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Anxiety and selective attention in obsessive-compulsive disorder   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recently, there has been increasing evidence for information-processing deficits in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). While impairments in selective attention have been identified to be central to the symptomatology of OCD, the role that situational anxiety plays in attentional processes has not been fully explored. Previous research findings were limited to tasks containing anxiety-relevant materials, only permitting for the evaluation of the impact of anxiety on simultaneous cognitive processing. Furthermore, it has not yet been determined whether the impact of anxiety is limited to selective attention or is indicative of a more general cognitive impairment. This study was designed to examine the role that situational anxiety plays in selective attention impairments. OCD participants and controls were presented with an anxiety producing statement and a neutral statement, followed by the Stroop Task. Results indicated that situational anxiety plays a significant role in the performance of tasks that require selective attention in OCD. A significant deterioration was detected in performance on selective attention tasks for the OCD participants after confronting anxiety-provoking scenarios, as compared to neutral scenarios. Anxiety did not impair performance on simple reading tasks. Possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   
Four studies tested the application of to the drawing domain. In particular, we tested her claim that young children are inhibited in their attempts at changing their graphic representations (representational change) due to being constrained by the order in which the elements of the representation are drawn (procedural rigidity). The first study required 60 children (4- to 6-year-olds and an older comparison group of 8-year-olds) to make three drawings of a familiar and novel topic. From these drawings each child was measured for procedural rigidity. In a further drawing the child was asked to modify their usual representation of each topic. Regression analyses revealed procedural rigidity levels were not predictive of manipulation performance. A second study, testing 75 4- to 6-year-olds and a third study, testing 30 3- to 4-year-olds, revealed that when young children were specifically asked to manipulate rigid sub-procedures on a familiar topic they were indeed able to do so. Finally, a fourth study (testing 40 5-year-olds and 40 8-year-olds) removed the notational trace in drawing (a possible aid for procedural interruption) but this still produced no evidence of a relation between procedural rigidity and representational change. We suggest how the concept of procedural rigidity might be re-interpreted for the drawing domain so that the RR model can remain as a domain-general theory of cognitive development. We also suggest the development of information processing may be crucial for flexibility in drawing.  相似文献   
Recent research has shown that mind wandering recruits executive resources away from the external task towards inner thoughts. No studies however have determined whether executive functions are drawn away in a unitary manner during mind wandering episodes, or whether there is variation in specific functions impacted. Accordingly, we examined whether mind wandering differentially modulates three core executive functions—response inhibition, updating of working memory, and mental set shifting. In three experiments, participants performed one of these three executive function tasks and reported their attentional state as either on-task or mind wandering at random intervals. We found that mind wandering led to poorer performance in the response inhibition and working memory tasks, but not the set-shifting task. These findings suggest that mind wandering does not recruit executive functions in a monolithic manner. Rather, it appears to selectively engage certain executive functions, which may reflect the adaptive maintenance of ongoing task performance.  相似文献   
Computational activity is now recognized as a natural science, and computational and information processes have been discovered in the deep structures of many areas. Computations in the natural world were present long before the invention of computers, but a remarkable shift in understanding its fundamental nature occurs, in fact, before our eyes. The present moment, in fact, is a transition from the concept of computer science as an artificial science to the understanding that information processes are abundant in nature. Computing is recognized as a natural science that studies natural and artificial information processes.In everyday computing, operations are performed on the individual generators, with little attention paid to their internal structure. However, many common operations consist of more primitive constructions connected by a combination mode. The interaction of information processes and corresponding structures is carried out in an environment of “applicative interaction”, their applications to each other, and the study of the properties of this environment allows us to understand the nature of the computations.In the present work, the main attention is paid to elucidating the technological features of computations with individual generators, or objects. Their interaction is considered in an applicative environment, which allows us to elucidate the internal structure of ordinary operations, the knowledge of which allows us to understand their properties. The choice of initial constant generators, considered as generic ones and expressed by combinators, is discussed. These initial generators are used as the main “building blocks” that occur within the larger blocks of the applicative environment in interaction with each other. As a result of the interaction, constructions arise that give representative sets of ordinary operators and embedded computing systems.  相似文献   
Greater community participation among individuals with serious mental illnesses is associated with better psychosocial and health outcomes. Typically, studies examining community participation have utilized self‐report measures and been conducted in limited settings. The introduction of methodological advances to examining community participation of individuals with serious mental illnesses has the potential to advance the science of community mental health research and invigorate the work of community psychologists in this area. This study employed an innovative geospatial approach to examine the relationship between community participation and resource accessibility (i.e., proximity) and availability (i.e., concentration) among 294 individuals utilizing community mental health services throughout the United States. Findings suggest small but significant associations between community participation and the accessibility and availability of resources needed for participation. Furthermore, findings demonstrate the importance of car access for individuals residing in both urban and non‐urban settings. The methods and results presented in this study have implications for community mental health research and services and provide an illustration of ways that geospatial methodologies can be used to investigate environmental factors that impact community inclusion and participation of individuals with serious mental illnesses.  相似文献   
《陆军军医学校防疫研究报告》是日本陆军军医学校(东京)的内部刊物,《陆军军医学校防疫研究报告》第2部·第1册是第2部第1号~第100号,主编为731部队长石井四郎,收录了1939年7月~1941年底日军细菌战方面的研究成果,包括陆军军医学校、731部队、东京帝国大学等机构成员撰写的专题研究报告共计96篇,缺失4篇。日军在1939年~1945年在华多次发动细菌战,从报告发布时间看,全部发表于日本全面侵华战争之后和细菌战开始之前;从报告内容看,有关血清、细菌培养、滤水器使用、疫苗研究等主要内容可以反映出细菌战研究为开展细菌战所做的准备。  相似文献   
The MARS (Masking Action Relevant Stimuli) method assesses information demand for dynamic stimuli while driving. An action relevant stimulus is masked and the driver presses a button to unmask the stimulus for a limited period. We interpreted button presses as information demand. Following our previous research (Rittger, Kiesel, Schmidt, & Maag, 2014), the current study further evaluates the method. We applied the MARS method to a dynamic in-vehicle display containing recommendations from a traffic light assistant. In a driving simulator, drivers approached intersections with different traffic light phasing. The display either presented simple or complex information. In half of the drives, the participants used the MARS method. The study had a full within subjects design and fixations were recorded in all conditions. The results showed that the information demand varied according to the information in the display and the traffic light phase. A comparison of button presses with fixations showed that one unmasking interval came along with one fixation on the display. As a conclusion, the MARS method can distinguish between conditions with high and low information demand for the display. Button presses relate to fixations on the display. Hence, the MARS method is a promising tool to assess the information demand in dynamic environments and can be applied as an extension or alternative for eye tracking.  相似文献   
Seok B 《Cognitive Science》2006,30(2):347-380
Since the publication of Fodor's (1983) The Modularity of Mind, there have been quite a few discussions of cognitive modularity among cognitive scientists. Generally, in those discussions, modularity means a property of specialized cognitive processes or a domain-specific body of information. In actuality, scholars understand modularity in many different ways. Different characterizations of modularity and modules were proposed and discussed, but they created misunderstanding and confusion. In this article, I classified and analyzed different approaches to modularity and argued for the unity of modularity. Modularity is a multidimensional property consisting of features from several dimensions specifying different aspects of cognition. Among those, there are core features of modularity, and these core features form a cross-dimensional unity. Despite the diverse and liberal characterizations, modularity contributes to cognitive science because of the unity of the core features.  相似文献   
A statistical manifold Mμ consists of positive functions f such that defines a probability measure. In order to define an atlas on the manifold, it is viewed as an affine space associated with a subspace of the Orlicz space LΦ. This leads to a functional equation whose solution, after imposing the linearity constrain in line with the vector space assumption, gives rise to a general form of mappings between the affine probability manifold and the vector (Orlicz) space. These results generalize the exponential statistical manifold and clarify some foundational issues in non-parametric information geometry.  相似文献   
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