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人们学习将感知到的客体按照不同的标准或规则分类存储,即类别学习。而工作记忆作为多种认知加工的基础,对类别学习具有重要作用。基于已有研究,分别梳理了言语工作记忆和视空工作记忆对基于规则和信息整合类别结构的影响。目前,执行功能是否影响内隐类别学习系统、工作记忆负荷对内隐外显类别学习系统的影响是否一致还存在争议。此外,工作记忆影响知觉类别学习的认知加工阶段尚不清晰。未来的研究还需明确工作记忆负荷对内隐和外显类别学习的影响,进一步验证工作记忆影响类别学习的认知加工阶段假设的合理性。  相似文献   
凌斌  王重鸣 《心理学报》2014,46(8):1176-1191
研究基于解释水平理论考察时间距离对于验证性信息加工的影响, 即在个体和组织决策情境中, 人们倾向于偏好选择和高估与自身观点和决策相一致的信息, 而不是非一致性信息。通过4个情境决策实验, 研究结果一致表明近期决策会提高信息搜寻和评估中的验证偏差, 而远期决策会降低它们的验证偏差, 知觉到的决策确定性在其中起到部分中介作用(实验1b)。解释水平(实验2)和期许性/可行性表征(实验3)分别在时间距离对验证性信息加工的影响中起到调节作用, 结果依次表明在低解释水平(高可行性-低期许性特征)条件下, 时间距离与验证性信息加工的负相关关系会得到显著增强, 而在高解释水平(高期许性-低可行性特征)条件下, 时间距离与验证性信息加工的负相关关系会得到显著降低。  相似文献   
Two studies examined how intragroup affective patterns influence groups’ pervasive tendency to ignore the unique expertise of their members. Using a hidden profile task, Study 1 provided evidence that groups with at least one member experiencing positive affect shared more unique information than groups composed entirely of members experiencing neutral affect. This occurred because group members experiencing positive affect were more likely to initiate unique information sharing, as well as information seeking. Study 2 built upon this base by showing that confidence mediates the relationship between positive affect and the initiation of unique information sharing. Additionally, Study 2 investigated the role of negative affect in group decision making and how negative and positive affect concurrently influence decision making when groups are composed of members experiencing each. The results are discussed in terms of the role affect plays in influencing group behavior and the resultant importance of investigating specific affective patterns.  相似文献   
Although linguistic traditions of the last century assumed that there is no link between sound and meaning (i.e., arbitrariness), recent research has established a nonarbitrary relation between sound and meaning (i.e., sound symbolism). For example, some sounds (e.g., /u/ as in took) suggest bigness whereas others (e.g., /i/ as in tiny) suggest smallness. We tested whether sound symbolism only marks contrasts (e.g., small versus big things) or whether it marks object properties in a graded manner (e.g., small, medium, and large things). In two experiments, participants viewed novel objects (i.e., greebles) of varying size and chose the most appropriate name for each object from a list of visually or auditorily presented nonwords that varied incrementally in the number of “large” and “small” phonemes. For instance, “wodolo” contains all large-sounding phonemes, whereas “kitete” contains all small-sounding phonemes. Participants' choices revealed a graded relationship between sound and size: The size of the object linearly predicted the number of large-sounding phonemes in its preferred name. That is, small, medium, and large objects elicited names with increasing numbers of large-sounding phonemes. The results are discussed in relation to cross-modal processing, gesture, and vocal pitch.  相似文献   
The human face conveys important social signals when people interact in social contexts. The current study investigated the relationship between face recognition and emotional intelligence, and how societal factors of emotion and race influence people's face recognition. Participants’ recognition accuracy, reaction time, sensitivity, and response bias were measured to examine their face‐processing ability. Fifty Caucasian undergraduates (38 females, 12 males; average age = 21.76 years) participated in a face recognition task in which they discriminated previously presented target faces from novel distractor faces. A positive correlation between participants’ emotional intelligence scores and their performance on the face recognition task was observed, suggesting that face recognition ability was associated with emotional or social intelligence. Additionally, Caucasian participants recognized happy faces better than angry or neutral faces. It was also observed that people recognized Asian faces better than Caucasian ones, which appears to be contradictory to the classic other‐race effect. The present study suggests that some societal factors could influence face processing, and face recognition ability could in turn predict social intelligence.  相似文献   
研究探讨汉语读者选择眼跳目标时, 中央凹注视词的加工负荷是否影响副中央凹获取信息量, 进而调节随后的眼跳长度。采用眼动追踪技术, 操纵了中央凹注视词的词频(高频、低频)和副中央凹词的笔画数(多笔画、少笔画)。结果发现:从中央凹词到副中央凹少笔画词的眼跳长度显著地长于到多笔画词的, 且这种笔画数效应并不受中央凹加工负荷的调节; 从高频中央凹词到副中央凹词的眼跳长度显著地长于低频词的。在本实验条件下结果提示:中央凹加工负荷在眼跳目标选择中的作用不是通过调节副中央凹获取信息量的多少来实现的。  相似文献   
王昊  杨志刚 《心理科学进展》2018,26(11):1952-1960
面孔空想性错视, 是指在不存在面孔的物体或抽象图案上看到面孔, 例如在月球表面看到面孔。它受到自下而上信息与自上而下加工的共同影响。近年来, 研究者通过行为实验、事件相关电位技术以及脑成像技术对不同的空想性错视影响因素进行研究。结果发现, 面孔空想性错视的产生取决于刺激是否包含类似面孔结构, 内部面孔模板是否能与当前刺激匹配, 以及有无面孔相关背景。同时也受到个体差异与情绪状态影响。脑成像研究发现, 在发生空想性错视时, 来自额叶区与枕叶视觉区的信息会在FFA进行整合。未来研究可以致力于探索面孔空想性错视中个体差异的行为与神经机制, 以及不同类型的自上而下调节之间的相互影响及其神经机制。  相似文献   
刘正奎  张梅玲  施建农 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1404-1406
检测时是信息加工速度的重要指标,也是智力与信息加工速度关系的研究领域内一种重要的实验范式。文章在简要介绍反应时范式的基础上,着重介绍了检测时范式的实验任务、基本原理以及检测时与智商之间的关系。同时,通过与反应时范式的比较,讨论了检测时范式在智力与信息加工速度研究中的优点和局限性,以及其在解决相关研究领域问题上的方法学意义。  相似文献   
认知主义与联结主义之比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高华 《心理学探新》2004,24(3):3-5,9
认知主义的研究定向和联结主义的研究定向是广义的现代认知心理学的两种主要研究范式。这两种研究范式都各有自己的研究内容和方法论,也取得了各自不同的成就,同时也存在各自不同的问题。通过对两种研究范式的比较,我们可以清楚地认识到二者的相互沟通和融合才是认知心理学未来发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   
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