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Enhanced cognitive‐behavioural therapy (CBT‐E) is the current treatment of choice for bulimia nervosa. While the cognitive‐behavioural theory and treatment of bulimia nervosa have made a substantial contribution to our understanding of the disorder, approximately half of patients treated with CBT‐E fail to achieve remission of binge eating and purging. There is evidence showing that mechanisms proposed by the CBT‐E model are associated with binge eating and purging symptoms, and therefore likely important targets for treatment. To identify future directions in improving the efficacy of this treatment, and informed by a model of the client change process, we review the evidence for the hypothesised treatment mechanisms of CBT‐E. We conclude that while the proposed treatment mechanisms of CBT‐E largely change over the course of treatment, there is limited evidence that the treatment manipulations of CBT‐E are responsible for the specific changes in the proposed treatment mechanisms. In addition, given a lack of research in this area, we could find no evidence that changes in the additional treatment mechanisms outlined in CBT‐E are associated with changes in the core symptomatology of binge eating and purging. Based on these findings, we recommend that future efforts are directed towards understanding the client change process in CBT‐E and outline three clear directions for research.  相似文献   
To enhance mental health care for youth in a midwestern residential treatment facility, Wolverine Human Services partnered with the Beck Institute (an intermediary) and an implementation research team to implement cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT has strong evidence supporting effectiveness for treating youth internalizing and externalizing problems, but it is a complex psychosocial intervention that demands a thoughtful implementation approach. This study outlines the implementation phase (2.5 years) of a 5-year collaborative effort. The implementation phase focused on (a) adapting CBT to fit the complex youth needs and the roles of the multidisciplinary team members resulting in a new comprehensive and coordinated care model, and (b) the strategies utilized to support its competent integration by all team members. Six blended implementation strategies were deployed in this phase: forging implementation teams, installing progress monitoring, adapting CBT, training, providing supervision and consultation, and training the trainers. A components-based approach to CBT yielded six core skills: active listening, problem solving, mood monitoring and intervention mapping, activity scheduling, distress tolerance, and cognitive restructuring. By the end of this phase, all staff had robust exposure to and experience with the adapted form of CBT. The work of our academic–community partnership has both research and clinical implications, with respect to integrating an adapted version of CBT for residential environments (CBT-RE).  相似文献   
语言是心理咨询的重要内容。语言探索和词频统计(Language Inquiry and Word Count, LIWC)被广泛用于分析语言使用的心理意义。本研究收集了28名当事人共144次有效咨询录音及每次会谈后当事人的症状自评结果。将录音转录成文本后,抽取当事人的LIWC语言特征,进行主成分降维,结果获得8个因子,解释了总体方差的75.11%。一般线性回归中,躯体感受、功能词、情绪、认知和口语赘词对当事人的症状水平具有显著的预测作用,进一步多层线性模型中,躯体感受和情绪用词显著预测咨询效果。LIWC文本特征能够呈现与当事人症状相关的信息,为未来计算机自动化监控咨询过程和结果提供了新视角。  相似文献   
公共卫生、医院和初级卫生保健的三重结构,是当代医疗卫生服务系统结构的合理选择。三重服务体系相互配合,各司其职,为广大公众提供疫情管控、患病人群的诊治、居民健康管理与健康促进全方位的服务;初级卫生保健和其他各方面一起,担负着从源头上控制慢性病的发生与发展,实现健康国家、健康城市、健康社区的重任,处于基础和核心地位,也是从根本上解决看病难和看病贵的关键。医联体必须从健康中国和医疗卫生服务体系基本部署的大局出发做根本性的调整,强化初级卫生保健的基础和核心地位,不仅重视提升初级卫生保健的医疗功能,更要重视健康促进和健康管理的功能,将医联体建设成为防治并重、预防优先的医疗卫生保健联合体。  相似文献   
虽已开展瑞德西韦、抗疟药磷酸氯喹、血浆疗法等临床研究,但迄今无任何新型冠状病毒肺炎的特效疗法。为最大程度确保患者及时获得治疗的权利,可借鉴抗击埃博拉疫情经验,新型冠状病毒肺炎患者的试验性治疗可在伦理上得到辩护。应确保试验性治疗的科学性,包括前期安全性和有效性数据,不同治疗方案的优先次序及持续评估。也从透明性、公平分配、知情同意和评估风险受益等考虑其伦理性。可从利益冲突管理、严密监测、确保数据完整性和社会参与等方面监管试验性治疗。以期为未来突发传染病的疫情防控提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   
随着健康体检观念的深入及低剂量CT的广泛开展,肺结节的检出率大大提高,而对于其诊断及治疗方案的选择则具有较多的争议,过度诊疗或重视不足都会对患者造成伤害,如何做到正确的诊治从而保证患者的权益,患者的参与及接受程度显得十分重要,医患共同决策(shared decision making,SDM)这一方式在肺结节诊疗过程中的作用不言而喻。通过相关案例初步探索SDM在肺结节诊疗过程中的应用及效果,从而为临床医生及肺结节患者在诊疗过程中提供一种新的思路,也期望这种模式能够得到医患双方的共同认可,减少临床决策中的医患冲突,取得更佳的治疗方案。  相似文献   
"易"论医学之道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"易"作为中国古代便形成的通俗唯物主义哲学,在指导社会及科技发展过程中,始终发挥着极其重要的作用.而历代医学先贤,无不对"易"有着深刻的理解."不知易,不足为大医"之论也始终是历代医者所遵循的至理名言.的确如此,人类社会的发展,无不体现在"变"的过程之中,传统哲学"易"的形成及发展,不仅本身是变的展示,而且对变化之道进行了精确的阐述,而祖国医学的形成及发展正是在这种理论的指导之下产生并逐步发展完善的.因而,"易"对传统医学而言,是根,是本,是原动力.  相似文献   
The consideration of diverse family factors on parents’ acceptance of behavioral parent training (BPT) components aids in the development and delivery of culturally sensitive parenting programs. Perceptions of acceptability are particularly important to investigate among low-income and racial-minority families, as they are less likely to engage in nonadapted BPT programs. Therefore, the current study examines the synergistic effects of race and income on mothers’ acceptance of five common child management methods relevant to BPT. The relationship between mothers’ acceptability ratings and self-reported parenting practices was also explored. Participants were 106 White and Black mothers from different income levels who completed measures related to the acceptability of response cost, positive reinforcement, time-out, spanking, and medication. The results indicated that mothers from varying backgrounds differed in their acceptance of child management methods, particularly with regard to corporal punishment. Additionally, a relationship was found between parents’ acceptability ratings and their self-reported parenting behavior. The findings support the consideration of parents’ perceptions of child discipline methods when recommending and delivering BPT programs to diverse parents.  相似文献   
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