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The purpose of this study is to examine the major determinants of psychological health during unemployment. With this in mind, 438 (17% female and 83% male) unemployed individuals were contacted through Turkey's State Employment Office. It was expected that the relationship between duration of unemployment and psychological wellbeing would be nonlinear. Additionally it was hypothesized that perceived social support would moderate the relationship between length of unemployment and psychological health. Further, we suggested that self‐esteem would be related to psychological health and moderate the relationship between length of unemployment and psychological health. The results supported the curvilinearity hypothesis of the relationship between unemployment duration and psychological health as measured by General Health Questionnaire. However, social support was not found to moderate the relationship between unemployment duration and psychological health. The hypothesis that self‐esteem would moderate the relationship between length of unemployment and psychological distress was not supported, although self‐esteem was a strong negative determinant of psychological distress during unemployment. Regression analysis showed that the best predictors of psychological health were self‐esteem, perceived social support and perceived adequacy of financial aid received from relatives. Interestingly, perceived adequacy of the financial aid was negatively related to psychological health. This result was contradictory with the previous literature pointing out that financial aid reduces the effects of poverty due to unemployment. The findings of this study are important since the relationship between unemployment duration and psychological health was nonlinear, indicating that relevant services should be especially careful to intervene to increase social support and self‐esteem during these critical times. The other results and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   
脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide, LPS)免疫激活模型是研究抑郁症细胞因子假说的重要动物模型, 目前国际上常用外周单次LPS注射诱发抑郁样行为, 但该模型中抑郁样行为持续仅有数小时。为建立诱发较长时程抑郁样行为的免疫激活动物模型, 本研究尝试侧脑室注射LPS激活大鼠中枢免疫炎性反应, 考察单次以及重复中枢LPS注射诱发抑郁样行为的效果, 以及中枢炎性免疫诱发行为改变的时程。结果显示:单次中枢LPS注射后24 h只能诱发旷场自发活动和探索行为下降等部分抑郁样行为, 未能诱导糖水偏好下降和悬尾不动时间增加; 3次重复注射则在末次LPS注射后24 h表现出显著的糖水偏好下降, 自发活动和探索行为减少, 悬尾不动时间增加等行为。且自发活动、探索行为减少和悬尾不动时间增加能够延续至末次LPS注射后72 h。这些结果表明脑室重复LPS注射可诱发较长时程的抑郁样行为, 这种新的中枢炎性免疫激活诱发的抑郁症模型, 为研究抑郁症炎性免疫机制提供了更为有效的动物模型, 有助于深入探讨行为和免疫功能间的复杂关系。  相似文献   
Two policy-capturing studies were conducted to investigate how person–organization (PO) fit and person–job (PJ) fit information are weighted and combined when hiring decision makers evaluate job candidates, and how the process is influenced by the position’s characteristics. Regarding the combining process, we detected a nonlinear, conjunctive rule in which a low level of PJ fit was paid more attention, the levels of PO fit and PJ fit interacted, and candidates with moderate levels of PO fit and PJ fit were preferred over those with high and low levels. Regarding the weighting process, we found that PO fit was weighted more heavily for a permanent position, and PJ fit for a fixed-term and/or a knowledge-intensive position. In addition, the position’s contract duration (permanent vs. fixed-term) and task elements (managerial vs. knowledge-intensive) interacted in influencing the weighting of PO fit and PJ fit.  相似文献   
This study examined the interactions of stimulus type (high‐ vs. low‐tech) and magnitude (duration of access) on preference and reinforcer efficacy. Two preference assessments were conducted to identify highly preferred high‐tech and low‐tech items for each participant. A subsequent assessment examined preference for those items when provided at 30‐s and 600‐s durations. We then evaluated reinforcer efficacy for those same items when provided for a range of durations using progressive‐ratio schedules. Results suggested item type and access duration interacted to influence preference and reinforcer efficacy. Participants preferred high‐tech items at longer durations of access and engaged in more responding when the high‐tech item was provided for long durations, but these patterns were reversed for the low‐tech item. In addition, participants engaged in less responding when the high‐tech item was provided for short durations and when the low‐tech item was provided for long durations.  相似文献   
张永红  黄希庭 《心理科学》2005,28(4):775-779
采用事后回溯设计,考察了大学生公众时间回溯式记忆的特点。研究选取1995到2001年之间发生可辨别的新闻事件14项,要求被试对新闻事件的时序、时点和时距进行回忆。结果表明:(1)公众事件回溯式时点记忆的正确率随时间的远近发生变化,较远的时间回忆正确率低,而较近的时间回忆正确率较高,存在近因效应。(2)公众事件的回溯式时距估计受真实时距的影响,短时距容易被高估,长时距容易被低估。(3)公众事件的回溯式时序回忆存在近因效应和首因效应,被试对发生较远的事件总是倾向于估计得更远,对发生较近的事件也倾向于估计得较近。而对两者中间的事件的顺序估计较为混乱。(4)本实验研究的公众事件回溯式时间记忆符合时间的重构理论和分段综合模型。  相似文献   
科学杂志目录中图文版式的效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究的目的是探讨读者在阅读科学杂志目录时的眼动特征。实验设计为5(插图位置:居左、居右、交错、居上、居下)×2(插图注解:有、无)×2(文字颜色:黑、蓝)。被试为大学生。使用ASL Model 504眼动仪。结果表明:1.插图位置的注视时间与次数的主效应显著;2.插图注解的注视时间与次数的主效应显著。  相似文献   
刘瑞光  黄希庭 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1035-1039
用两个实验考查了时距估计中刺激物的动态变化效应。结果发现,刺激物的运动、速度和旋转角度显著地影响着被试的时间判断,刺激物速度的时距延长效应对于较长时距(18s-24s)来说更加明显;运动刺激与较短、较准确的时距判断相关联;旋转角度的减少使得被试低估时距,而旋转角度的增加使得时距估计呈高估倾向。被试在时间估计过程中表现出长时距低估和短时距高估现象,本研究得到的时间估计转换点是11.4s,此点与先前的有关研究基本一致。  相似文献   
孤独症谱系障碍是一组以社交困难为主要特征的神经发育障碍, 涵盖孤独症、阿斯伯格综合症及分类不明确的广泛型精神发育障碍。ASD预测研究集中在神经生理学、遗传学及心理学领域。在心理学研究中, 眼动技术的运用使得相关测量更为细微、精确, 测量过程更严谨, 预测关系更可信。现有的眼动预测主要着眼于注视时间、首视点和扫视反应时指标的研究。这些研究揭示注视面部和眼睛时间短、注视眼睛时间随年龄增长递减、注视追随时间短、注视重复物理性刺激时间长、视觉搜索优势及注意解除困难均可以预测ASD。未来研究应强化眼动特征预测作用的追踪性考证, 加大与其它发展障碍的预测区分, 控制视觉接受能力对眼动行为的影响, 建立综合性预测体系。  相似文献   
Using more precise methodology, the current study investigated expectations of psychotherapy duration for specific disorders. Duration expectations were obtained for young adults and compared to those obtained from psychotherapists as reported by Lowry and Ross (Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training 34:272–277, 1997). Results revealed that expected duration for young adults by disorder was quite similar to the psychotherapists, where less severe psychological disorders and problems were expected to require shorter treatment durations than moderate and severe disorders and problems. For disorders and problems with which young adults were familiar, their expectations were essentially the same as psychotherapists. A meaningful difference was found for suicidal ideation, with young adults expecting significantly longer treatment duration.  相似文献   
Uniformity, that is, equiprobability of all available options is central as a theoretical presupposition and as a computational tool in probability theory. It is justified only when applied to an appropriate sample space. In five studies, we posed diversified problems that called for unequal probabilities or weights to be assigned to the given units. The predominant response was choice of equal probabilities and weights. Many participants failed the task of partitioning the possibilities into elements that justify uniformity. The uniformity fallacy proved compelling and robust across varied content areas, tasks, and cases in which the correct weights should either have been directly or inversely proportional to their respective values. Debiasing measures included presenting individualized and visual data and asking for extreme comparisons. The preference of uniformity obtains across several contexts. It seems to serve as an anchor also in mathematical and social judgments. People’s pervasive partiality for uniformity is explained as a quest for fairness and symmetry, and possibly in terms of expediency.  相似文献   
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