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How can firms use brand personalities to develop the most persuasive advertising appeals? In this article, we examine advertising appeals that capitalize on the signaling opportunities that using these brands can provide (signaling ad appeal) versus the self-improvement opportunities that using these brands can offer (self-improvement ad appeal). In two studies, we find that the effectiveness of these appeals depends on consumers' implicit self-theories. Specifically, signaling ad appeals are more effective for consumers who believe their personal qualities are fixed and cannot be developed through their own efforts (entity theorists), whereas self-improvement ad appeals are more effective for consumers who believe their personal qualities are malleable and can be developed (incremental theorists). Implications for brand personality research and advertising are discussed.  相似文献   
Three studies document that consumers' implicit theories about the fixedness/malleability of personality guide brand personality updating in a brand extension context. The first two studies show that extension fit with the parent brand impacts brand personality updating only for incremental (vs. entity theorists). Specifically, for incremental theorists, brand personality is enhanced (vs. diluted) when extension fit is poor (vs. good), and only when brand personality is salient. The third study identifies conditions under which entity theorists focus on brand personality. Interestingly, overall evaluations of the parent brand and extension vary only with extension fit. Implications of our research are discussed.  相似文献   
The Implicit Association Test (Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998) is a categorization task intended to measure the strength of associations between concepts. The present research investigated the influence of individual stimuli on IAT effects. Exploring implicit attitudes of East and West Germans, we systematically manipulated relatedness of target stimuli to the attribute dimension and, simultaneously, relatedness of attribute stimuli to the target dimension. Two experiments demonstrate the influence of stimulus associations as one source that drives IAT effects. Depending on the strength and the direction of these cross-category associations, the result was either stronger IAT effects or a decline of IAT effects. Implications for theoretical models as well as for the interpretation of IAT effects are discussed.  相似文献   
加工水平对不同类型内隐记忆测试的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许多内隐记忆研究表明 ,加工水平影响外显记忆而不影响内隐记忆 ,这样的实验结果被一些研究者认为是外显记忆与内隐记忆系统分离的重要依据之一。实际上 ,内隐记忆研究中的加工水平问题一直存在争议 ,加工水平效应作为两类记忆系统分离的依据是不充分的。在我们的这项实验中 ,结果表明 ,加工水平影响概念样例生成这种内隐记忆测试而不影响知觉辨认测试。  相似文献   
The implicit association test (IAT) is believed to measure implicit evaluations by assessing reaction times on two cognitive tasks, often termed “compatible” and “incompatible” tasks. A common rationale for studying the IAT is that it might improve our prediction and understanding of meaningful psychological criteria. To date, however, no clear psychometric theory has been advanced for this measure. We examine the theory, methods and analytic strategies surrounding the IAT in the context of criterion prediction to determine measurement and causal models a researcher embraces (knowingly or unknowingly) by using the test. Our analyses reveal that the IAT revolves around interpretation of two distinct relative constructs, one at the conceptual level and one at the observed level. We show that interest in relative implicit evaluations at the conceptual level imposes a causal model that is restrictive in form. We then examine measurement models of the IAT and show how computing a difference score at the observed level may lack empirical justification. These issues are highlighted in a study replicating an effect established in the literature (Study 1). We then introduce a new variant of the IAT and use it to evaluate the reasonableness of traditional IAT methods (Study 2).  相似文献   
IAT在内隐助人态度上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪伟 《心理学探新》2008,28(3):93-96
内隐联想测验(Implicit Association Test)是研究内隐社会认知的一种新方法,根据内隐联想测验的基本原理,采用IAT对内隐助人态度进行了研究。主要采用词汇测验,目标概念是助人性和非助人性词汇,属性概念是积极词和消极词。通过比较目标概念和属性概念在不同联结情况下被试完成分类任务所用的反应时之差,来确定其是否具有倾向于助人的内隐态度。结果发现:1)IAT词汇测验中,助人性信息和积极性词汇之间的平均反应时小于助人性信息和消极性词汇之间的平均反应时,且差异显著;2)IAT测验中,男女被试间无显著性差异。研究表明,IAT可以应用于内隐助人态度的研究。  相似文献   
Two studies used an illusory correlation procedure to test whether distinct implicit and explicit evaluations can result from the same learning episode. All participants learned twice as much about the qualities of one group (majority) than another (minority). In one condition, the ratio of positive to negative information was equal between groups. In other conditions, the majority group showed proportionally more positive qualities than the minority group, or vice versa. Participants in the pro-majority and pro-minority conditions formed both implicit and explicit attitudes consistent with the attitude induction. Participants in the illusory correlation condition showed the expected preference for the majority group (the illusory bias), but showed no implicit preference, suggesting distinct influences on implicit and explicit attitude formation. The effects are consistent with dual-process models in which implicit attitudes reflect accounting of covariation and explicit attitudes reflect interpretative judgments of that covariation.  相似文献   
Journal of Philosophical Logic - Within the traditional Hilbert space formalism of quantum mechanics, it is not possible to describe a particle as possessing, simultaneously, a sharp position value...  相似文献   
Greenwald提出的内隐联想测验介绍   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
内隐联想测验(Implicit Association Test,简称IAT)是Greenwald等于1998年提出的一种新的内隐社会认知的研究方法,其采用的是一种计算机化的辨别分类任务,以反应时为指标,通过对概念词和属性词之间的自动化联系的评估进而来对个体的内隐态度等进行间接测量。该文先对内隐联想测验的由来、原理进行了介绍,再从性能及应用两方面对已有的相关研究进行了归纳、整理和论述。最后,通过分析指出该方法符合现代心理测量学的最新发展方向,将有着强大的生命力。  相似文献   
该研究旨在采用生态效度更高的情绪情景事件以及内隐和外显两种测量方式考察自闭症儿童的情绪理解。选取自闭症和智商匹配的正常儿童各21名,以序列图片的方式呈现从动画片中截取的不同效价的情景事件,外显任务要求被试直接判断事件主角的情绪、内隐任务要求被试判断事件的一致性。结果发现:1.在外显任务中,自闭症儿童对正性和负性情绪的判断正确率均显著不如正常儿童,尤其是在负性情绪上存在明显的理解缺陷;2.在内隐任务中,正常儿童的正性负性情绪、自闭症儿童的正性情绪都表现出更弱的相对于中性情绪的理解效应;自闭症儿童的负性情绪理解则在两种任务中都接近于无。这些结果意味着自闭症儿童在外显和内隐任务中都存在负性情绪理解缺陷。  相似文献   
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