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以442名初中生为被试,采用历时20个月的纵向研究考察家庭社会经济地位(socioeconomic status, SES)和积极品质对中考成绩的预测作用。结果发现:(1)家庭SES、积极品质整体发展水平可以同时显著正向预测初中生在20个月后的中考成绩;(2)积极品质整体发展水平在家庭SES与中考成绩之间存在中介作用,即家庭SES越高,初中生的积极品质整体水平越高,其中考成绩越好。研究结果提示积极品质可以补偿低家庭SES对学生中考成绩的不良影响。  相似文献   
大学生的成就动机和成功恐惧研究   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
运用成就动机问卷和投射测验研究了大学生的成就动机和成功恐惧。结果表明 ,大学生的成功恐惧有四种 ,分别与人际、家庭、学业和事业有关。由投射测验引起的成功恐惧有明显的性别差异和专业差异。成就动机、追求成功的动机与成功恐惧负相关显著 ,避免失败的动机与成功恐惧正相关显著。  相似文献   
中学生偶像崇拜与学业自我概念、学业成绩的关系研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究主要采用问卷法 ,选取北京市某普通中学 42 8名初一至高三的学生进行研究 ,结果表明 :(1 )有偶像的中学生人数显著高于无偶像的人数 ,“歌星影星”与“著名人士”是其崇拜的主流。 (2 )学业自我概念及其各维度在有无偶像之间不存在显著差异。 (3)主要偶像类型对学业自我概念具有显著主效应。 (4 )有无偶像和主要偶像类型对学业成绩均没有显著主效应。  相似文献   
Research has demonstrated that implicit theories of creativity are crucial in shaping an individual’s behavior and real‐life decisions toward being creative. The present study proposed and examined the underlying mechanisms of how two kinds of implicit theories—the growth mindset of the creative self and the stereotype of creative others—are associated with creative achievements through the mediating role of creativity motivation. Participants were 606 undergraduate students who were enrolled in an education major in two universities in China. Overall, the study found that Chinese students held a positive image toward a creative student, regarding him or her as highly competent, warm, and popular. Student perceptions of a creative other were positively related to their growth mindset of creativity. Moreover, results verified both the mediating role of creativity motivation on growth mindset, as well as the effect of positive stereotyping of the creative other on students’ creative achievement. These findings point to promising creativity motivation strategies including the cultivation of a malleable view of creativity and of creative role models, that may, in turn, promote creative achievement by encouraging students to do, learn, and accomplish new things.  相似文献   
Adult attachment style has consequences for mental health, interpersonal functioning and emotion regulation. This occurs partly deliberately, also referred to as explicit, and partly on an automatic level outside of conscious awareness, also referred to as implicit. Whereas explicit adult attachment can be assessed with self-report instruments, measurement of implicit adult attachment requires indirect methods. This paper describes the psychometric properties of two Implicit Association Tests measuring general adult attachment in a population sample. The study evaluated the reliability and the validity of the Avoidant Attachment IAT (ANX-IAT) and the Anxious Attachment IAT (AVOID-IAT). Validity was evaluated against self-report measures of adult attachment style (RQ), psychopathology (SQ-48), and well-being (MHC-SF). The split-half reliabilities of both IATs were good; the test-retest reliability of the ANX-IAT was adequate; however the AVOID-IAT had low test-retest reliability. Both IATs did not explain variance in psychopathology additional to explicit measures. The AVOID-IAT showed added value over explicit measurement of avoidant attachment in explaining variance in well-being, particularly regarding emotional and psychological well-being. The ANX-IAT did not explain variance in any measure of well-being additional to the explicit measure of anxious attachment. Our findings provide a basis from which more valid IATs measuring general adult attachment can be developed. Furthermore, they suggest that implicit avoidant attachment might be related to well-being, particularly emotional and psychological well-being. However, further research is needed to investigate the role of implicit general adult attachment in mental health and to optimize the two IATs in terms of validity before clinical use is recommended.  相似文献   
为探讨父母学业参与和学业压力与青少年早期学业投入之间的关系,考察成就目标取向的中介作用,以及学业成就水平在该中介过程中的调节作用,对2487名初一学生进行测查,结果发现:(1)父母学业参与正向预测青少年早期个体的学业投入、负向预测学业抽离,父母学业压力正向预测学业抽离;(2)掌握目标取向在父母学业参与和青少年早期的学业投入之间起正向中介作用,在父母学业参与和学业抽离间发挥负向中介作用;表现回避目标取向在父母学业压力和学业抽离间具有正向中介作用;(3)掌握目标取向的中介作用受到学业成就水平的调节。研究结果揭示了父母学业参与和学业压力对青少年早期的学业投入的共同作用,为从家庭层面提高青少年的学业投入水平提供了参考。  相似文献   
The implicit learning account of syntactic priming proposes that the same mechanism underlies syntactic priming and language development, providing a link between a child and adult language processing. The present experiment tested predictions of this account by comparing the persistence of syntactic priming effects in children and adults. Four-year-olds and adults first described transitive events after hearing transitive primes, constituting an exposure phase that established priming effects for passives. The persistence of this priming effect was measured in a test phase as participants described further transitive events but no longer heard primes. Their production of passives was compared to a baseline group who described the same pictures without any exposure to primes. Neither immediate nor long-term priming effects differed between children and adults but both children and adults showed significant immediate and persistent effects of the priming when the test phase occurred immediately after the exposure phase and when a short delay separated the exposure and test phase. The implications of these results for an implicit learning account of syntactic priming are discussed.  相似文献   
目的:研究探讨了单类内隐联想测验(Single Category Implicit Association Test,SC-IAT)测量中学生良心的可行性,并分析内隐良心和外显良心的关系。方法:采用E-prime3.0软件编制SC-IAT良心测量程序,测量了中学生内隐良心; 采用青少年良心问卷测量了中学生的外显良心,并运用相关技术分析两者之间的关系。结果:SC-IAT实验中,中学生良心的内隐效应显著,且不存在性别、独生与否、学段、家庭结构、家庭所在地等人口统计学指标上的显著差异; 内隐良心与外显良心之间的相关不显著。结论:(1)中学生良心存在积极内隐效应;(2)外显良心和内隐良心相互分离,是两个不同的建构。  相似文献   
Prior work has found that moral values that build and bind groups—that is, the binding values of ingroup loyalty, respect for authority, and preservation of purity—are linked to blaming people who have been harmed. The present research investigated whether people's endorsement of binding values predicts their assignment of the causal locus of harmful events to the victims of the events. We used an implicit causality task from psycholinguistics in which participants read a sentence in the form “SUBJECT verbed OBJECT because…” where male and female proper names occupy the SUBJECT and OBJECT position. The participants were asked to predict the pronoun that follows “because”—the referent to the subject or object—which indicates their intuition about the likely cause of the event. We also collected explicit judgments of causal contributions and measured participants' moral values to investigate the relationship between moral values and the causal interpretation of events. Using two verb sets and two independent replications (N = 459, 249, 788), we found that greater endorsement of binding values was associated with a higher likelihood of selecting the object as the cause for harmful events in the implicit causality task, a result consistent with, and supportive of, previous moral psychological work on victim blaming. Endorsement of binding values also predicted explicit causal attributions to victims. Overall, these findings indicate that moral values that support the group rather than the individual reliably predict that people shift the causal locus of harmful events to those affected by the harms.  相似文献   
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