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Hemispheric lateralization in 47,XXY Klinefelter's syndrome boys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty-two boys with a 47,XXY karyotype were compared with chromosomally normal male controls in their performance on six tasks of hemispheric specialization. The results revealed that the 47,XXY subjects had smaller asymmetries on left hemisphere tasks and larger asymmetries on right hemisphere tasks than controls. Analyses of individual right and left side scores revealed that the atypical lateral asymmetries of the 47,XXYs were due to a shift toward greater right hemisphere involvement on four of the six measures. It was postulated that the slower fetal growth rates of the extra X chromosome group might contribute to their atypical hemispheric specialization and the failure of their left hemisphere to gain dominance over their right in language processing.  相似文献   
Personality and background features of men in female-dominated professions were assessed by comparing survey data on 54 men employed in atypical professions (A′s) with 63 men employed in sex-typical fields (S′s). Subjects were American born, college-educated males, under 50 years of age, employed in fields with over 75% male or female participation, and recruited in Atlanta in 1978. Subjects completed a biographical questionnaire, the Cattell 16 PF, and the Bem Sex Role Inventory under three instructional sets. In comparison with S′s the A′s showed lower adherence to traditional sex-role expectations on the Bem Sex Role Inventory, in the allotment of sex-typed household responsibilities, and in their greater “tender-minded” emotional sensitivity on the Cattell 16 PF. In terms of their personal histories, A′s more frequently reported having had employed mothers, having had distant relationships with their fathers, and having been positively influenced in their career choices by women. A′s more frequently experienced a death of a parent or sibling, or parental divorce or separation, and frequently mentioned such stresses as sensitizing them to their nurturant and emotional capabilities. There was also evidence that upward-mobility strivings may have contributed to atypical career choice, with A′s more frequently being members of racial minorities and/or of lower socioeconomic background. As expected, in contrast to S′s, A′s shared personality and socialization factors indicative of lower sex-typing, thus confirming the psychological significance of the sex composition of one's occupation for men as was confirmed earlier for women.  相似文献   
A previous attempt to improve amnesic Korsakoff patients' retention of individual words resulted in only moderate improvement and, then, only under restricted conditions. It appeared that this occurred because the patients “forget” the instructed analysis of the word as well as the word itself. Consequently, the two experiments reported here sought to provide feature (Experiment 1) or associated (Experiment 2) cues at both input and output. In this manner relatively good performance was obtained, but only when semantic cues were “strongly” associated to the target words. Implications for an encoding specificity interpretation are drawn from these results.  相似文献   
When asked to work both alone and in groups, people exert less effort in groups, a phenomenon we call “social loafing.” Either of two possible strategies could explain this outcome: an allocational strategy where people work as hard as they can overall but conserve their strength for individual trials where work is personally beneficial and a minimizing strategy where the primary motive is to “get by” with the least effort possible. However, an allocational strategy would lead participants who always work in groups to put out as much effort as participants who always work alone, since there is no need to husband strength. Two studies using a sound production task found social loafing even under these conditions, suggesting that allocational strategies are not prevalent. Social loafing seems to occur when people perform together in groups, regardless of whether or not they must also perform alone.  相似文献   
Four classes of possible mechanisms for short-term item recognition are distinguished: (I) pure list-search, (II) direct-access activation (or trace strength) discrimination, (III) mixtures (of I and II), and (IV) response-association. Manipulations of recency, particularly of negative probe items, provide critical tests between them. Two experiments are reported using Sternberg' s 1966 varied-set reaction time paradigm, coupled with procedures intended to minimize rehearsal and control the recency of probes and memory set items. RT and error rate were greater for negative probe items that had recently been presented than for items less recently presented, and this effect increased with positive set size. In contrast, positive RT was, except for the initial item, a decreasing function of recency (= serial position), and there was no additional effect of set size per se. A brief filled delay between list and probe increased positive RT but not the slope of the set size function. These and other findings appear to reject models of Classes I and IV and, while implying some direct discrimination of an item's recency, require modification of the models of Classes II and III. The implications are discussed with respect to the relation between the two versions of Sternberg's paradigm and also in connection with facilitatory “priming” effects in memory.  相似文献   
Alcoholic Korsakoff patients' rate of retrieval from semantic memory was investigated. It was found that their rate of retrieval from “lexical” semantic memory was nearly normal, but their rate of retrieval from “conceptual” semantic memory was impaired. In addition, an attempt to “prime” their lexical semantic memory by requesting the same category to be searched on adjacent trials met with failure. It was concluded that Korsakoff patients' lexical storage is probably organized normally, but their conceptual organization is not. Parallels with these patients' episodic memory impairments are discussed and possible interactions between episodic and semantic memory are proposed.  相似文献   
The literature on language mixing in polyglot aphasics is reviewed and a case report of a patient with spontaneous translation is presented. A microgenetic model of language processing provides an interpretive framework for language mixing and spontaneous translation as symptoms of polyglot aphasia. It is suggested that language mixing reflects a deficit at the linguistic level while spontaneous translation reflects a deficit at the prelinguistic level of language processing. A hypothesis about the organization of multiple languages in a single speaker is proposed.  相似文献   
Aphasic and non-neurological patients grouped nouns on the basis of similarity of meaning. These word groupings served as input matrices for hierarchical clustering and multidimensional scaling analyses. The emergent structures suggest that, while the normal adult has a number of levels upon which to organize his lexicon, the adult aphasic's lexicon can be characterized as a set of partial entries that are tied to affective and situational data. The results also suggest that semantic feature representations derived from similarity-of-meaning judgments are of relevance in the study of factors which influence actual language performance.  相似文献   
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