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In two studies, we examined the emotional valence of memories used for mood-enhancement in relation to memories serving self, social and directive functions. Our sample included a total of 263 participants aged between 45 and 82 years. In Study 1, participants recalled memories in response to 51 cue words. In Study 2, participants recalled 32 memories that served the four functions (eight memories per function). We used multilevel modeling to take into consideration the hierarchical nature of our datasets (memories nested within individuals). Study 1 showed that emotional valence was positively associated with mood-enhancement and social functions, whereas negatively related to self and directive functions. This relation was strongest for the mood-enhancement function. In Study 2, mood-enhancing memories were rated as more positive than self, social and directive memories. We discussed results in terms of the tripartite model of memory functions and proposed that mood-enhancement should represent a distinct function.  相似文献   
There are ample inter-individual differences in the frequency with which people perceive meaningful coincidences. Previous research has identified increased proactive interference, that is a reduced working memory capacity, as one possible mechanism associated with this phenomenon. The present study aimed at extending this finding into the domain of neuroscience, (1) by assessing EEG alpha oscillations during the retention of information, (2) by replicating the behavioral link between meaningful coincidences and proactive interference. In a sample of 52 participants, the behavioral replication was successful. Furthermore, participants who perceived more meaningful coincidences showed higher alpha power increases at parietal-occipital sites, and at the same time, displayed lower alpha power increases at frontal areas, during retention of information. This neurophysiological activation pattern further underlines the assumption that participants who perceive more meaningful coincidences show lower working memory capacities, since increased alpha power at parietal areas reflects a higher load on working memory demands.  相似文献   
To improve maintenance of task-relevant information in visual working memory (VWM), previously encoded, but no longer relevant, information can be suppressed or forgotten. However, it is unclear whether a cue directing attention to a subset of stimuli leads to complete forgetting for non-cued stimuli. The current study utilized a novel method of testing to-be forgotten information to determine if the effectiveness of forgetting differs depending on the type of encoded stimuli. Participants performed a directed forgetting change detection task, and importantly, the changed stimulus could be a novel stimulus or a to-be-forgotten stimulus. Stimulus type (colors, objects, or shapes) was manipulated across two experiments. Results suggest that a cue benefits memory for to-be-remembered information, but performance is not equivalent to never encoding to-be-forgotten information. Furthermore, the type of encoded information impacts the extent of forgetting.  相似文献   
人们总是倾向低估完成某一任务的时间。计划谬误理论认为,时间低估倾向的原因是人们估计时间时忽视过去完成类似任务的经验,过于关注理想的任务计划和任务情景,从而导致乐观的时间估计。但是基于该理论的一些提高时间估计精确性的策略没有达到预期效果。针对这种不足,记忆偏差理论认为,人们利用的时间记忆带有偏差,从而导致偏差的时间估计。两个理论之间引起一些争论,但如果从解释水平理论的角度可以找到其相通之处  相似文献   
将情景中的各要素绑定加工成连贯的关系结构,是形成情景记忆的核心过程。本研究使用图像配对联想学习任务,在测试阶段采用自由回忆、线索回忆和再认任务,考察了儿童二元和三元绑定能力的发展及其中编码和提取能力的影响。结果表明,绑定加工能力随年龄增长而提高,二元绑定比三元绑定的发展开始得更早。编码水平对两种绑定能力存在不同影响,5岁儿童已经具有成熟的编码信息进行二元绑定加工的能力;但三元绑定受限于编码缺陷,在6.5岁后才因相应编码能力的缓慢提高而得到少量发展。但在儿童期内,二元和三元绑定同时受到了提取能力发展的促进。  相似文献   
采用眼动记录法,探讨了语篇理解中类别指称对象的可提取性。实验采用3(实验材料:指称对象、非指称对象、特别控制条件)×2(兴趣区:兴趣区1、兴趣区2)×2(工作记忆容量:高、低)3因素混合设计。通过分析第一次注视时间、总的阅读时间和回视次数等眼动指标发现,类别指称对象提取过程中包含激活和抑制两种过程。被试在阅读完上指示表达之后,立即激活了可能的指称对象,但是对非指称对象的抑制却发生在后来的整合过程中;高工作记忆容量的被试能更有效地抑制非指称对象,更容易形成语篇的完整表征,有效提取类别指称对象。  相似文献   
The survival processing effect is a recall advantage for information processed in the context of a grassland survival scenario. The current studies build upon previous research suggesting the effect is due to elaborative encoding and functional thinking. In two experiments, participants completed the “alternate uses test” under five conditions: baseline, grassland survival, Ebola survival, moving to a new home and planning a bank heist. Experiment 1 stimuli were everyday objects. Experiment 2 stimuli were functionally ambiguous “mystery” objects. Number of generated uses was highest in the baseline, but the grassland scenario was consistently highest of the schematic conditions. Recall data lend support to the mnemonic superiority of the grassland condition. Results suggest that grassland scenarios place fewer attenuating constraints on divergent thinking. It is suggested that the survival processing effect might be usefully conceptualised as an effect of creatively thinking about object function in response to broadly defined problems.  相似文献   
情绪与工作记忆的关系问题是情绪和认知研究领域中的子课题。根据加工效能理论, 负性情绪, 特别是焦虑对认知的影响通常被看作是通过影响工作记忆来完成的。因此, 探讨负性情绪是如何作用于工作记忆, 将有助于完善和发展情绪与认知的理论, 为心境障碍疾病的诊断、治疗及干预提供依据, 既具有学术价值又具有一定的临床意义。本论文在前人研究的基础上, 采用事件相关电位(ERP)和功能磁共振技术(fMRI), 系统地考察了情绪和工作记忆三个子成分(语音环路、视空间模板及中央执行器)间的关系。本论文抓住了当前的热点问题, 从情绪和认知的关系入手, 将脑成像、电生理和行为方面的研究有机结合, 将时间动态研究与空间定位研究相结合, 为情绪和工作记忆相互作用的神经机制提供独到的证据, 验证且发展了情绪和认知关系的奠基理论—— 加工效能理论。  相似文献   
The authors studied the performances of 8- to 13-year-old skilled (n = 30) and less skilled (n = 30) gymnasts on a gymnastics routine recall task by examining the role of memorization strategies and imagery ability. Subjects had to reproduce 3 movement sequences presented on videotape. The number of trials needed to achieve correct recall, the strategies employed, and the subjects' imagery ability were analyzed. Recall performance improved with age and skill level. Movement labeling was the most prevalent strategy used; its frequency increased with age, although it did not lead to better recall performance. Performance was higher, however, among subjects with better imagery skills. The role of strategy development in the age-related improvement in memory performance was not clearly demonstrated. The effect of skill level is interpreted in terms of knowledge bases and kinesthetic movement encoding.  相似文献   
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