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Experiment 1 studied the effect of several Pavlovian appetitive conditioning procedures on rats' headpoking into a food tray (goal tracking). The procedures included forward delay conditioning, CS-alone extinction, differential conditioning, and simultaneous compound conditioned inhibition training. In general, the headpoke behaved in all of these treatments much like a Pavlovian CR; however, one could also say that the headpoke behaved like an adventitiously reinforced operant for which the CS was an SD. Experiment 2, therefore, used the differential-nondifferential technique (E. Gamzu & D. R. Williams, Science, 1971, 171, 923–925), and Experiment 3 used an omission technique (F. D. Sheffield, in W. F. Prokasy, Ed., Classical conditioning, New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1965; D. R. Williams & H. Williams, Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 1969, 12, 511–520), to try to separate the role of stimulus-reinforcer and response-reinforcer relations in controlling the headpoke. These techniques proved inadequate. The results of Experiment 2 could be given either operant or Pavlovian interpretations. Those of Experiment 3 showed that headpoking is dominated by response-reinforcer, rather than by stimulus-reinforcer, relations when the two compete but forced no conclusion about which dominates when the two act together as in acquisition. Implications for pigeon autoshaping are discussed.  相似文献   
The immediate effects of thought-stopping applied to depressive thoughts were compared to those of a control procedure in a group of depressed psychiatric day-patients. Thought-stopping had only a weak effect on average in reducing the frequency of depressive thoughts, and no significant effects on depressed mood or corrugator EMG. A small significant effect on anxious mood appeared related to non-specific factors. The results raise the possibility that thought-stopping may have little specific effect in reducing the frequency of unwanted thoughts. Corrugator EMG was significantly related to the frequency of spontaneously occurring depressive thoughts both between and within subjects.  相似文献   
Subjects studied either faces composed from visual features or verbal facts composed from concepts. Recognition times were increased for both faces and facts when they were composed of elements that occurred in multiple study items. In Experiment 1 the interfering effect of other study items was much larger for verbal facts than for faces. This difference was largely eliminated in Experiment 2 where care was taken to control the features by which the faces were encoded. Experiment 2 also showed that verbal information could interfere with pictorial information and vice versa. However, this cross-modality interference was much weaker than within-modality interference. The data are consistent with the ACT theory in which pictorial material and verbal material are stored together in an abstract propositional network. The subnode model (Anderson, Language, memory, and thought, Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1976) can account for the greater within- than cross-modality interference.  相似文献   
Fifty third- and fourth-grade children, assigned to groups varying in Amount (1 or 2 sessions) and Type (cumulative-cluster or cluster) of strategy training or to a control condition, participated in three free recall sessions, two training sessions with blocked lists of common words and a maintenance session with a 50-states list blocked by geographical regions. During strategy training and maintenance, the cumulative-cluster groups recalled more than the cluster and control groups. Amount of training significantly influenced degree of strategy maintenance, but only in the cumulative-cluster strategy. Strategy form was highly correlated with recall in the cumulative-cluster condition, while total study time (effort) was related to recall only in conditions where strategy instructions were not given. The form of the strategy during training predicted transfer form and recall. 100% of the children who received extended training and demonstrated good strategy form during acquisition sessions successfully transferred the strategy to the geography task.  相似文献   
Research on procedural justice has suggested that the distribution of control among participants can be used to classify dispute-resolution procedures and may be an important determinant of preference for such procedures. This experiment demonstrates that control can be meaningfully divided into two components: control over the presentation of evidence and control over the final decision. The experiment placed subjects (law students and undergraduates) in a situation of conflict and varied two between-subjects factors: (1) Role, whether subjects expected to role-play third parties (law students) or litigants (undergraduates), and (2) Orientation, whether individuals focused on equity claims (appeals to a norm of fairness) or legal claims (appeals to a strict, legal interpretation of events). As a control, a third-party neutral-orientation condition was included. In addition, subjects were presented with four dispute-resolution procedures which varied in third-party control over the presentation of evidence (Process Control) and third-party control over the final decision (Decision Control) as within-subjects factors. Results revealed that both litigants and third parties preferred high rather than low third-party decision control. Litigants with an equity orientation preferred low third-party control over the presentation of evidence, particularly when third parties had high rather than low decision control. Third parties and litigants with a legal orientation preferred low rather than high third-party process control only when there was high third-party decision control. Litigant preferences were more affected by variation in process control than variation in decision control while third-party preferences were more affected by variation in decision control than in process control. As a check on external validity, military judges given a neutral orientation were asked to evaluate and express preferences for the four dispute-resolution procedures. Their results were not detectably different from those of the law students who role-played third parties in the main portion of the study.  相似文献   
This experiment was designed as a replication of the Adams and Reis (1971, 1974) experiments, which posited a direct relationship between frequency of stuttering and the number of “off-on” laryngeal adjustments during speech. Twenty adult stutterers read two prose passages equivalent in length, word length, and semantic content. The first passage contained a normal distribution of syllable-initial voiced and voiceless consonants whereas the second contained only voiced phonemes. The results demonstrated significantly greater stuttering during reading of the all-voiced passage (P?0.05). These results did not confirm the earlier observations of Adams and Reis and mitigate the hypothesized relationships between stuttering frequency and “off-on” laryngeal adjustments.  相似文献   
This paper describes the neurological, language, and speech status of seven brain-damaged patients with symptoms of cortical stuttering. We compare data from our seven patients to data presented on other brain-damaged stutterers, review theories of cortical stuttering's etiology, advance alternative hypotheses about mechanisms underlying such dy sfluencies, and compare cortical stuttering to stuttering in childhood.  相似文献   
Studies show that aphasic patients typically are grossly impaired in short-term memory performance. Since aphasics generally experience difficulty in word retrieval, it is conceivable that short-term memory loss is partially the result of verbal rehearsal deficiency which, in turn, is caused by the word retrieval problem. This paper reports an experiment in which five aphasic adults were nonverbally to recall individualized lists of pictures they could easily name and lists of pictures they could not name. Final items in the two lists were recalled with equal accuracy; this was expected in that the recency effect usually reflects sensory rather than verbal storage. Initial items were recalled with greater accuracy than middle-list items in the nameable sets but not in the unnameable sets. This primacy effect suggests the aphasics rehearsed the nameable pictures, but both lists were recalled so poorly that rehearsal deficit was considered responsible for no more than a fraction of the aphasics' reduction in short-term memory.  相似文献   
The tendency to inspect visual material (slides) rather than to respond by pressing a key in an attempt to move on to the next slide, was compared among introverts and extraverts. As predicted from Brebner and Cooper (1974): (1) extraverts inspected the stimuli for a shorter time before making their first response, (2) extraverts made more responses at a faster rate than introverts did, and (3) extraverts produced a significantly higher proportion of runs of accelerating responses.  相似文献   
Slow potential EEG shifts (SPSs) recorded over Broca's area and the paired contralateral site preceding cued language acts have been reported to identify the language-dominant hemisphere. A contingent negative variation paradigm SPS method was applied to the comparative study of 10 hearing adults and of 10 adult prelingually deaf persons whose first learned language was American Sign Language. Volunteers performed both language and non-language acts in both oral and manual expressive modes. The hearing group showed no lateralized SPS, failing to replicate previous reports. The deaf group showed a nonsignificant trend opposite in laterality to that of hearing groups in previous reports.  相似文献   
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