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In a matching-to-sample context, pigeons were taught two conditional discriminations according to one of three equivalence paradigms: train if A, then select B and if B, then select C; train if B, then A and if B, then C; or train if A, then B and if C, then B. Test trials without reinforcement revealed that the conditional relations did not satisfy the symmetrical and transitive properties of an equivalence relation. Apparently, only specific if... then relations were learned. Contrary to Kendall's (1983) findings, and probably as a consequence of procedural differences, none of the pigeons in the present experiment were observed to emit mediating behavior during the transitivity probe trials. The absence of symmetry and transitivity may be related to the individual stimuli not being reflexive. Behavioral techniques other than the commonly used matching-to-sample technique might better succeed in avoiding unintended stimulus control in the study of the formation of stimulus classes.  相似文献   
The objective of this work was to investigate the effects of auditory and visuo-spatial secondary tasks on variability in lane position in predictable and unpredictable driving conditions. Sixty-six participants drove a simulated vehicle. Predictability was manipulated by adding wind gusts, and the secondary task load by either an auditory task (Experiment 1) or a visuo-spatial task (Experiment 2). Results demonstrated that in the predictable driving condition, lane position variability decreased when auditory secondary task load was given, but it was not affected by visuo-spatial secondary task load. In the unpredictable driving condition; however, while the auditory secondary task load did not affect lane position variability, visuo-spatial secondary task load increased it. The data suggests that the effects of cognitive load on lane maintenance may depend on the type of the secondary task beside predictability of primary task.  相似文献   
本研究测查了183名儿童在一年级期间(学年初,学年中,学年末)的词语阅读能力(词语解码,阅读流畅性)及一年级末和二年级末的阅读理解能力,采用分层线性模型估计每名儿童在一年级期间词语阅读能力的初始水平和发展速率,以考察二者对阅读理解能力的独立预测作用。结果表明,词语识别的初始水平和增长速率都能独立预测一年级末和二年级末的阅读理解能力,阅读流畅性的初始水平和增长速率只能独立预测二年级末的阅读理解能力,但可以预测阅读理解能力在一年级到二年级的增长。  相似文献   
学校氛围是学校中被成员所体验并对其行为产生影响的、相对持久而稳定的学校环境特征。它以成员的共同行为感知为基础,对学校和学生的发展具有重要作用。以PISA2003测试的数据为基础,采用多水平线性模型,考察了中国香港、日本、美国和土耳其的15岁学生及其所在学校的校长知觉的学校氛围对学生数学成绩的影响。结果显示:(1)学生知觉的师生关系、数学课堂秩序,校长知觉的学生士气、学校消极行为对数学成绩的显著预测作用具有较高的跨文化一致性;(2)数学课堂上的教师支持、教师负面状态、数学教师间的共识能显著预测部分国家/地区的学生数学成绩;(3)学生知觉的对学校的看法、校长知觉的教师士气对四个国家/地区的学生数学成绩均无显著预测作用。  相似文献   
A 9-year-old female chimpanzee was trained on a two-item sequential-responding task. Attempts were made with successive-reversal training to establish functional classes. In Experiment 1, the subject was exposed to between-session successive-reversal training in which one of two pairs of stimuli was reversed, and transfer of reversal responding to the other pair was tested with nonreinforcement probe trials. She did not show transfer during the course of reversals. Stimulus control established in the original training was maintained on nonreinforcement probe trials. In Experiment 2, within-session reversals were introduced. She showed transfer from the initially reversed pair to the other. The results were consistent with Vaughan's (1988) results with pigeons on successive discriminations, which indicated the formation of functional classes. In Experiment 3, crossover and wild-card tests were conducted to clarify the stimulus control of sequential responding. The results suggested that the sequential responding was controlled only by the first stimulus of each pair. To establish control by both first and second stimuli, trial-unique stimuli or wild cards were substituted for one of the items of the lists in Experiment 4. Further transfer tests, in which stimuli for the two new pairs appeared, were also given to the subject. She successfully responded to these two merged lists and reversed the order as the result of reversal training.  相似文献   
This study examined the role of learning history on the acquisition of a matching-to-sample task. Twelve preschool children learned four stimulus classes through instructions, shaping, or imitation. After reaching criterion, the subjects were exposed to changed discrimination contingencies to determine how each learning history affected the acquisition of responses appropriate to the new contingencies. All subjects reached criterion on the new relations, although the subjects with a shaping history adapted slightly more quickly than those subjects with a history of instructions or imitation. Given sufficient exposure to changed contingencies, rule-driven insensitivity to contingencies was overcome by experience with consequences. This result may be specific to younger subjects, but it suggests that instructions can be used in education without creating insensitivity to contingencies.  相似文献   
Four normal children were presented a series of matching-to-sample tasks, using five sets of visual stimuli designated A, B, C, D, and E. Stimulus equivalences were established by matching stimuli from one set to those from another set. Each set consisted of three stimuli, so matching set A to set D meant that each stimulus in set A served as a sample with all three stimuli in set D as comparisons. Subjects were first taught AD and DC matching and were then able to perform AC/CA matching without additional training. After ED was taught directly, CE/EC and AE/EA performances emerged. Following CB training, three new equivalences were demonstrated: AB/BA, EB/BE, and DB/BD. Oral naming of each stimulus showed that subjects had not assigned a common label to stimuli in the same class, indicating that naming is not necessary for the formation of stimulus equivalences. The absence of response mediation suggests that matching to sample can form direct stimulus-stimulus associations. The data also provide support for the notion that generative performances are outcomes of existing stimulus-control relationships.  相似文献   
In this paper, a novel cognitive architecture for action recognition is developed by applying layers of growing grid neural networks. Using these layers makes the system capable of automatically arranging its representational structure. In addition to the expansion of the neural map during the growth phase, the system is provided with a prior knowledge of the input space, which increases the processing speed of the learning phase. Apart from two layers of growing grid networks the architecture is composed of a preprocessing layer, an ordered vector representation layer and a one-layer supervised neural network. These layers are designed to solve the action recognition problem. The first-layer growing grid receives the input data of human actions and the neural map generates an action pattern vector representing each action sequence by connecting the elicited activation of the trained map. The pattern vectors are then sent to the ordered vector representation layer to build the time-invariant input vectors of key activations for the second-layer growing grid. The second-layer growing grid categorizes the input vectors to the corresponding action clusters/sub-clusters and finally the one-layer supervised neural network labels the shaped clusters with action labels. Three experiments using different datasets of actions show that the system is capable of learning to categorize the actions quickly and efficiently. The performance of the growing grid architecture is compared with the results from a system based on Self-Organizing Maps, showing that the growing grid architecture performs significantly superior on the action recognition tasks.  相似文献   
Following pretraining with everyday objects, 14 children aged from 1 to 4 years were trained, for each of three pairs of different arbitrary wooden shapes (Set 1), to select one stimulus in response to the spoken word /zog/, and the other to /vek/. When given a test for the corresponding tacts ("zog" and "vek"), 10 children passed, showing that they had learned common names for the stimuli, and 4 failed. All children were trained to clap to one stimulus of Pair 1 and wave to the other. All those who named showed either transfer of the novel functions to the remaining two pairs of stimuli in Test 1, or novel function comprehension for all three pairs in Test 2, or both. Three of these children next participated in, and passed, category match-to-sample tests. In contrast, all 4 children who had learned only listener behavior failed both the category transfer and category match-to-sample tests. When 3 of them were next trained to name the stimuli, they passed the category transfer and (for the 2 subjects tested) category match-to-sample tests. Three children were next trained on the common listener relations with another set of arbitrary stimuli (Set 2); all succeeded on the tact and category tests with the Set 2 stimuli. Taken together with the findings from the other studies in the series, the present experiment shows that (a) common listener training also establishes the corresponding names in some but not all children, and (b) only children who learn common names categorize; all those who learn only listener behavior fail. This is good evidence in support of the naming account of categorization.  相似文献   
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