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This study evaluated whether a participatory action research intervention with nursing staff on acute care older people National Health Service wards in the United Kingdom was effective for increasing work engagement. Mediation analyses between job resources (social support, influence in decision-making), job demands, work-related needs (autonomy, competence, relatedness), and work engagement explored the presumed psychological mechanisms underlying the intervention. A non-randomized, matched control group, pretest, post-test design involved three intervention and five control wards. A significant decrease in relatedness, and a borderline significant decrease in competence, was observed in the intervention group compared to the control group, with no effect on work engagement (N = 45). Work-related needs mediated between resources and work engagement, supporting the job demands-resources model and self-determination theory as an underlying explanatory theory. Intervention implementation was difficult, highlighting the need for participant and organizational readiness for change, and strong management support. This is the first known study to apply participatory techniques to increase work engagement in nursing staff and explore the underlying explanatory psychological mechanisms, offering a novel means of taking work engagement research forward. Crucially, it highlights the challenges involved in intervention research and the importance of including evaluations of intervention implementation alongside statistical evaluations to avoid erroneous conclusions.  相似文献   
The objective of the study was to assess the relationship between conflict management styles and work-related well-being of employees in a higher education institution in South Africa. Participants were academic personnel (n = 180) and support staff (n = 201), of which 59.9% were females and 29.9% were black African participants of a large South African university. They completed self-report measures of conflict management and work-related well-being. The data were analysed to predict work-related well-being from conflict management styles and to determine the differences between support staff and academic personnel regarding conflict management styles and work-related well-being. Findings indicated the conflict management style of compromise to predict lower levels of engagement and higher levels of disengagement. Support staff reported to utilise the compromising and dominating style more than did academic personnel. Diversity in conflict management styles may serve organisations better than a monolithic conflict management style.  相似文献   
Well‐trained staff are a prerequisite for successful implementation of treatment plans when working in human service contexts. The high rate of turnover makes the use of efficient and effective staff training all the more important. Previous research has used behavioral skills training to train teachers in correct implementation of discrete trial training of children with autism. They showed that a brief 10‐min procedure could effectively train staff and result in improved performance. The current study elaborated on previous work by using participants without prior exposure to the method, including treatment integrity data and testing for maintenance 1 month after training ended. The mean percentage of correct teaching responses for the three participants increased from 70%, 58%, and 66% during baseline to 97%, 96%, and 99%, respectively, following training. Results indicated that the training package was effective and the results were maintained 30 days later.  相似文献   
医护人员对癌症告知态度的调查研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了了解医护人员对癌症告知的态度,对634名医护人员进行问卷调查。结果显示,医护人员不十分赞同将真情完全告知患者,其告知意愿在一定程度上取决于患者的知情愿望,他们比较认同家属拥有决策权,且普遍认为患者不是充分知晓病情。因此,医护人员应该增强告知认识,尊重患者告知意愿,引导家属告知观念,努力提高患者知情程度。  相似文献   
中医理念在拇趾外翻临床中的运用   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
探讨运用中医治病求本、阴阳学说、筋束骨、小夹板纸压垫原理、辨证施治等中医理论,构筑的中西医结合微创技术治疗拇外翻畸形的诊疗体系.从拇外翻畸形的病因、病理、矫形手术、手法复位、生物固定、术后康复等几方面,阐述对拇外翻畸形的新的矫形理念.  相似文献   
调查某三甲医院医务人员对医学科研伦理的认知及培训情况。选取该院300名医务人员作为研究对象,了解其对医学伦理委员会的认知情况以及教育培训情况。结果显示,医务人员对医院设置医学伦理委员会、科研需通过委员会审核的认知及工作期间参加医学伦理学培训的占比分别为48.33%、39.33%和54.00%;医生对医学伦理委员会的知晓情况优于技师和护士,硕士及以上学历的医务人员对医学伦理委员会的知晓情况优于大专及以下学历,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。医务人员对医学伦理学的认识不足,工作期间接受的培训也较少,医院应重视医学伦理学的建设工作。  相似文献   
ICU挽救了大量重症患者的生命,但也让很多患者留下了痛苦的回忆,ICU内人文关怀的缺失是发生这种现象的重要原因。疾病及医疗护理行为、ICU的环境、失眠、生命尊严与求生欲望之间的矛盾都使患者产生痛苦,由此提出要从制度层面完善学科设置,明确学科定位,加强专科人才培养,合理配置人力资源,完善管理政策,技术层面要对患者进行有效的镇静、镇痛治疗,重视患者诉求,减少有创操作,开展ICU床旁早期活动和康复治疗,从心理层面建立友好的ICU环境,注重医护患沟通,从多角度实施临终关怀,帮助患者减少痛苦。  相似文献   
This study is the first systematic effort to investigate psychological services provided to relatives of ICU patients at Nicosia General Hospital. Documentation of psychological sessions provided to relatives of ICU patients for the years 2011–2014 was analyzed. To investigate possible differences in the total number of sessions for the referenced years, the records were analyzed using patients’ demographics, the outcome of hospitalization and the total number of sessions with relatives. A questionnaire was sent to the ICU staff aiming to identify their perception towards the need for psychological support. A total number of 863 psychological sessions were conducted with 640 relatives of 345 patients hospitalized in the ICU. Results indicate that more sessions are recorded when the outcome of younger patients’ condition worsens, whereas the number of sessions decreases for older patients’ families. When comparing the personnel’s beliefs, regarding the importance of providing psychological services to different age groups, significant difference was found suggesting that the older the patient the less sessions they believe are required indicating a possible ageism bias.  相似文献   
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