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Åqvist  Lennart 《Studia Logica》2002,72(3):313-338
The paper presents an infinite hierarchy of sound and complete axiomatic systems for Two-Dimensional Modal Tense Logic with Historical Necessity, Agents and Acts. A main novelty of these logics is their capacity to represent formally (i) basic action-sentences asserting that such and such an act is performed/omitted by an agent, as well as (ii) causative action-sentences asserting that by performing/omitting a certain act, an agent causes that such and such a state-of-affairs is realized (e.g. comes about/ceases/remains/remains absent). We illustrate how the formal machinery of our systems can be used to reconstruct a number of interesting ideas in the Logic of Agency and Action that have been proposed by authors like von Wright, von Kutschera, Belnap and Segerberg.  相似文献   
传统中国历史思想中的"时间"与"超时间"概念   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在中国文化中,“时间”铭记刻画了人所身处之境况、时势的脉动以及历史中的个人的种种表现,绝非只是对自然事件的机械式载录而已。在传统中国历史思维之中,以永恒典律(如“道”、“理”)或不朽范型(如尧、舜、三代)为标竿,而尝试去存留、体现的实践过程,构成了中国历史上各个时代的具体内容。在中国传统文化中,生命的意义与价值在于领悟历史上存在过的典范,并将这些典范接引、召唤至人们所生存的时代,也因此中国文化中的“时间”概念寓涵了某种的“超时间”特质:中国人对过往历史的学习,其实只是掌握“超时间”的基点,其究极目的在于将典律范型落实于当代时空之中。中国人所认知的“时间”概念与人文关怀紧密相系;历史上的“时代”就是“时间”的会串、整合与界分;所谓“超时间”乃是从各时代中提炼出的典律范型;而经由人们的描摹叙述,“时间”会经由口语及交书而被转化成“历史”。抽象的“超时间”概念实取自“时间”,俯瞰着“时间”的流转,并且贯穿了整部“历史”的发展。本文先论述中国人文主义具有强烈的“天人合一”特质,表现出明显的社会政治取向,一切思想都落实到当下即是的人生与现实。人与自然、超自然的关系在传统中国仍被统纳入“人事”的范畴。本文第一节论证中国史学体现:中国历史意识中,“时间”与“超时间”有其错综复杂的关系:“时间”将确切发生的一桩桩事件织结成全幅的网络,而“超时间”是从网络中凝塑出来的中心意义。第二节论证“时间”如何汇淬成“超时间”,而第三节分析“超时间”必须以“时间”为基础始可形成,最后一节则对中国历史思维的特质作进一步的探讨。  相似文献   
论司马迁对《周易》的范式践履   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
司马迁是熟谙《周易》的,这不仅体现在具体的著述行文上,更深层次的是,无论其创作动力、著史宗旨还是史著构架无不深受易理的影响。“发愤著书”所涵寓的奋斗精神、使命感、忧患意识等理性内核实皆本之于《周易》高扬的“自强不息”、“致命遂志”、“居安思患”等精义;“究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言”的创作宗旨则是对《周易》作为巫、史、子文化集成典范的自觉践履;《史记》的著述构架更是深受《周易》宇宙生成图式、筮仪范式、“三才”学说及类属意识之浸润。  相似文献   
梁漱溟的"人类心理学"及其理论意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对以华生、郭任远为代表的行为主义心理学在研究对象和研究方法观点上的批判,梁漱溟建立了自己的一套理论体系--“人类心理学”。它是儒家心性论的“现代版”,同时又是一种人性论。该理论体系产生于二十世纪二十年代,在心理学史和伦理学史上都具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   
论自尊的心理意义   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
杨丽珠  张丽华 《心理学探新》2003,23(4):10-12,16
自尊以其对人类社会生活和个体精神生活的独特作用和贡献而倍受心理学家的关注。自尊作为起中介作用的人格变量,对儿童的情感、动机、社会适应性行为、认知活动及其品德等有着重要的制约作用;它的发展有助于个体心理健康和良好个性的形成。  相似文献   
老子认为,人性是源于道的朴,具有主动性、柔弱性、复归倾向和自我意识。水性兼具人性和道性。圣人的人格是水性人格,其结构包括“食母”需要、质朴的自我意识和柔弱处世三个组成部分。在环境无条件的积极关注之下,个体通过致虚守静和以“重静”规约“轻躁”的努力,就可以形成水性人格。老子的水性人格理论,对于人格理论的构建和健全人格的培养都具有一定的启示价值。  相似文献   
王阳  温忠麟 《心理科学》2018,(5):1233-1239
在心理学和其他社科研究领域,通常的中介效应分析都基于被试间设计,研究者对于如何分析基于被试内设计的中介效应往往并不清楚。本文阐述了两水平被试内设计的中介效应分析方法(依次检验法和路径分析法),综合各方法优缺点给出一个分析流程,并用应用研究实例演示如何分析两水平被试内中介效应,最后展望了基于被试内设计的中介效应分析研究的拓展方向。  相似文献   
Over the past three decades, Cognition & Emotion has been one of the world’s leading outlets for emotion research. In this article, we review past highlights of and future prospects for the journal. Our tour of history covers three periods: The first period, from 1987 to 1999, was a pioneering era in which cognitive theories began to be applied to the scientific analysis of emotion. The second period, from 2000 to 2007, was characterised by a sharp increase in the number of empirical research papers, a lot of which were concerned with automatic processing biases and their implications for clinical psychology. During the third period, from 2008 to 2017, a new focus emerged on self-regulatory processes and their implications for emotion. We then turn to the present profile of Cognition & Emotion and introduce our new editorial team. Finally, we consider how the journal’s future success can be continued and increased by a) providing authors with fast and high-quality feedback; b) offering attractive publication formats, including the newly introduced Registered Reports for pre-registered studies; and c) consolidating key methodological paradigms with reproducible findings.  相似文献   
The platinum mining sector in South Africa presents a significant context for the study of work engagement, given the major changes and turmoil experienced by employees in this sector. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of task and relational factors on work engagement in the platinum mining industry in South Africa. A stratified random sample (N = 564) comprising employees in a platinum mining organisation in South Africa was surveyed (females = 35.1%, blacks = 51.6%, middle managers = 40.8%). The employees completed a biographical questionnaire and several other measures: the Engagement Scale, Supervisory Support Scale, Social Support Scale and Job Diagnostic Survey. The results supported a reliable three-factor structure (consisting of autonomy support, competence support, and relatedness support) for the Supervisory Support Scale. The structural model confirmed that task characteristics (comprising task significance and task identity) were strongly related to work engagement. Supervisor support and co-worker support showed a positive relationship with work engagement, albeit to a lesser extent.  相似文献   
马克思经济伦理思想不仅深受英、法古典经济学的影响,也受到德国古典哲学、历史学派以及青年黑格尔派思想的影响,诸如经济伦理的视角、方法以及劳动、异化、拜物教等问题,马克思都对其有着分析、批判与继承。  相似文献   
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