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小过卦依托卦象固有的等级框架,或取象比况,或直陈其事,揭示出当时社会的许多道理,其中包含了丰富的辩证法因素.<易>作者以为家事是小事,国事是大事,小事可以"过",大事不可以"过",这是尊君.这些思想见解是维护周王朝的统治和大一统思想的体现."过"的概念,实际上是哲学上"度"与"量"的问题.任何事物都有"度"和"量".本卦就运用了这一哲学思想来言说事理.  相似文献   
The perspective on zhi 知 (‘knowledge’) is often identified as a key distinction between the Zhuangzi 莊子 and its most famous commentator, Guo Xiang 郭象. Many scholars who recognize this distinction observe that zhi almost always has negative connotations in Guo Xiang’s writing, whereas certain types of knowledge can be positive in the Zhuangzi (e.g. da zhi 大知 ‘greater knowledge’ or zhen zhi 真知 ‘genuine knowledge’.) In this way, Guo Xiang’s comments on zhi seem to stray from the ‘original meaning’ of the Zhuangzi, and are often dismissed as inaccurate mis-readings, imbued with mysticism and relativism. However, by taking into consideration some aspects of Guo Xiang’s socio-historical context, and the larger structure of his complex philosophical system, we find a project quite distinct from that of the Zhuangzi. Like many other Wei-Jin period thinkers, Guo aims bridging some of the gaps the Daoist classic creates between itself and the Confucian tradition. This exposes Guo Xiang’s first goal, which, like his intellectual contemporaries, is to unify Daoist and Confucian ideas. In addition, I will argue that if we look at the larger context of Guo Xiang’s own philosophical approach, and interpret his notion of zhi within this framework, then we find a strong argument for an alternative to the epistemological perspectives in the Zhuangzi – one that includes mysticism and relativism, but goes beyond them.  相似文献   
在宋代声势浩大的孟子升格运动中,出现了一些非孟者,他们对孟子的批评成为孟子升格运动中的不和谐音。以胡宏、张九成、余允文为代表的宋代学者对非孟者进行了直接的回击。他们的回击不仅对于消除人们对孟子的疑虑和巩固孟子的历史地位有积极作用,而且也维护了正在兴起和发展的理学的地位,可以从中把握到各自思想的脉膊及宋代学术发展的多种路径。  相似文献   
Fei Lan 《亚洲哲学》2016,26(4):311-328
The Confucian classic the Liji 禮記 defines ‘desire’ as ‘the arousal of nature’. In line with this classical definition, Dai Zhen 戴震 (1724–1777) sees desire as human nature in activation. However, while the Liji ascribes human deceits and debauchery to the susceptibility of human nature, Dai Zhen speaks highly of its responsiveness and receptivity. This article discusses Dai Zhen’s conception of desire and argues that Dai Zhen distinguishes himself from other Confucian moral thinkers by bringing to light the dimension of the Other in addressing the issue of desire. As the Confucian tradition has long been disturbed by an anxiety to keep desire in check, Dai Zhen draws our attention to how to cultivate the affective faculty inherent in human nature to develop our sensitivity to the needs and desires of others, especially those of the widow, the orphan, the solitary, the sick, and the weak.  相似文献   
Throughout the millennia since the composition of the Analects, orthodox scholars have maintained that Confucius faithfully passed down the thought of early eras, particularly those of Yao and Shun: ‘I transmit but do not create ideas.’ This paper shows that Confucius actually subverted the essence of orthodox thought represented mainly by Yao and Shun. His subversion of orthodox thought compels perforce the idea of ‘ren (humanity),’ which concerns itself with the human world, to stand out with the near exclusion of otherworldliness in his teaching. As a result of the misunderstanding of Confucius’ heritage, scholars in the past tended to equate Confucius’ idea of ‘ren’ with specific moral attributes. Again taking exception to the interpretations of bygone eras, this essay demonstrates that humanity in Confucius’ theory signifies a dynamic process rather than a specific attribute or a static rule, changing constantly with different people, different places, and different times.  相似文献   
The theme of this essay is expressed in a line from the Dao De Jing: "The great image has no form." The essay shows how this effacement, annulment, or withdrawal of form is realized in ancient Chinese painting (Song and Ming Dynasties) and in the conception of the natural elements to which much of this painting is related. Certain resonances with this effacement of form are identified in the way that recent Continental thought focuses on an effacement of form as it was determined in ancient Greek philosophy.  相似文献   
仅存于敦煌写卷中的《无量寿观经义记》和《无量寿经义记》,虽然在半个多世纪以前曾引起日本学者的注意,但至今尚无人对此二义记作深入的探讨。本文对它们的时代和撰者作了考证,修正了日本学者望月信亨先生认为它们皆为隋释灵裕所撰的观点;净土往生者的阶位判属问题是二义记的主要的思想内容,阐明其特点对于全面而正确地认识弥陀净土教理的演进史是非常有价值的,故本文对它们的思想特点也作了论述。  相似文献   
郭象《庄子注》认为,万物在"玄冥"之中独化而来,万物既不是由它之前的无产生出来,也不是由另一个有产生出来,万物的产生不依赖于任何它者,它是自身在产生的那一刹那,自身与自身冥合的结果.这一思想对理解宇宙生成论以及宇宙有限与无限的统一问题具有重要价值.  相似文献   
《周易》是中华传统文化的组成部分,是道家道教思想的重要来源.《周易》中有关乾坤、卦的思想,是道教和西南少数民族禹步的理论基础.论文以道教和西南少数民族禹步为例,详细考察其宗教法术蕴涵的《周易》思想,指出道教和西南少数民族宗教法师的禹步,其科仪始终按九宫八卦布局行法,此深得《周易》思想天人关系的精要.作为仪式中具有宗教象征意义的《周易》八卦符号,表达出中华先民对自然界阴阳运动规律的认识.  相似文献   
许蔚 《周易研究》2006,(1):17-21
《左传》、《国语》所载之易例,向为历代易家所重视。其间在“卜史”名义之下,掌易者实际身份之差异及《易》之实际应用方式之差异之于考察春秋时代或谓《左传》、《国语》时代《周易》文本之传播、接受及其形成情况皆负重要意义。 .  相似文献   
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