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While neuromuscular control deficits during inversion perturbations in chronic ankle instability (CAI) cohorts are well documented in the literature, anticipatory motor control strategies to inversion perturbations in CAI are largely unknown. The purpose of this study was to examine neuromuscular control and ankle kinematics in individuals with CAI (n = 15) and matched controls (n = 15) during unexpected and expected single leg drop-landings onto a tilted surface rotated 20° in the frontal plane. Muscle activity from 200 ms pre- to post-landing was recorded from the tibialis anterior (TA), medial gastrocnemius (MG), peroneus longus (PL) and peroneus brevis (PB). Mean muscle activity, co-contraction index (CCI), and peroneal latency was analyzed. Ankle inversion angle at initial contact, time to maximum inversion angle, maximum inversion angle and velocity were also assessed. Significantly longer PL latency, less time to maximum inversion and greater maximum inversion angle was found in CAI compared to controls. Regarding landing condition, significantly greater maximum inversion angle, less inversion at initial contact, longer PB latency, less TA activity and frontal plane CCI during the post-landing phase was found during the unexpected perturbation. Prolonged PL latency and altered ankle kinematics suggests reduced frontal plane ankle stabilization in CAI. However, similar motor control strategies were utilized in both groups during the ankle inversion perturbations.  相似文献   
王轶楠 《心理科学进展》2018,26(10):1724-1733
自尊稳定性(自尊在短期内波动的幅度)是一种具有重要心理功能的人格特质, 它既不同于自尊水平, 也区别于情境性自尊, 但在理论和测量上却与后两者具有密不可分的联系。然而, 由于目前人们对于自尊稳定性的认知神经机制知之甚少, 所以并不清楚它与自尊水平在生理机制上的关系是什么, 更不了解它会如何调节情境性自尊。鉴于此, 本研究计划将自尊稳定性、自尊水平和情境性自尊置于整合的认知神经加工模型(神经内分泌-脑-行为)之中, 通过融合心理测量、脑成像与应激诱发等多种技术指标, 力争全方位、多角度揭示自尊稳定性的认知神经机制, 及其与自尊水平、情境性自尊间的区别和联系。  相似文献   
In order to analyze the validity of spherical model of interests in Croatia, three Croatian samples of primary school students (N = 437), secondary school students (N = 540) and university students (N = 630) were administered a translated version of the Personal Globe Inventory (PGI, [Tracey, T.J.G. (2002). Personal Globe Inventory: Measurement of the spherical model of interest and competence beliefs Monograph. Journal of Vocational Behavior 60, 113–172.]). Three aspects of model validity were analyzed: the three-dimensional underlying structure of interest items, spherical arrangement of interest scales and accurate gender mean differences in interests. Principal component analysis confirmed the existence of three substantial factors underlying interest items, whose orientation and meaning is moderately related to theoretical one. Randomization test firmly approved the spherical representation of interest scales and its structural stability across different age and gender groups. Gender differences in interest were close to previous findings and logical expectations. Results have shown firm evidences of validity and gender and age universality of spherical model in Croatian adolescent and young adult samples.  相似文献   
The rank-order stability and cross-lagged relations between work-to-family conflict (WFC), family-to-work conflict (FWC), and psychological well-being were examined in two longitudinal studies with full two-wave panel designs. In Study 1 (n = 365), the time lag was one year, and in Study 2 (n = 153), six years. The Structural Equation Modeling showed that the stability for WFC was .69 over one and .73 over six years. The respective stabilities for FWC were .57 and .48. Cross-lagged relations were not detected between WFC/FWC and low psychological well-being (job exhaustion, marital adjustment, parental stress, and psychological distress), expected to exist on the basis of the integrative model of work-family interface [Frone, M. R., Yardley, J. K., & Markel, K. S. (1997). Developing and testing an integrative model of the work-family interface. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 50, 145-167.]. Instead, high job exhaustion preceded high psychological distress, both within one- and six-year time lags, and within a one-year time lag: low marital adjustment preceded high psychological distress, and high psychological distress preceded high parental stress. These findings supported the spillover perspective on work-family interface [Edwards, J. R., & Rothbard, N. P. (2000). Mechanisms linking work and family: Clarifying the relationship between work and family constructs. Academy of Management Review, 25, 178-199.].  相似文献   
Q矩阵是认知诊断评价的基础和核心要素, 它反映了测验的构念和内容设计, 直接影响着测验诊断分类的效果。本文采用Monte Carlo模拟, 研究了6种属性层级关系下, 不同的Q矩阵设计对于认知诊断效果的影响。用模式判准率的均值和标准差分别从分类准确性和稳定性的角度来评价诊断效果。实验结果表明:(1) 不同属性层级关系下, 分类准确性会随着测验长度的增加而提高, 但当测验长度增加到一定程度时, 会出现“天花板效应”; (2) Q矩阵中R*的个数(NR*)会影响测验的分类准确性及稳定性:NR*越大, 测验的分类稳定性越高, 当测验长度为属性个数的整数倍, 且NR*为测验长度相对属性个数的最大奇数倍时分类准确性最高; (3) Q矩阵中除R*以外的项目考察的属性个数会随着属性层级关系的不同对测验的分类准确性和稳定性产生不同的影响。根据实验结果, 本研究提出了进行诊断评价时Q矩阵优化设计的一些建议。  相似文献   
弄清儿童青少年人格发展特点,可为人格发展与教育工作提供参考。文章梳理了近30年西方儿童青少年“大五”人格发展的研究进展,区分了人格发展的两种主要表现形式,并分别从这两方面总结出儿童青少年“大五”人格结构的稳定性、人格特质平均水平的可变性。最后基于现有研究存在的问题,结合当前时代特点,提出未来研究方向。  相似文献   
当代民众信仰状况及其相关因素的心理学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究当代民众的信仰状况及其相关因素,采用自行设计的调查问卷对745名天津市民进行测量。结果显示:不同类别人群在信仰追求上存在非常显著的差异。物质信仰、伦理信仰与年龄有显著的正相关,精神信仰基本上不存在年龄差异。精神信仰和国家社会信仰与文化程度存在非常显著的正相关,而物质信仰、伦理信仰和宗教信仰均与文化程度存在非常显著的负相关。精神信仰和国家社会信仰与社会安定意识呈正相关,物质信仰和宗教信仰与社会安定意识呈负相关。  相似文献   
We focused on the stability of child problem behaviors in a sample of 124 low-income inner-city African American families. Internalizing and externalizing problems were assessed longitudinally across four years. Test-retest correlation coefficients indicated that the relative stability of both internalizing and externalizing problems over the four-year assessment was high for both child and mother reported variables. Partial support was obtained for absolute stability of child problem behavior as analyses of variance revealed that two of four variables of interest did not change significantly over time. Mother report of child problem behavior was more stable than child report, but gender of child or type of problem behavior (internalizing vs. externalizing) was not related to stability. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that the historical context of child problem behaviors is important to consider, as earlier problem behaviors accounted for unique variance in later problem behaviors, beyond that accounted for the most recent assessment.  相似文献   
Although many studies have examined the issue of personality stability in early and middle adulthood, few have explored the limits of personality stability in the very old, who are often confronted with major changes in their health and life circumstances which can severely impact adaptive behavior. We conducted a longitudinal study of 74 elderly women with a mean age of 80. They were assessed on the personality traits of Neuroticism, Extroversion, and Openness. Although multiple regression analyses revealed moderate stability on all 3 traits, their stability was found to be influenced by negative changes in life circumstances. For example, decreased social support and increased unmet needs were associated with more Neuroticism. Less Extroversion was associated with poorer health and greater psychosocial needs. The trait of Openness was very stable and was the least affected by life events. These contradictory findings are reconciled by considering personality development within an interaction framework.  相似文献   
当代民众信仰状况与社会安定意识相关研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李幼穗  李双 《心理科学》2004,27(1):31-33
信仰是个人深层的、稳定的行为导向体系,是人的精神世界的核心。本研究根据信仰的内容,将信仰划分为物质信仰、精神信仰、伦理信仰、国家社会信仰和宗教神灵信仰。从天津市选取不同职业、不同年龄段的被试745名,对他们的信仰状况与社会安定意识状况进行调查研究,结果表明:民众的社会安定意识与其物质、宗教神灵信仰有非常显著的负相关,与其精神、国家社会信仰有非常显著的正相关。多元回归分析结果表明:影响社会安定意识的因素为保障制度不健全、对挫折的不良反应、社会治安状况差、官员腐败、分配不公、责任外归因。  相似文献   
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