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Rats were trained in a runway such that partial reward occurred on Trial 1 of the day and consistent reward on subsequent massed trials (Group PRT1), or consistent reward occurred on Trial 1 of the day and partial reward on subsequent massed trials (Group PRTM). Under spaced (24-hr) extinction, Group PRT1 was more resistant to extinction than Group PRTM and under massed (1-min) extinction, Group PRTM was more resistant to extinction than Group PRT1. These findings suggest that (a) distinctive stimuli are associated with Trial 1 of the day and with subsequent massed trials, (b) these distinctive stimuli function as retrieval cues for memories, memory retrieval being independent of intertrial interval, and (c) behavior in extinction is controlled by a stimulus compound consisting of the memory of nonreward plus stimuli which accompany the memory of nonreward on rewarded acquisition trials.  相似文献   
Two groups of 10 rats each received either a large magnitude (0.90 g) or a small magnitude (0.18 g) of partial reward (PR) and seven successive acquisition-extinction sessions in the runway. The large magnitude PR group ran much faster than the small magnitude PR group in the early acquisition sessions with differences between the groups declining over sessions. In the early extinction sessions, the large magnitude PR group showed greater resistance to extinction than the small magnitude PR group, but in the late extinction sessions this relation reversed itself. Finally, resistance to extinction decreased over sessions, this decrease being greater under a large than under a small magnitude of PR.  相似文献   
Ontogenetic adaptation is an “ecological” concept in which mammalian maturation is seen as a coordinated sequence of specializations (stages) that enables the infant to survive within a sequence of distinct niches created by the parent(s) and the rest of the environment. Natural selection is presumed to operate at each point in development. The development of ingestive behavior in the rat pup as a series of ontogenetic adaptations enabling the infant while in the nursing niche to obtain and utilize mother's milk and progress gradually into the feeding niche in which a variety of solid foods must either be obtained or avoided is discussed. Data to show that learning is an integral part of these ontogenetic adaptations for ingestion are reviewed and interpreted. Preweanling rats that are capable of learning and remembering toxiphobic food aversions do not display an aversion to a flavor conditioned stimulus (CS) paired with illness if the CS is presented during suckling. In contrast, 20-day-old pups (weanlings) trained identically do show conditioned taste aversions under these conditions. A perspective of ontogenetic adaptations to this phenomenon of “blockade of toxiphobia by suckling” and its dissolution at weaning is applied. The generality of the blockade phenomenon and its mechanisms are explored, and it is shown that feeding experience regulates the stage-appropriate learning strategies used by the pups.  相似文献   
This study compared the early recollections (ERs) of three groups of students preparing for careers in clinical psychology, dentistry, and law. Recollections of psychology students showed significantly more “negative affect,” “threatening situations,” and “less reference to groups of people” than did the other two groups. “School” was mentioned significantly more in the ERs of law students than in the ERs of the other groups. Law students reported ERs which indicated the highest frequency of the “active dimension,” dentistry students the least. The implications of the findings for vocational choice are discusssed.  相似文献   
Cooper et al. (1969) have criticized the types of target behavior chosen for therapy analogue studies for being irrelevant to clinical practice. A potential target behavior which appears to be pervasive, complex and directly relevant to clinical practice is interpersonal anxiety. Of special concern to college students is the interpersonal anxiety elicited by members of the opposite sex. especially in dating situations (Martinson and Zerface, 1970).An individual may experience interpersonal anxiety because of a deficit in social skills (reactive anxiety) or because of prior conditioning (conditioned anxiety) or because of some combination of both reactive and conditioned components. While it is possible that a treatment program aimed at a reduction of either of these anxiety components may be instrumental in ameliorating the other component, it would appear that a comprehensive treatment program would attempt to teach social skills as well as reduce conditioned anxiety.Desensitization procedures have demonstrated success in alleviating conditioned anxiety for a wide variety of clinical problems (Paul, 1969a. 1969b) and appears to be a logical choice for the conditioned component of dating anxiety. A number of outcome studies have reported some success in the use of in vivo desensitization (Rehm and Marston, 1968; Martinson and Zerface, 1970) and systematic desensitization (Stark, 1970) in reducing anxiety in date anxious subjects.The literature on treatment programs aimed at social skills training for date anxious subjects is meager. Melnick (1973) reported success in improving the appropriateness of the social behavior of subjects who had experienced a minimal dating history by the use of modeling, behavioral rehearsal and self-observation techniques.The present study was designed to test the relative effectiveness of two different types of treatment programs in alleviating interpersonal dating anxiety. The two experimental groups consisted of a systematic densensitization program which focused on the condition anxiety component and a social skills training program which focused on the reactive anxiety component.  相似文献   
In a factorial design, degree of suspense (low, intermediate, high) of an adventure presented audiovisually was varied with resolution of the suspense (resolved, lingering). The variations were accomplished by producing different versions of the same program. Appreciation of the presentation was measured in the viewers' facial displays, in structured interviews, and in ratings. Consistently across measures, it was found that under conditions of resolved suspense, appreciation substantially increased with degree of suspense. Under conditions of lingering suspense, appreciation also increased with degree of suspense but to a significantly smaller extent. Excitatory responses were measured in skin temperature and heart rate. A significant differentiation of heart rate as a function of degree of suspense was observed. In addition, both skin temperature and heart rate disclosed sudden declines in excitation with the effective resolution of suspense.  相似文献   
Bargaining was defined as a situation where: (1) there are two or more parties with divergent interests, (2) the parties can communicate, (3) mutual compromise is possible, (4) provisional offers can be made, and (5) the provisional offers do not fix the tangible outcomes until an offer is accepted by all sides. The typical bargaining paradigm is described. Next the limitations of general theories of bargaining are discussed. The results of relevant experiments are then reviewed and evaluated. Particular attention is given to the effects of general bargaining predispositions, the payoff system, the social relationship between the bargainer, his opponent and significant others, situational factors, and bargaining strategy.  相似文献   
Sixty male undergraduates participated in an experiment designed to investigate the effects of apparent probability of retaliation from the victim and level of prior anger arousal upon adult aggressive behavior. It was hypothesized that threatened retaliation would be highly effective in inhibiting subsequent aggression under conditions where subjects had not previously been angered by the victim, but would generally fail to inhibit such behavior under conditions where they had previously suffered strong provocation at the hands of this person. Support was obtained for both of these predictions. Findings were discussed in terms of their implications for the prevention and control of human violence in naturalistic social situations.  相似文献   
In a pretest, subjects' proficiency to recover from sympathetic arousal induced by strenuous exercise was assessed. The results were used to determine conditions of high, intermediate, and low recovery proficiency (fitness). After an assessment of subjects' unprovoked aggressiveness, subjects were aggressively provoked. Within proficiency blocks, they were then given one of two treatments, (a) sitting followed by exercising (no decay) or (b) exercising followed by sitting (partial decay), and were there-after provided with an opportunity to retaliate against their tormentor. Under conditions of no decay, in which the high levels of arousal experienced were attributable to exertion, the provocation treatment failed to increase aggressiveness significantly, and there were no differences in aggressiveness in the various proficiency conditions in spite of differentiations in the magnitude of prevailing excitatory residues. Under partial decay, in the absence of cues linking arousal to exertion, the magnitude of residual arousal did affect aggressive behavior: In the conditions of intermediate and low recovery proficiency, aggressiveness increased significantly with provocation and was more pronounced than in the condition of high proficiency (best fitness); in the condition of low proficiency (least fitness) aggressiveness was higher than in the condition of intermediate proficiency, but not reliably so.  相似文献   
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