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中国传统道德关系即中国传统社会的道德主体之间根据"礼"所结成的道德权利与道德义务关系,它是中国传统社会一种特殊的社会关系.这种特殊的社会关系主要有等级性、求和性、道德权利与道德义务分配的极性、虚拟性、变动性、形而上性、不协调性、威权性等特点.  相似文献   
唐代为五经撰正义,为注疏统一之始。清儒服膺汉学,主翔实,故于《正义》多所讥诋,讥其虚浮。然唐时,儒玄合流,既已蔚为风气,孔氏《周易正义》之所以以形上学为纲纪者,亦非无故。此外,《周易正义》释义先以辅嗣为本,旁引汉魏南北朝诸说以供参证,有驳有断、有议有辩,与《书》《诗》《札记》诸疏之参据旧疏、杂出众手者不同。具体而言,《周易正义》调融南北,荟萃诸家,故用王而不固于王;参以玄言,故义理架构颇与老庄相通;渐染于浮屠,故排佛而用佛;发明义例、考辨意旨,自下新义,故有学术价值可言,尤宋人疑古开新之先导,非株守一先生说者可比。  相似文献   
从传统针灸学到现代针灸学——针灸现代化50年之回顾   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
现代针灸学的理论基础不同于传统针灸学,前者是以运用现代科学技术、方法对相关问题的研究所获取的现代科学意义上的规律作为指导理论,机理的阐明完全立足于现代科学意义的相关知识体系,并以神经一内分泌一免疫网络学说及针灸效应的四大规律为该体系的理论核心;而传统针灸学则是以阴阳五行学说、脏腑气血学说、经络学说等为基本理论;在临床上,现代针灸学充分利用现代诊疗技术和方法,以辨病为主导,针刺手法注重的是强弱刺激与针刺效应的关系;而传统针灸学则是借助四诊八纲以辨证为主导,针刺手法强调的是补泻。  相似文献   
Social scientists have generally adopted one of three analytical approaches to understanding evangelicalism and those who thereby fall within the ranks of evangelicals. The choice of which approach one adopts is not “neutral,” as each approach embodies different theoretical perspectives related to evangelicals, posits different means by which religion is linked to attitudes and behavior, entails different measurement issues, and captures somewhat different segments of society as being evangelical. This article delineates and explicates the inherent conceptual differences among the three approaches and examines the measurement issues associated with each approach. Given this reassessment, the article concludes by contending that the relative merits of the affiliation (or RELTRAD) approach generally outweigh those of the other two approaches.  相似文献   
本文梳理了《朱子语类》中对《太玄》的评价。朱子基于儒学正统立场,对扬雄的拟《易》之作《太玄》的主要方面都进行了评说。朱子认为扬雄的模仿不足道,《太玄》高处乃是道家之学;其以三起数,失《易》之本义;《太玄》只是在作历,其数零星凑补得可笑,而其卦气有气无朔,是没有道理的;且《太玄》的“爻位”吉凶太笃定,把《易》变动不居之理说死了。总之,朱子认为,扬雄虽费力安排,但《太玄》的内容和形式都不足道。  相似文献   
Many military officers believe that they morally ought to obey legal orders to fight even in unjust wars: they have a moral obligation to exercise indiscriminate obedience to legal orders to fight. I argue that officers should not be required to exercise indiscriminate obedience: certain theistic commitments to which many citizens and officers adhere prohibit indiscriminate obedience to legal orders to fight. This theistic argument constitutes adequate reason not to require officers to exercise indiscriminate obedience. However, this raises a further question: namely, whether it is appropriate to rely on such a theistic argument when shaping the moral requirements of military officership. I argue that citizens and officers have good reason to make public decisions solely on religious grounds and so are free to follow my theistic argument when shaping the requirements of military officership.  相似文献   
In Democracy and Tradition, Jeffrey Stout contends that American constitutional democracy constitutes a well‐functioning moral and political tradition that is not hostile to religion, although it does not depend on any specifically religious claims. I argue that Stout's contention is supported by a consideration of the great common law subject of contracts, as taught to first‐year law students across the United States. First, I demonstrate how contract law can fruitfully be understood as a MacIntyrean tradition. Second, I illustrate the moral richness of this tradition, and the mutually interpreting nature of rules and facts, by close attention to one particularly colorful case, Syester v. Banta. I conclude by suggesting that both religious and secular ethicists might find common law cases in general and contract law cases in particular to be a source of moral reflection that is substantively rich without being religiously divisive.  相似文献   
Drawing on MacIntyre’s encyclopaedia–genealogy–tradition typology of the humanities, the author describes Averintsev’s project as bringing together the elements of encyclopaedia and tradition. The article identifies three forms of isolationism which are evident not only in ‘post-atheistic’ societies but more widely, and comments on Averintev’s treatment of these.  相似文献   
This article presents and discusses the meaning of a possible foundation of ethics, both from a philosophical perspective and with regard to religious representations. It proposes to enlarge the conception of rationality in order to take into account the critical contribution of cultures, traditions and religions to an ethics of reconstruction. This also entails rethinking the role of theological ethics and seeking to make more explicit the cultural plausibility and the practical credibility of Christianity in public ethics today.  相似文献   
It is conventional to think of modernity as being characterised by the irremediable separation of philosophy and theology, of reason and faith. Failing to reconsider the idea of such a divorce, post-modernity has pushed this postulate to its very limits by attempting to abolish all types of normativity whether on the grounds of reason or any other basis. Against these prevailing conceptions, we argue that there exist, within philosophy and theology, processes of differentiation as well as original combinations. To illustrate the possibility of mutually enriching exchanges between the philosophical and the theological ethical traditions we will call upon the historical example of solidarism. This will enable us to show that the two traditions are not so heterogeneous as may be first thought by those who underestimate the importance of identifying the conditions, both pragmatic and ideological, that govern practical in situation ethical judgements.  相似文献   
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