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乞丐问题是现今我国颇受关注的社会问题。本文以大学生为被试,使用自编《大学生对乞丐态度问卷》,探讨了大学生乃至大众对乞丐错综复杂的态度。结果显示:大学生对乞丐的态度较为复杂,通过因素分析我们得出了5种态度,即尊重、漠然、同情、歧视和权利认同。我们还探讨了大学生对乞丐的不同态度之间、与利他主义倾向的相关关系,以及这些关系的产生原因。  相似文献   
多元文化的心理咨询与治疗理论刍议   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
随着西方社会人口比例的改变,以及后现代文化思潮的冲击,西方传统心理咨询与治疗理论的局限性日益凸显。多元文化的咨询与治疗理论(MCT理论)就是在这种条件下产生的,它试图弥补传统咨询与治疗理论忽视文化因素的不足。MCT理论认为,应修正传统理论中的文化偏见,在咨询过程中增强文化敏感性。  相似文献   
试论《周易》的原初意义与现代意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章首先阐述了考察《周易》价值的方法,然后运用这一方法全面考察了《周易》的原初意义与现代意义。作者认为,《周易》的产生标志着中华民族抽象思维能力的关键性跃迁;《周易》的内容折射着当时的自然、社会和人文状况,记载着古代先民对于当时复杂的自然、社会和人生问题的特别关注与初步思考;《周易》的人生智慧和行为原则,反映着趋利避害和预见未来的价值取向;《周易》的思维方式汇集着当时的思维工具和认识方法,表达着最初的终极关怀和哲学意识。而《周易》所提供的始源性材料,有助于我们从根源性上来把握中华文化及其当代特点;易学史的演变与发展则为我们更好地把握历史文化发展进程提供了重要的思想资料;《周易》所表达的人生智慧和思维方式对于当今人类把握现实与面向未来也具有极为重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
文化心理学的双重内涵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田浩 《心理科学进展》2006,14(5):795-800
文化心理学具有双重内涵。一种内涵可以表达为“文化心理”学,关注研究对象的文化特征,以“文化心理”为主要研究内容;另一种内涵可以表达为文化“心理学”,强调研究者的文化负载,以“心理文化”为主要研究内容。当前文化心理学的研究未能有效整合“文化心理”与“心理文化”,这妨碍了对文化心理学的整体理解  相似文献   
中医文化的二元结构是指其所反映的时代特征与其历史局限性的对立统一,主要体现在三个方面:封闭性与开放性的对立统一、排斥性与包容性的对立统一、稳定性与离散性的对立统一。这种二元结构对中医医院管理而言,即形成了明显的文化优势,也因某些积习而设置了文化障碍。  相似文献   
中国考试文化生态因社会环境、经济土壤、社会结构和国际环境影响而形成从保守封闭性向包容开放性转变的特征。本文从三个层面考察中国考试文化的当代嬗变: 考试观念文化从单一的政治情结向综合人文素质嬗变, 考试制度文化从僵化到创新嬗变, 考试行为文化则从场所、教学行为、主体、应试行为和实践行为考察。通过合理挖掘中国传统考试文化中的道德诉求与和谐理念, 力求凝练出一种具有深厚文化内涵和现代竞争意识的考试文化。  相似文献   
《Behavior Therapy》2022,53(1):34-48
Despite growing attention to the efficacy of culturally adapted cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) programs for children and adolescents, there is still little empirical and practical information available to therapists who adapt original treatment protocols to suit clients of a specific culture. The current study aimed to compare therapeutic interactions across CBT treatment delivered with two different cultural groups. We developed an observational coding system to examine behaviors exhibited by child, parent, and therapist during CBT sessions conducted in Australia and Japan for children with anxiety disorders. Our results demonstrated significant differences between the two countries with respect to the treatment readiness of children, the proportion of talking during the sessions by parents and children, therapists’ laughter, length of silence during the first session, and parent indices of accommodation. In terms of transitions over time (i.e., first to last CBT session), parents in both countries tended to talk more during the last CBT session, whereas only Australian therapists talked less over time. The proportion of silence decreased over time during the Japanese sessions, and the amount of interruptions by parents increased over time for Australian sessions. Finally, our exploratory analyses demonstrated that a number of behavioral observations were correlated with anxiety treatment outcome at posttreatment. This study suggests that interactions between a child, parent, and therapist during CBT sessions may be affected by the culture in which the CBT session occurs, which could have implications for culturally adapted CBT programs.  相似文献   
理想情感是人们期望获得的情感状态。情感评估理论认为文化对理想情感的塑造有着重要影响,主要的影响途径有文化体验、文化价值观和社会文化变化。理想情感对个体会产生具有文化特异性的影响,主要会影响个体的偏好及选择行为、混合情绪体验、身心健康和社会认知决策。理想情感研究未来发展可以着眼于4个方向:使用纵向视角研究理想情感,进一步探索理想情感的前因变量,打造适合中国文化的心理健康标准和通过认识理想情感来消除文化隔阂。  相似文献   
Lyman A. Page 《Zygon》2007,42(3):767-778
Progress in technology has allowed dynamic research on the development of the human brain that has revolutionized concepts. Particularly, the notions of plasticity, neuronal selection, and the effects of afferent stimuli have entered into thinking about brain development. Here I focus on development from the age of four years to early adulthood, during which a 30 percent reduction in some brain synapses occurs that is out of proportion to changes in neuronal numbers. This corresponds temporally with changes in normal child behavior from the loose‐associative, almost schizoid, thinking and art of the four‐year‐old to the more trained, or disciplined, or acculturated—and restrained—personality of the young adult. I propose that the synaptic changes can best be thought of as a winnowing process likely subject to environmental influences. Acquisition of language and the ability to link linguistic cognition to the plastic development of the brain provide a potentially powerful means of explaining the evolutionally explosive development of human cognition and culture. Schizophrenia, a disease that can be envisioned as representing a derangement of synaptic maturation, may provide an entry into the search for genes controlling the processes mediating the unprecedented development of Homo sapiens over the past 40,000 to 70,000 years. The recently completed mapping of the genome of the chimpanzee provides a new frame of reference that may speed the search.  相似文献   
田一  王莉  许燕  焦丽颖 《心理学报》2021,53(9):1003-1017
为探究中国人社会善念的心理结构, 研究采用人格词汇法, 在开放调查收集的词汇中选取代表社会善念的心理词语, 确立了社会善念词库。通过两次探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析, 得到包含18个人格特质词的社会善念词汇评定量表和包含17项描述的社会善念自陈量表。研究表明, 中国人的社会善念是一种具有二阶四因素结构的人际特质, 二阶是指宜人特质和外倾特质, 四因素分别是善良尊重、谦和恭逊、包容理解和积极开放。  相似文献   
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