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内隐理论是外行人对社会世界中人与事的朴素解释。人们对社会分类(种族、宗教、性别、职业等)属性的理解, 影响着个体对群体信息的加工、判断和反应, 能显著地预测群体过程(如刻板印象、偏见、歧视等), 并调节着社会认同的心理效应, 这弥补了社会认同过程中对个体差异的考虑, 对社会认同理论的发展具有重要贡献。实证研究表明:在改善和促进群体关系的实践中, 可以将外行人的内隐理论作为一个中介, 以此减少刻板印象和偏见, 培育良好的群体关系。未来研究中, 需要进一步整合内隐理论的概念, 采取一些纵向的研究为实践提供科学的指导。  相似文献   
本研究旨在考察歧视知觉(包括个体和群体歧视知觉)在社会经济地位和留守儿童社会适应之间的中介作用.542名10~18岁留守儿童参加了本次调查,测量工具包括社会经济地位(三个指标:父母职业,父母受教育程度和家庭经济),个体和群体歧视知觉量表,积极和消极情感量表,自尊量表和问题行为量表.结果发现:(1)留守儿童社会经济地位与其社会适应之间有着显著的正相关;(2)相对于个体歧视知觉,留守儿童群体歧视知觉在家庭社会经济地位和社会适应之间的中介作用更为显著;(3)留守儿童群体歧视知觉中介模型不存在显著的性别差异,但高群体歧视知觉的男生比同类别的女生更容易产生社会适应问题.  相似文献   
虽然不少学者认为人格会影响情绪调节策略的使用,但是目前尚缺乏人格与认知重评、表达抑制这两种情绪调节策略关系的纵向研究。根据人际自立与情绪关系的系列研究,假设人际自立会影响情绪调节策略的使用。采用青少年学生人际自立量表和情绪调节问卷对374名大学生进行了间隔6个月的两次调查。结果发现,人际主动、人际灵活显著预测6个月后的认知重评。这说明某些人格特质可以影响特定情绪调节策略的使用。  相似文献   
张慧会  张亮 《心理科学进展》2018,26(7):1193-1203
在个体生命早期遭遇的长期或重大的应激经历会显著增加个体罹患抑郁、焦虑等心理疾患的风险, 而情绪调节能力的损伤是引发这些心理疾患的重要因素之一。以人类为对象的行为实验和调查研究表明, 早期应激不仅会影响日常生活中情绪调节策略的使用, 还会对情绪调节能力造成影响, 其影响方向可能与早期应激的严重程度有关。目前, 大部分研究表明严重的早期应激会损伤情绪调节能力, 但中度的早期应激也可能提高情绪调节能力。更为整合性的研究表明情绪调节能力中介了早期应激和各类疾患之间的关系。进一步, 我们从神经层面上阐述了早期应激对情绪调节相关脑区和神经环路的影响。未来研究应当注意控制无关变量, 进一步探究不同早期应激对于情绪调节的影响。  相似文献   
对极端膜拜团体造成身心伤害现象的科学研究, 集中在对极端膜拜伤害的界定、测量和机制三个方面。本文的目的, 是梳理这三个主题上的研究脉络, 明晰其中的争议之处和取得的成绩。文本分析表明, 对极端膜拜伤害的界定从“洗脑”转向了“心理虐待”, 对这类伤害的经验观察由个体症状转向了群体行为和经历的描述, 测量方法由传统心理测试工具变成了新型团体心理虐待量表, 膜拜伤害的心理机制研究在综合环境和个人精神特质两种因素的基础上建立了二者交互的病理模型, 表观遗传学和人际神经生物学用于极端膜拜伤害的生理机制研究已见端倪。但是, 迄今对于极端膜拜伤害的学术研究尚未形成范式。  相似文献   
随着人口老龄化的不断加剧, 老年刻板印象威胁受到越来越多的关注。不同于种族或民族、性别等刻板印象威胁, 老年刻板印象威胁表现出累积性、共通性与连续性等特征。目前关于老年刻板印象威胁的研究多集中于认知老化尤其是记忆老化上, 关注老年刻板印象威胁对老年司机和老年员工的消极影响。消除与降低老年刻板印象威胁的消极效应可以从认知改变、群体认同、代际接触、老龄自我实现和个性化以及媒体宣传等五个方面来进行。在实验室研究中, 老年刻板印象威胁有外显与内隐两种不同的操纵形式。未来可以从扩展研究领域、细化“年龄”差异、比较整体效应大小和性别差异、侧重积极效应以及加强本土化检验和跨文化比较研究等方面来深化。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the usefulness of convenience samples in research on interpersonal aggression among adults. It was hypothesised that convenience sampled targets of aggression differs from targets in general with regards to both demographic characteristics and degree of aggression exposed to. A convenience sample comprising support-seeking targets of workplace bullying was compared with a representative sample of Norwegian targets of bullying. The results showed that the two samples differed significantly on all demographic variables investigated, except gender. A far higher percentage of the convenience sample had blown the whistle on illegal, immoral or illegitimate practice at their workplace, whereas they also reported significantly more frequent and more intense exposure to aggression. The findings confirm that convenience samples have low external validity when generalising to the general population. Such samples should therefore mainly be used to investigate tendencies in, and the phenomenology of, interpersonal aggression, in studies where generalisability is not the principal objective.  相似文献   
The attentional myopia model of behavioral control [Mann and Ward, 2007] was tested in an experiment investigating the relationship between physiological arousal and aggression. Drawing on previous work linking arousal and narrowed attentional focus, the model predicts that arousal will lead to behavior that is relatively disinhibited in situations in which promoting pressures to aggress are highly salient. In situations in which inhibitory pressures are more salient, the model predicts behavior that is relatively restrained. In the experiment, 81 male undergraduates delivered noise-blasts against a provoking confederate while experiencing either high or low levels of physiological arousal and, at the same time, being exposed to cues that served either to promote or inhibit aggression. In addition to supporting the predictions of the model, this experiment provided some of the first evidence for enhanced control of aggression under conditions of heightened physiological arousal. Implications for interventions designed to reduce aggression are discussed.  相似文献   
Those seeking to frame political issues to their advantage recognize the power of emotional appeals. Yet the study of framing has focused mainly on the cognitive effects of framing rather than on its emotional effects. This study presents the results of two experiments designed to explore the effect of episodic and thematic framing on emotional response and policy opinion. Participants were randomly assigned to read a column arguing against mandatory minimum sentencing that employed either a thematic or one of two episodic frames featuring a woman who received a harsh sentence under the policy. Episodic framing was more emotionally engaging. Furthermore, the specific emotions elicited by the episodic frame—sympathy and pity for the woman featured in the column—were associated with increased opposition to mandatory minimum sentencing. Yet the thematic frame was actually more persuasive once this indirect effect of frame on emotional response was taken into account. The results are consistent with the conclusion that framing effects on policy opinion operate through both affective and cognitive channels. The theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   
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