨aMCI在执行控制的冲突监控与解决上是否存在一般性的损伤机制, 同时试图寻找aMCI在执行控制的冲突监控与解决方面的认知及神经生物学标记。这对深入理解痴呆的发病进程并有针对性的开展痴呆的早期识别与干预具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   
<周易>思想是阳明心学的思想渊源之一.其知行合一说与致良知说都运用了<周易>的思想资源,将"内求于心"的道德内求思想发挥到极致,完善地表达了关于本体、工夫一致的思想,最终的目的则是成就一种光明俊伟的人格,使人的自然生命和道德生命在本质上获得圆融一致的和谐.  相似文献   
全球化具有两面性:作为现代性之结果的全球化进程向作为本土文化之结晶的中国哲学提出了严重的挑战,但全球化的后现代特征却为中国哲学的回归和重建创造了历史性的机遇。在此背景之下,原来按照西方哲学框架建立起来的中国哲学史学科,面临着转换研究范式和叙述方式的艰巨任务。中国哲学与西方哲学之间的关系不是从属性的,而是相互独立的两种哲学形态,它们具有不同的范式,而且相互之间不可通约。所以,当代的中国哲学研究不应该以西方哲学为典范和标准,而应该以之为参照系和对话伙伴,通过现时代“视域”与古典哲学“视域”的相互“交融”,对于现实的哲学问题给出中国哲学的解答。  相似文献   
Although ample research has shown that decisions may cause regret and that the anticipation of regret may influence decision-making, this previous research was largely limited to hypothetical choices with student participants. The current research replicates and extends these findings for real life lottery participation decisions in non-student samples. Four studies are reported in which two lotteries in the Netherlands, the Postcode Lottery and the National State Lottery, were compared. The State Lottery is a traditional lottery in which one has to buy a ticket with a number printed on it. In the Postcode Lottery, one’s postcode is the ticket number, and hence even if not participating one may still find out that one would have won had one played. As our research shows, this particular feedback that is present in the Postcode Lottery but absent in the State Lottery influences the level of anticipated post-decisional regret, and moderates the influence that anticipated regret has on lottery participation. Study 1, 100 street interviews, confirmed our expectations that the Postcode Lottery may elicit regret. Study 2 found under controlled conditions, that people anticipate more regret over not playing when there is feedback about the neighbors winning a prize in the Postcode Lottery than in the State Lottery. However, when this feedback is absent they anticipate equal amounts of regret over not playing. Study 3 replicated these findings for regret, while showing that the two lotteries do not differ with respect to envy and jealousy, emotions that might also be invoked in this context. Study 4 validated that, as we predicted, anticipations of post-decisional regret influence decisions to play the Postcode lottery, but not the State Lottery. These findings demonstrate the external and discriminant validity of anticipated regret for decision-making, and indicate its pragmatic relevance. The implications or recent developments in regret research are discussed.  相似文献   
Research on information exchange in group decision making has frequently assumed that information items have independent meanings. Relaxing this assumption raises new issues and presents new possibilities. In the experiment presented here, dyads worked on hidden profile decision tasks in which pairs of unshared information items had interdependent meanings. Dyad decisions were more likely to be accurate when each pair of interdependent items was allocated to a single member (a “connected” hidden profile) than when each pair of interdependent items was separated between the two members (a “disconnected” hidden profile). These information distributions influenced the degree to which dyads considered unshared information. Cognitive load was manipulated, and it impaired decision makers’ ability to identify connections among interdependent information items. The differentiated distribution of information inherent in transactive memory systems moderated the negative effects of cognitive load on dyad decisions.  相似文献   
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