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In the present study, the authors aimed to assess the short- and long-term predictive power of the various components of an emergent literacy model on early writing abilities in a language with a mainly transparent orthography (Italian). Emergent literacy skills were assessed in 72 children (M age = 5.05 years, SD = ± .03) who were followed longitudinally from preschool to the end of the first grade of primary school. Their early writing abilities (orthographic correctness in writing individual words) and their advanced writing abilities (orthographic correctness in text writing) were tested at the beginning and at the end of the school year. Multiple stepwise and logistic regression analyses were conducted to evaluate the predictive capacities of emergent literacy abilities on early and advanced writing competences. Results show that notational competence is a strong predictor of early writing skills and that phonological competence only has an effect insofar as it is integrated with notational competence. Emergent literacy competences do not significantly predict orthographic errors in advanced text writing. This research allows for reconsideration of the importance of phonological awareness and gives a central role to notational competence in predicting early writing competence.  相似文献   
Recent reaction time analysis of motor programming has utilized a precue stimulus that provides advance information about some or all of the attributes for the upcoming motor response. This kind of precue typically confounds the number of remaining stimuli with the motoric processes under investigation (Zelaznik, 1978). In Experiments 1 and 2 the precuing of hand, digit, and duration of a key press response was manipulated. A new precuing procedure was utilized that does not confound the number of stimuli with the motoric processes under investigation. The findings of Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrate that none of the advance information was helpful in reducing reaction time and as such, suggest that these features of movement are not selected in any particular order. Experiment 3 compared this new method of precuing to the older, traditional method. The results of this experiment suggested that there is parallel processing of the perceptual and motor mental operations in this reaction-time task, since there was an underadditive interaction between the number of stimulus response alternatives and the non-precued movement dimensions. This paper highlights problems inherent in the utilization of precuing methods to understand motor programming processes. It appears that a better understanding about the variables involved in movement control is necessary before examining the order of selection of those variables.  相似文献   
This paper reports on associations observed between Adult Attachment Interviews (AAIs) obtained from adoptive mothers, and emotional themes appearing in doll play narratives obtained from their recently adopted children. The children, aged 4?-?8 years, carried into their adoptive placements a history of consistently serious maltreatment, including neglect and abuse. Results reveal strong and significant influences of maternal state of mind regarding attachment upon their adopted children's story-completions. Mothers whose AAIs were judged insecure (either dismissing or preoccupied) were likely to have adopted children who, three months after placement, provided story-completions with higher levels of aggressiveness as compared to the stories provided by children adopted by mothers with secure-autonomous AAIs. Children whose adoptive mothers provided AAIs indicative of unresolved (as opposed to resolved) mourning regarding past loss or trauma provided story completions with higher scores for emotional themes such as 'parent appearing child-like' and 'throwing out or throwing away'. Results also include a qualitative section that provides narrative excerpts of maternal AAIs and children's story-completions. Discussion concerns the contribution these findings make to the literature on intergenerational transmission of attachment patterns, and the implications these findings have for child clinical work and social policy. Cet article rend compte des rapports observés entre, d'une part, les Entretiens d'Attachement chez l'Adulte auxquels participaient des mères adoptives et, d'autre part, la thématique émotionnelle évoquée lors des récits de jeux de poupée fournis par leurs enfants, adoptés depuis peu. Ces enfants, âgés de 4 à 7 ans, reportent dans leur placement adoptif leur histoire antérieure de maltraitance; constante et sévère, celle-ci englobe carences graves et abus. Les résultats montrent l'influence considérable et significative, sur la manière dont les enfants adoptés terminent leurs récits, des états psychiques maternels par rapport à l'attachement. En ce qui concerne les méres dont le type d'attachement, évalué lors de l'Entretien, est jugé précaire (peu attentionné ou préoccupé), on constate, après trois mois de placement, que l'enfant adopté tend à fournir des fins de récit dont le niveau d'agressivité est plus élevé que celui donné par des enfants adoptés par des mères chez qui le type d'attachement est jugé sûr et autonome. Si l'évaluation de l'attachement chez la mère renvoie à l'existence de deuils non élaborés et de traumatismes, la thématique émotionnelle présentée par son enfant dans ces récits est de type "parent infantile" ou "jeter/rejeter". Les données rapportées comportent une dimension qualitative qui met en parallèle des extraits des Entretiens d'Attachement maternels et les fins de récit proposées par leurs enfants respectifs. Les auteurs discutent ensuite de la contribution que ces résultats pourraient apporter aux travaux concernant la transmission intergénérationnelle des modèles d'attachement. Les implications de cette étude pour le travail clinique auprès des enfants et pour la politique sociale au sens large sont également débattues. Questo articolo presenta le associazioni osservate tra l'Adult Attachment Interviews (AAIs) sottoposto a madri adottive e tematiche emotive emerse nelle narrative di gioco con le bambole espresse dai loro bambini recentemente adottati. I bambini di eta' dai 4 ai 7 anni portano nelle loro famiglie adottive storie di severo maltrattamento, che includono l'abuso e negligenza. I risultati rivelano che lo stato mentale materno in relazione all'attaccamento ha un' influenza forte e significativa sul completamento delle storie dei bambini adottati. Madri che all'AAI risultavano insicure (sia superficiali che troppo preoccupate) avevano alta probabilita' di aver adottato bambini che, tre mesi dopo l'arrivo, fornivano storie con un maggior livello di aggressivita' paragonato alle storie fornite da bambini adottati da madri con attaccamento all'AAI classificato come sicuro-autonomo. Bambini le cui madri adottive risultano all'AAI avere dei lutti non elaborati (invece che elaborati) riguardanti perdite del passato o traumi producono storie che danno un punteggio piu' alto nelle tematiche emotive come per esempio 'il genitore e' infantile' e 'che respinge o rifiuta'. I risultati comprendono anche una sezione qualitativa che riporta parti delle narrative delle madri al AAI e delle storie raccontate dai bambini. La discussione si sofferma sul contributo che questi risultati portano alla letteratura sulla trasmissione intergenerazionale di modelli di attaccamento e sulle implicazioni che tali risultati hanno per il lavoro clinico con bambini e per le politiche sociali. Dieser Artikel berichtet von Verbindugen zwischen Erwachsenen-Bindungsinterviews (AAIs), die von Adoptivmüttern erhalten wurden und emotionalen Themen, die inm Puppenspielnarrativen bei Kindern, die vor kurzem adoptiert worden waren, auftraten. Die Kinder zwischen 4 und 7 Jahren brachten in ihre Adoptionsplätze eine Geschichte von durchgehend ernster Misshandlung, einschliesslich Vernachlässigung und Missbrauch, mit. Die Ergebnisse zeigten starke und signifikante Einflüsse des mütterlichen Gemütszustands bezüglich Bindung auf die Fertigstellung der Geschichten der Adoptivkinder. Mütter, deren AAI als unsicher ( entweder abwehrend oder besorgt) eingeschätzt wurden, hatten eher Adoptivkinder, die drei Monate nach ihrer Plazierung Geschichten mit einem höherem Grad an Aggressivität herstellten, verglichen mit Geschichten, die von Kindern produziert wurden, die von Müttern mit sicherer-autonomer Bindung adoptiert worden waren. Kinder, deren Adoptivmütter AAIs zeigten, die indikativ für unverarbeitetes (im Gegensatz zu verarbeitetem) Trauern bezüglich vergangener Verluste oder Trauma waren, produzierten Geschichten mit höherem Zahlen von emotionalen Themen wie etwa 'Elternteil, das wie ein Kind erscheint' und 'hinauswerfen und wegwerfen'. Die Ergebnisse schliessen auch einen qualitative Abschnitt ein, in dem Exzerpte der Narrative der mütterlichen Interviews und der Geschichten der Kinder dargestellt werden. Die Diskussion dreht sich um den Beitrag, den diese Ergebnisse zur Literatur der Intergenerationsweitergabe von Bindungsmustern leistet und den Implikationen, die diese Ergebnisse für die klinische Arbeit mit Kindern und für die Sozialpolitik haben.  相似文献   
Klein and Boals (2001) concluded that expressive writing about negative life events improves health by reducing intrusive thoughts, as measured by the Impact of Events Scale (IES), and thus freeing working memory (WM) capacity. We replicated their WM gain and rejected the possibility that it reflected task practice alone. We extended their work by showing that such WM effects and reductions in self-reported health symptoms can be observed within a short time frame of a week in a normal population of college students and can occur without reductions in IES scores. Two alternative explanations are discussed of how WM gains can be observed in the written self-disclosure effect without reductions in the frequency of intrusive thoughts and avoidance attempts.  相似文献   

This article illustrates procedures for using e-journals as a creative and adjunctive approach in group work. Incorporating e-mail based journaling as an ancillary form of group interaction allows members to communicate via written channels, and creates new ways for clients to relate in the group. This article outlines how leaders can use narrative theory to construct e-mail based writing exercises in group settings. Borrowing from established narrative techniques, specific interventions are provided for using interactive e-mails in each group stage. Finally, detailed instructions for establishing encrypted and confidential e-mail communications are provided, and implications and limitations for establishing e-mail based communication systems are overviewed.  相似文献   
采用实验组、控制组前后测实验设计,运用SRSD策略教学模式,对23名小学写困生进行构思策略的训练。实验结果表明,在训练之前,实验组与控制组学生在故事文的长度、6项分质量指标及总体质量上的得分差异均不显著;但在接受策略教学后,实验组学生所写的后测故事文在情节吸引力、条理清晰度和总体质量上的平均得分均显著优于控制组学生,其总体质量的改善效应为0.80。因此,构思策略的教学能显著改善小学写困生的故事文写作质量。  相似文献   
教学活动条件下大学生英语写作元认知的特点   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
根据Flavell的元认知理论框架,拟订了写作元认知教学的原则,并以此对两个班62名一年级大学生进行了一系列针对大学生英语写作元认知的教学活动。通过采用开放式问卷和周记调查,探究了在教学活动条件下大学生写作元认知的特点。周记调查表明:教学活动条件下,大学生的英语写作元认知特点反映出教学原则的构想,即英语写作元认知体现为元认知知识和元认知体验两大要素。元认知知识由任务知识、主体知识和策略知识构成,元认知体验分为积极与消极体验。开放式问卷结果表明:英语写作元认知有一定的发展性。这些结果验证并丰富了Flavell的元认知理论,对我国大学英语写作教学实践有着重要的启示。  相似文献   
The effect of self-management procedures on objective writing responses and on the subjectively assessed quality of children's writing was investigated. All experimental procedures were applied to each of the 37 children in a regular Grade 3 class, and 14 of these children were randomly selected for data collection. Following baseline conditions, self-assessment plus self-recording of writing responses was introduced. This did not increase the number of sentences, number of different action words, or number of different describing words, or improve the quality of the stories. Self-determined and self-administered reinforcement was added to the self-assessment and self-recording procedures contingent on each of the writing responses in turn. Rates of responding were substantially increased and the stories received higher subjective ratings of quality from two independent judges. An increase in on-task behavior was correlated with self-reinforcement of writing responses.  相似文献   
The effect of an instructional package, which included modeling, reinforcement, and remedial feedback on the rate, accuracy, and topography of sentences composed by four hearing impaired and aphasic children, was examined. In a specially designed classroom, students wrote sentences describing a stimulus picture on acetate sheets placed on the stage of an overhead projector which was built into each student's desk. This arrangement provided the teacher and other students immediate and continuous visual access to each student's sentences. In a multiple baseline design across behaviors, model sentences were projected and token reinforcment and remedial feedback were made contingent upon writing correct sentences containing prenominal adjectives only, then adverbs only, then prenomial adjectives plus adverbs. During baseline all students displayed poor written language skills and seldom wrote sentences containing modifiers. When the instructional package was implemented, all students demonstrated significant increases in response rate, accuracy, and percentage of correct sentences including prenominal adjectives and adverbs.  相似文献   
Young children have difficulties writing argumentative texts which contain well-linked arguments and counterarguments even though they are capable of arguing by oral. Two main explanations have been provided to account for those difficulties: a) The writer has to manage alone two different points of view, whereas each of the two (or more) speakers can take charge of one of the points of view. b) The inability of young children to attribute an argumentative valence to statements.In order to improve the ability of 8-year-old writers (skilled or less skilled) to manage the dialogical dimension of the argumentative text, two types of aids were tested. 1) A collaborative writing in which the children worked in twos to recompose an experimental argumentation. 2) A classification task was presented before the text recomposition task. The results show that 8-year-old children are capable of processing the argumentative valence of statements. However, only skilled writers take advantage of the two types of aids to compose a text comparable to the standard argumentative schema.  相似文献   
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