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The value of medication for some patients in psychoanalysis serves to highlight the potential challenges of the medical analyst and invites exploration into possible motivations for assuming the prescribing role. Prescribing medication is one way in which the medical analyst integrates the dual identities of physician and analyst while dealing with significant cultural influences and intrapsychic tensions. Technical challenges posed by assuming the prescribing role are explored, as are the potential benefits of split treatment. The educational implications of this argument are discussed in relation to identity formation for candidates who are physicians.  相似文献   
Many students on US university campuses are underserved and undertreated for common mental health and medical conditions. The limited extent to which university students seek psychological and medical care when they need it has long been a problem. Among those who do seek care, treatment adherence appears to be an issue as well. However, few studies have examined factors that may be related to treatment nonadherence in university student-patients. The present survey study examined often-understudied constructs (i.e. patient involvement, treatment nonadherence, and provider cultural competency) in 243 university student-patients. Specifically, using a correlational research design, we examined the relations among depressive symptoms, well-being, patient involvement, cultural competency, and treatment nonadherence. Using multiple linear regression analysis, we also explored the extent to which the exploratory variables predicted treatment nonadherence separately and jointly. The current study revealed two important findings. First, all four factors – depressive symptoms, well-being, patient involvement, and cultural competency – were related to nonadherence to treatment. Second, depressive symptoms and patient involvement explained unique variance in nonadherence to treatment. The findings suggest that increased awareness of and attention to depressive symptoms and patient involvement may have important relevance for engendering healthy campuses and for reducing nonadherence in student-patients. Implications and directions for future research are proffered.  相似文献   
癌痛严重影响中晚期癌症患者生活质量,通过使用第三阶梯强阿片类止痛药物,绝大部分患者疼痛能得到很好的控制。微观上,癌痛治疗的疗效与患者及医务人员的认识程度密切相关,也与医院麻醉科等其他科室的参与程度有关。宏观上,社会人文、经济、政策管理等方面的不足都制约着癌痛规范化治疗的有效实施。癌痛的规范化治疗是一项管理措施,需要进行疼痛评估、家庭支持及宗教组织的参与帮助等。我们国家在文化、经济、教育等各个方面取得长足进步时,癌痛治疗会更加规范、合理、人性化。  相似文献   
介入治疗是冠心病治疗的重要手段,介入治疗时机、方式、介入手术和外科手术以及内科治疗的选择,是关系到患者生命的首要问题。现从循证医学及冠心病治疗指南与医生的理解、掌握与运用的角度,探讨有利于患者的医疗行为。在临床工作中寻求医生对指南的理解、运用的一致和平衡。  相似文献   
目前阿尔茨海默病尚无根治性的治疗方法,药物治疗基本上是针对临床症状的对症治疗,只能在一定时期内起到改善或延缓疾病发展的作用。非药物治疗包括心理、社会、环境等综合干预,通过多重感官刺激、身体和智能锻炼、芳香治疗、感觉刺激、个性化音乐等方法,配合药物治疗以期尽可能长地保持阿尔茨海默病患者的功能水平,延迟日常生活能力的下降,减轻照料者负担,从而改善阿尔茨海默病患者及其家属的生活质量。对照料者的培训是非药物治疗的重要环节,照料的质量直接影响患者及家属的情绪和生活质量。  相似文献   
心理因素是导致个体陷入抑郁症状,并难以获得彻底痊愈的根本原因。从心理层面深入探索抑郁发生的病理机制,无疑有利于创新抑郁症状的心理治疗策略,并提升抑郁症状的心理干预效果。本文从动力学的角度,分析了个体的趋利避害机制、压抑机制及效能机制在其抑郁发生过程中的内在动因,初步建构了抑郁发生及其交互作用的模式,并从心理极限的拓展、消极认知的突破和负性精神交互作用的阻断三个方面,努力探索抑郁症状的动力学辅导思路。  相似文献   
复发转移是乳腺癌常见的生物学特性。发生复发转移后,疾病常常不可治愈,主要治疗目的是减轻症状,改善生存质量,尽可能延长生存期。复发转移性乳腺癌被认为是一种全身疾病,局部治疗常不受重视,对于复发转移病灶的手术切除是否需要争议较大。但复发转移性乳腺癌也是一种复杂的异质性疾病,对某些亚组的转移病灶进行手术切除,与单纯全身治疗相比,可能进一步改善预后。  相似文献   
阿尔茨海默病(AD)是一种发生于中老年期的退行性脑神经变性疾病,临床上以进行性智能衰退,伴有人格改变为主要特征.其发病过程涉及许多途径和靶点.现代医学认为脑内胆碱能递质功能紊乱、β-淀粉样蛋白沉积、tau-蛋白过磷酸化、炎症反应以及基因突变等在其发病过程中起着重要作用.治疗方法从胆碱酯酶抑制剂、神经递质受体阻滞剂到补气活血、益精填髓、化痰开窍等中医药疗法不等.但抑制剂、阻滞剂等药物阻滞疗法,从单一环节阻断发病途径,忽略了AD发病的整体复杂性.中医辨证论治从整体观念出发,在宏观上治疗AD,对AD的发病缺乏微观深入研究.AD治疗需要借助于“系统生物学”理论的指导.中西医结合为AD的治疗提供了较为科学、有效的途径和发展空间.  相似文献   
语言是心理咨询的重要内容。语言探索和词频统计(Language Inquiry and Word Count, LIWC)被广泛用于分析语言使用的心理意义。本研究收集了28名当事人共144次有效咨询录音及每次会谈后当事人的症状自评结果。将录音转录成文本后,抽取当事人的LIWC语言特征,进行主成分降维,结果获得8个因子,解释了总体方差的75.11%。一般线性回归中,躯体感受、功能词、情绪、认知和口语赘词对当事人的症状水平具有显著的预测作用,进一步多层线性模型中,躯体感受和情绪用词显著预测咨询效果。LIWC文本特征能够呈现与当事人症状相关的信息,为未来计算机自动化监控咨询过程和结果提供了新视角。  相似文献   
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