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选择、自我表达与选择扩散效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹文  陈红  高笑  Todd Jackson 《心理学报》2009,41(8):753-762
自我表达会影响西方人的态度, 产生选择扩散效应。国外相关的跨文化研究发现东方人不存在该效应。通过4个实验研究中国文化下自我表达对选择态度的影响, 发现选择方式(主动、被动)和自我表达形式(直接、间接)对选择态度产生影响。无论是自己的主动选择还是强加的被动选择, 直接的自我表达会增加对所获对象的喜爱程度, 表现为对获得性的肯定。研究者认为, 两种选择方式下不同的心理加工过程导致了这种获得性:直接表达使个人态度暴露在外, 进行主动选择时要对他人的给予做出肯定回应; 而进行被动选择时, 人们要减缓因利益受损可能导致的失调, 同时中国文化下的面子策略也使人们增加对所获对象的喜爱程度。不过, 间接的自我表达对选择态度的影响不明显。研究者认为, 多个影响因素的相互消长使选择态度得以维持。  相似文献   
This is the first of three essays which use Edmund Husserl's dependence ontology to formulate a non-Diodorean and non-Kantian temporal semantics for two-valued, first-order predicate modal languages suitable for expressing ontologies of experience (like physics and cognitive science). This essay's primary desideratum is to formulate an adequate dependence-ontological account of order. To do so it uses primitive (proper) part and (weak) foundation relations to formulate seven axioms and 28 definitions as a basis for Husserl's dependence ontological theory of relating moments. The essay distinguishes between dependence v. independence, pieces v. moments, mediate v. immediate pieces and moments, maximal v. non-maximal pieces, founded v. unfounded qualities, integrative v. disintegrative dependence, and defines the concepts of the completion of an object, the adumbrational equivalence relation of objects, moments of unity which unify objects, and relating moments which relate objects. The eight theorems [CUT90]-[CUT97] show that relating moments of unity provide an adequate account of order in terms of primitive (proper) part and (weak) foundation relations.  相似文献   
The objective of this work was to investigate the effects of auditory and visuo-spatial secondary tasks on variability in lane position in predictable and unpredictable driving conditions. Sixty-six participants drove a simulated vehicle. Predictability was manipulated by adding wind gusts, and the secondary task load by either an auditory task (Experiment 1) or a visuo-spatial task (Experiment 2). Results demonstrated that in the predictable driving condition, lane position variability decreased when auditory secondary task load was given, but it was not affected by visuo-spatial secondary task load. In the unpredictable driving condition; however, while the auditory secondary task load did not affect lane position variability, visuo-spatial secondary task load increased it. The data suggests that the effects of cognitive load on lane maintenance may depend on the type of the secondary task beside predictability of primary task.  相似文献   
We investigated the impact of viewing time and fixations on visual memory for briefly presented natural objects. Participants saw a display of eight natural objects arranged in a circle and used a partial report procedure to assign one object to the position it previously occupied during stimulus presentation. At the longest viewing time of 7,000 ms or 10 fixations, memory performance was significantly higher than at the shorter times. This increase was accompanied by a primacy effect, suggesting a contribution of another memory component—for example, visual long-term memory (VLTM). We found a very limited beneficial effect of fixations on objects; fixated objects were only remembered better at the shortest viewing times. Our results revealed an intriguing difference between the use of a blocked versus an interleaved experimental design. When trial length was predictable, in the blocked design, target fixation durations increased with longer viewing times. When trial length was unpredictable, fixation durations stayed the same for all viewing lengths. Memory performance was not affected by this design manipulation, thus also supporting the idea that the number and duration of fixations are not closely coupled to memory performance.  相似文献   
Recent accounts of conceptual knowledge suggest that the specific gestures/actions that should be performed in order to use an object for its intended function are an integral part of its mental representation. If this is true, then the information regarding which body part needs activating to interact with the object should also be part of such representation. Starting from the assumption that not only artefacts (i.e., tools), but also natural objects (i.e., fruits and vegetables) have a function, the present study investigates the existence of a link between a specific object and the effector involved in its use. The Implicit Association Test (IAT) paradigm was adopted to test for an association between natural objects and mouth, and between artefacts and hand (Experiment 1) or foot (Experiment 2). Results showed selective links between objects and effectors, based on which body part is needed to carry out the object's function.  相似文献   
Working memory is the memory system that allows for conscious storage and manipulation of information. The capacity of working memory is extremely limited. Measurements of this limit, and what affects it, are critical to understanding working memory. Cowan (2001) and Pashler (1988) suggested applying multinomial tree models to data from change detection paradigms in order to estimate working memory capacity. Both Pashler and Cowan suggested simple formulas for estimating capacity with these models. However, in many cases, these simple formulas are inadequate, and may lead to inefficient or biased estimation of working memory capacity. I propose a Bayesian hierarchical alternative to the Pashler and Cowan formulas, and show that the hierarchical model outperforms the traditional formulas. The models are easy to use and appropriate for a wide range of experimental designs. An easy-to-use graphical user interface for fitting the hierarchical model to data is available.  相似文献   
本研究采用"班级戏剧问卷"对中部一所小学3、4年级的285名儿童进行了3年追踪调查,研究了3年来儿童的外部攻击和关系攻击发展趋势及其在个体间的差异,并探讨了两类攻击行为发展趋势之间的关系。结果表明:(1)童年中后期外部攻击和关系攻击的变化趋势不显著。并且初始测量的外部攻击水平高的儿童,其关系攻击水平也较高;外部攻击行为变化较快的儿童,其关系攻击变化也比较快。(2)男生的外部攻击水平显著高于女生,而关系攻击的性别差异不显著。四年级关系攻击的上升速度快于三年级;初始为关系攻击较高组相对于较低组,他们的关系攻击随时间的上升速度也比较快。  相似文献   
Children are exposed to symbolic objects that they have to learn to use very early in life. The authors’ aim was to examine whether it is possible to intentionally teach young children the symbolic function of an object. They employed a search task in which children had to use a map to find a toy. Experiment 1 revealed that with no instruction 3-year-, 10-month-old children were quite successful; 3-year-, 6-month-olds showed a divided performance; and 3-year-, 0-month-olds failed. With this baseline, Experiment 2 compared the performance of 3-year-, 0-month-olds in three different conditions: no-instruction, complete instruction (before the task begins), and teaching (complete instruction plus corrective feedback); only children in the teaching condition succeeded. However, children 6 months younger, 2-year-, 6-month-olds, failed despite teaching that was provided (Study 3). This research shows that at some points in development instruction is not enough; intentional teaching in communicative contexts is the mechanism that boosts symbolic understanding in early childhood.  相似文献   
常用的多层线性模型要求因变量是服从正态分布的连续变量,却无法处理因变量为离散变量的嵌套数据.多层多项Logit模型能够处理因变量是无序多分类的多层嵌套数据,但这一模型在我国心理学研究中却鲜有介绍和应用.研究简要介绍了多层多项Logit模型的原理、参数估计和假设检验,然后分别用该模型和传统Logistic回归模型探讨个体因素和区域因素对35721名学生进入不同高校就读机会的影响并对结果进行了解释,结果表明多层多项Logit模型比传统Logistic回归模型更拟合数据.  相似文献   
In this paper, the authors discuss Frege's theory of logical objects (extensions, numbers, truth-values) and the recent attempts to rehabilitate it. We show that the eta relation George Boolos deployed on Frege's behalf is similar, if not identical, to the encoding mode of predication that underlies the theory of abstract objects. Whereas Boolos accepted unrestricted Comprehension for Properties and used the eta relation to assert the existence of logical objects under certain highly restricted conditions, the theory of abstract objects uses unrestricted Comprehension for Logical Objects and banishes encoding (eta) formulas from Comprehension for Properties. The relative mathematical and philosophical strengths of the two theories are discussed. Along the way, new results in the theory of abstract objects are described, involving: (a) the theory of extensions, (b) the theory of directions and shapes, and (c) the theory of truth values.  相似文献   
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