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陈丽君  郑雪 《心理学报》2014,46(3):367-384
在潜藏式与矛盾式两类问题发现情境中, 以眼动仪为研究工具, 问题发现能力高与低的大学生各20名为被试, 探讨大学生在问题发现总体和4个兴趣区中的眼动特征及其与发现问题数量和质量之间的关系。研究表明:(1)不同能力大学生在不同情境及其兴趣区中的问题发现差异, 能够体现在眼动指标上。回视是反映问题发现能力的敏感指标。回视次数和发现问题数量与质量之间的正相关, 以及在高能力组学生上的优势, 体现了信息的联系和整合性加工在问题发现中具有积极意义。(2)潜藏式问题发现中, 个体平均注视时间更长, 反映其认知加工难度更大。在提供重要信息的区域, 被试会投入更多精力, 表现为在注视时间、注视次数和瞳孔直径大小等指标的上升。(3)眼睛注视区域与发现问题区域间存在对应关系, 显示出“眼随心动”现象。在问题发现的最初和最终阶段, 被试都会出现跨区信息搜寻行为, 分别代表了对问题线索的寻找和最后的检查评估。高能力被试在每个稳定注视阶段的注视时间更短, 这种信息转换的灵活性体现出其信息加工上的优势。动态眼动轨迹分析揭示了单个静态指标难以反映的新特点。  相似文献   
赵欣  袁杰  徐依宁  傅世敏 《心理科学进展》2014,22(11):1708-1722
视觉选择性注意的研究是认知心理学领域的热点之一。注意选择的表征不仅可以基于空间, 也可以基于物体。基于物体的注意(object-based attention, OBA)的研究范式主要有双矩形提示范式和侧干扰范式, 有关基于物体的注意的机制的理论有感觉增强理论、注意优先理论和注意转换理论。影响基于物体的注意效应的因素主要有刺激本身的特征(如刺激呈现时间)、其它知觉过程和经验因素等。视觉物体的概念既包括格式塔知觉组织原则定义的物体, 也包括无意识下的物体、变化之后的物体和自上而下的物体。  相似文献   
Because philosophical reflections on touch usually start from our ability to perceive properties of objects, they tend to overlook features of touch that are crucial to correct understanding of tactual perception. This paper brings out these features and uses them to develop a general reconception of the sense of touch. I start by taking a fresh look at our ability to feel, in order to reveal its vital role. This sheds a different light on the skin's perceptual potential. While it is commonly observed that tactile experiences have two intentional objects, an external object and one's own body, I will advance a more accurate alternative: in tactile experiences, one becomes aware of what one's body undergoes. This alternative not only fits better with tactility's vital role; it is also key to explaining how active touching provides for a unique contribution to our perceptual relation to material objects. By thus connecting tactility's vital role to the way we rely on touch while manipulating objects, this essay offers a cross-sectional survey of our tactile powers that reveals the interplay between sensing and touching.  相似文献   
In natural settings, infants learn spoken language with the aid of a caregiver who explicitly provides social signals. Although previous studies have demonstrated that young infants are sensitive to these signals that facilitate language development, the impact of real-life interactions on early word segmentation and word–object mapping remains elusive. We tested whether infants aged 5–6 months and 9–10 months could segment a word from continuous speech and acquire a word–object relation in an ecologically valid setting. In Experiment 1, infants were exposed to a live tutor, while in Experiment 2, another group of infants were exposed to a televised tutor. Results indicate that both younger and older infants were capable of segmenting a word and learning a word–object association only when the stimuli were derived from a live tutor in a natural manner, suggesting that real-life interaction enhances the learning of spoken words in preverbal infants.  相似文献   
采用单探测变化检测范式,通过两个实验探讨了三维双特征图形在视空间工作记忆中的存储方式。实验一的记忆材料为由颜色和形状两种基本特征组成的三维图形,实验二的材料为由基本特征和细节特征组成的三维图形。被试为60名大学本科生(实验1、2各30名,年龄在19~24岁之间,平均21.25岁和21.71岁)。两个实验的结果均显示:特征交换变化条件下的记忆成绩与单一特征变化条件下最小的平均检测正确率无显著差异。这表明,由两种异质特征组成的三维图形在视觉客体和视觉空间工作记忆中均能以整合的单元进行存储。  相似文献   
Kafka read Freud and was interested in psychoanalysis but believed there was no ‘cure’ for what was essentially the problem of living. As always with creative artists, the writer is his own psychoanalyst, and the actual process of writing is his means of self-revelation. The aim of this paper is to consider, in relation to two stories (The Metamorphosis and A Country Doctor), Kafka’s use of this background oedipal conflict with his father or received values (the ‘law’) as a springboard for the type of wound that results in creative writing. The wound for him became a kind of personal myth, and was also associated with other painful stimuli, including his tuberculosis and his troubled love affairs, but above all with his identity as a writer. The writing process and the ‘faith-value’ it demands is an underlying metaphor behind these narratives of Kafka’s ‘dream-like inner life’. There are parallels here with Bion’s psychoanalytic philosophy of ‘suffering’ and ‘psyche-lodgement’.  相似文献   
We report on three experiments that provide a real-time processing perspective on the poor comprehension of Broca’s aphasic patients for non-canonically structured sentences. In the first experiment we presented sentences (via a Cross Modal Lexical Priming (CMLP) paradigm) to Broca’s patients at a normal rate of speech. Unlike the pattern found with unimpaired control participants, we observed a general slowing of lexical activation and a concomitant delay in the formation of syntactic dependencies involving “moved” constituents and empty elements. Our second experiment presented these same sentences at a slower rate of speech. In this circumstance, Broca’s patients formed syntactic dependencies as soon as they were structurally licensed (again, a different pattern from that demonstrated by the unimpaired control group). The third experiment used a sentence-picture matching paradigm to chart Broca’s comprehension for non-canonically structured sentences (presented at both normal and slow rates). Here we observed significantly better scores in the slow rate condition. We discuss these findings in terms of the functional commitment of the left anterior cortical region implicated in Broca’s aphasia and conclude that this region is crucially involved in the formation of syntactically-governed dependency relations, not because it supports knowledge of syntactic dependencies, but rather because it supports the real-time implementation of these specific representations by sustaining, at the least, a lexical activation rise-time parameter.  相似文献   
It has been reported that the overall shapes of spatial categorical patterns of projective spatial terms such as above and below are not influenced by the rotation of a reference object on a two-dimensional (2D) upright plane. However, is this also true in three-dimensional (3D) space? This study shows the dynamic aspects of the apprehension of projective spatial terms in 3D space by detailing how the rotation of a reference object with an inherent front influences the apprehension of projective spatial terms on a level plane by mapping their spatial categorical patterns. The experiment was designed to examine how spatial categorical patterns on a level plane changed with the rotation of a reference object with an inherent front in 3D computer graphics space. We manipulated the rotation of a reference object with an inherent front at three levels (0°, 90°, and 180° rotations) and examined how such manipulation changed the overall spatial categorical patterns of four basic Japanese projective spatial terms: mae, ushiro, hidari, and migi (similar to in front of, behind, to the left of, and to the right of in English, respectively). The results show that spatial term apprehension was affected by the rotation of the reference object in 3D space. In particular, rotation influenced the mae–ushiro and hidari–migi systems differently. The results also imply that our understanding of projective spatial terms on a level plane in 3D space is affected dynamically by visual information from 3D cues.  相似文献   
研究考察了情景浏览过程中靶刺激变换对注视控制的影响,运用了眼动记录技术。实验采用2(靶刺激位置:左、右)×2(变换方式:增加靶刺激、删除靶刺激)的重复测量设计。结果发现:(1)靶刺激变换方式对靶刺激所属兴趣区首次注视启动时间存在显著性影响,并对靶刺激所属兴趣区的前3次注视持续时间产生影响;(2)靶刺激位置属性对兴趣区首次注视启动时间、前3次注视持续时间均不存在显著影响。结果表明,与靶刺激增加相比,靶刺激的删除更易引起被试的优先注意,而且会抑制首次注视过程中的信息提取。  相似文献   
The application of psychoanalytic theory and technique to the treatment of couples has been relatively overlooked despite the long history of concern by psychoanalysts with the role of marriage in individual development and suffering. This paper uses an example of marital and sex therapy to illustrate the application of psychoanalytic object relations theory to couple therapy, and describes the way that in-depth treatment of the couple's persecutory object relations that follow severe trauma can be effectively conducted. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of issues of shame and guilt in psychoanalytic theory and their relevance to this couple.  相似文献   
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