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Alpha hemispheric asymmetries of nonstuttering males, nonstuttering females, and stuttering males were explored with electroencephalographic procedures during exposure to two lists of one-syllable words which the subjects were required to recall following presentation. One word list contained low-imagery words while the other contained high-imagery words. Stuttering males were found to have significantly less alpha in their right hemispheres, suggesting right hemispheric processing strategies. This finding was interpreted as supporting the “segmentation dysfunction” explanation of stuttering suggested by Moore and Haynes (1979b). Nonstuttering males showed less left than right alpha while nonstuttering females revealed no difference between their right and left hemispheres. Differences between nonstuttering males and females are discussed as being task and stimuli dependent relative to the segmental/nonsegmental nature of both task and stimuli. Differential hemispheric asymmetries for words of high or low-imagery were not observed.  相似文献   
Although Piaget emphasized the importance of negation in equilibration theory, few data are available pertaining to children's use of Grouping II (Gr. II) logic, which relies on negation. Three approaches to assessing Gr. II capability are reviewed in light of Piaget's (1949, Traité de logique: Essai de logistique opératoire, Paris: Colin) discussion of Gr. II. The paper describes a new task to assess three aspects of Gr. II thought: (a) naming secondary classes, (b) comparing a secondary class with a primary class contained within it, and (c) reasoning about vicariance relationships. An experimental group of third graders trained to use Gr. II logic performed significantly better on post-test tasks than did an untrained control group. Training included rule instruction, evaluative and informative feedback, and manipulative activities.  相似文献   
Social psychologists have extensively researched behavioral intention and its relation to future behavior, usually within the framework of M. Fishbein and I. Ajzen's (1975, Belief, attitude, intention and behavior: An introduction to theory and research, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley) theory of reasoned action. However, the field has confounded two separate constructs while investigating intention: behavioral intention (BI) and what P. R. Warshaw, B. H. Sheppard, and J. Hartwick (in press, in R. Bagozzi (Ed.), Advances in marketing communication, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press) have coined behavioral expectation (BE), which is the individual's self-prediction of his or her future behavior. In this paper we define both constructs and explain how they differ in terms of the processes by which they are formed, their roles in determining behavior, and their utilities as behavioral predictors. We propose that behavioral expectation is the more accurate overall predictor since many common behaviors are unreasoned (i.e., mindless or habitual) behaviors, goal-type actions, or behaviors where the individual expects his or her intention to change in a foresseable manner. These are all cases where present intention (BI) is not the direct determinant of behavior but where the individual may be capable of appraising whatever additional determinants exist and of including them within his or her behavioral expectation. A study (N = 197) is reported in which student subjects received either a BE (n = 113) or a BI (n = 84) version of a questionnaire pertaining to their performance of 18 common behaviors. Overall, behavioral expectation was the better predictor of self-reported performance.  相似文献   
Several definitions are in use for the derivative of an m × p matrix function F(X) with respect to its n × q matrix argument X. We argue that only one of these definitions is a viable one, and that to study smooth maps from the space of n × q matrices to the space of m × p matrices it is often more convenient to study the map from nq-space to mp-space. Also, several procedures exist for a calculus of functions of matrices. It is argued that the procedure based on differentials is superior to other methods of differentiation, and leads inter alia to a satisfactory chain rule for matrix functions.  相似文献   
In order to clarify some of the general findings in the literature with respect to relationships between body type and the personality dimension extraversion/introversion, typical experimental paradigms common to this field were replicated but using the first-order factors (from the R. B. Cattell, H. W. Eber, & M. M. Tatsuoka (1970, Handbook for the sixteen personality factor questionnaire, Windsor: N.F.E.R.) analysis) that load on this continuum rather than the continuum itself. Use was made of standard statistical procedures as well as discriminant analysis. The most noteworthy finding was that subjects were able to utilize the first-order factor structure for the continuum extraversion/introversion in a discriminating manner and to assign such factors in a fairly clear-cut way to three extreme body types. Personality appraisals of the mesomorphic body type and an ideal type (composed by the subjects) were shown to be virtually identical. The most positive extravert characteristics were assigned to the endomorph body build and the most positive introvert characteristics to the ectomorph. No differences in personality appraisals by male (n = 50) and female (n = 50) subjects with the exception of factor Q2 by the ectomorphic body type were found. Both male and female subjects showed a preference for the (male) mesomorphic body type although significant differences between male and female subjects in the pattern of their distribution of preferences over the three body types were found. While the results confirm previous findings, they also extend them by the use of a first-order factor structure for the continuum extraversion/introversion and by the introduction of the explanatory concepts “extravert of affect” and “extravert of action.”  相似文献   
It is argued that conservation judgements are based on a particular combination of logical necessity and empirical belief. The empirical belief is that a given transformation will not alter a particular quantity (Elkind's conservation of identity). The logical aspect is a transitive deductive argument containing an initial equivalence of two quantities and the conservation of identity belief as premises which lead to the conclusion of maintained equivalence (Elkind's conservation of equivalence). In two experiments, it is shown that conservation of identity beliefs can be manipulated in subjects who have long since developed the capacity for transitive deductive inference. Untrained 10 year olds were unaware of how sublimation acts to alter certain quantities over particular transformations of shape. And untrained adults incorrectly believed that both the area and perimeter of a closed figure would be conserved over transformations which elongated the figure. Both groups of subjects could be trained in the correct conservation of identity beliefs and this affected their conservation of equivalence judgements in predicted ways. It is suggested that the locical aspect of conservation is developmentally stable and that the empirical aspect varies widely across problems and individuals because of its dependence on relevant experience.  相似文献   
In three experiments analyzing determinants of the easy-to-hard effect, pigeons acquired a hard discrimination after training on other problems. Intradimensional pretraining resulted in immediate transfer to the hard discrimination. Extradimensional pretraining consistently did not produce immediate transfer but did facilitate learning rate. In Experiment 1, the compounding of cues from an easy extradimentsional discrimination with those from the hard discrimination resulted in the former overshadowing the latter. When different types of extradimensional discriminations were introduced in Experiments 2 and 3, the degree of transfer was not proportional to the similarity in incidental background cues across problems. The findings indicate that in the easy-to-hard effect: (a) intra- and extradimensional mechanisms jointly contribute to the development of stimulus control, (b) intradimensional transfer is more consistent with the gradient-interaction model than the selective attention model, and (c) extradimensional transfer is better accounted for by the construct of general attentiveness rather than by the neutralization of background cues.  相似文献   
Fifth graders (age: 10 years) and college undergraduates performed one of four different semantic orienting activities on a series of agent-action-object sentences. Afterwards all subjects received a memory test combining recognition for whole sentences with cued recall for component agents, actions, and objects. Overall levels of both recall and recognition varied with the orienting activities. Relative recallability of agents, actions, and objects varied with orienting activity as well. Recognition performance improved with grade level but recall did not. The interaction between type of memory test and grade level was taken to indicate that organization of material in memory increases during adolescence even when the total amount of material stored does not.  相似文献   
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