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Self-reflection has not so far been shown to have any specific benefits for mental health except for self-knowledge. Recent research showed that the controversy concerning the relationship between self-reflection and mental health could completely be eliminated if self-rumination and the need for absolute truth, especially the need for absolute truth, were considered as suppressor variables. This research replicated these findings in a different sample and expanded these findings by showing that the same is true for private self-consciousness. The need for absolute truth as a new variable was shown to be highly important in understanding the effects of self-consciousness on mental health.  相似文献   
Central to the debate between Humean and anti-Humean metaphysics is the question of whether dispositions can exist in the absence of categorical properties that ground them (that is, where the causal burden is shifted on to categorical properties on which the dispositions would therefore supervene). Dispositional essentialists claim that they can; categoricalists reject the possibility of such ‘baseless’ dispositions, requiring that all dispositions must ultimately have categorical bases. One popular argument, recently dubbed the ‘Argument from Science’, has appeared in one or another form over much of the last century and purports to win the day for the dispositional essentialist. Taking its cue from physical theory, the Argument from Science treats the exclusively dispositional characterizations of the fundamental particles one finds in physical theory as providing a key premise in what has been called a ‘decisive’ argument for baseless dispositions. Despite sharing the intuition that dispositions can be baseless, I argue that the force and significance of the Argument from Science have been greatly overestimated: no version of the argument is close to decisive, and only one version succeeds in scoring points against the categoricalist. Not only is physical theory more ontologically innocent than defenders of baseless dispositions seem to appreciate, most versions of the Argument from Science neglect important ways that dispositions could be grounded by categorical properties.  相似文献   
This paper contains a discussion of Quine's thesis of indeterminacy of translation within the more general thesis that using and understanding a language are to be conceived of as a creative and interpretative‐constructional activity. Indeterminacy is considered to be ineliminable. Three scenarios are distinguished concerning, first, the reasons for indeterminacy, second, the kinds of indeterminacy and, third, different levels of a general notion of recursive interpretation. Translational hypotheses are seen as interpretational constructs. The indeterminacy thesis turns out to be a consequence of the externalizing of language, meaning, and epistemology. By means of a three‐leveled interpretation model one can substantiate the crucial aspects, first, that indeterminacy is not an indeterminacy of facts of the matter and, second, that there is a significant difference between indeterminacy and underdetermination. In addition, the relationship between indeterminacy, interpretation, and charity is elucidated. Indeterminacy is seen not as an obstacle to but as a condition for communication. Charity and empathy in dialogue are conditional upon indeterminacy. All three components reveal the interpretative‐constructional character of the inseparable connection of meaning and experience.  相似文献   
The paper explores the formation of psychic elements from an epistemological point of view, drawing on the work of Bion to examine a clinical case of autistoid perversion. Distinguishing the qualification of psychic elements from the realization of pre‐conceptions, the paper argues that psychical elements are constituted through a mutually shared experience of presence, and so they should be understood in a paradoxical way – through being‐O and transformations into K. These ideas are explored via a clinical case concerning a patient with an autistoid–perverse organization. The patient had been denied any bodily contact with her parents during her first year of life due to an infection; in later life she exhibited an autistoid coprophilic perversion. During the course of her treatment, as it became possible to break down the autistoid organization, the nameless contents surfaced in a mutually shared experience of presence. The analyst was able to hold on to their meaning, which was unavailable to the patient. The absent analyst, however, turned into the mother who ‘put the child down’ and was experienced by the patient as a suicidal threat. In being‐O, the analyst was able to endure the paradox of being the one who ‘put her down’ in order not to put her down; the paradox of being‐O functioned as a container for the destructive objectal dimension of the state of ‘being put down’.  相似文献   
最优化决策者追求决策的最优解,满意型决策者寻求决策的满意解.已有研究以理性模型和有限理性模型为基础,提出了两类决策风格的概念并且从两类决策者的决策特征和心理指标这两个角度详细对比了两类决策风格的差异.就纯粹的经济学效益、主观的心理学意义和现实的决策选择这三方面而言,“两类决策风格孰优孰劣”是一个因人而异,因决策目标而异的问题.未来研究可以在清晰界定两类决策风格概念的基础上进一步完善测量工具,从而深入探讨两类决策风格的领域特异性、与正性情绪的关系及其心理悖论的根源.  相似文献   
According to radical scepticism, knowledge of the external world is impossible. Transcendental arguments are supposed to be anti-sceptical, but can they provide a satisfying response to radical scepticism? Especially, when radical scepticism is cast as posing a how-possible question, there is a concern that transcendental arguments are neither sufficient nor necessary for answering such question. In light of this worry, I argue that we can take a modest transcendental argument as a stepping stone for a diagnostic anti-sceptical proposal, and I use a Wittgensteinian modest transcendental argument to illustrate my point.  相似文献   
This essay explores the assumption that the sense of perplexity and surprise that characterizes the reading of many of Borges's works of fiction is related to these stories' direct and explicit exposition of transitive thoughts transcending caesurae (Bion, 1977). Borges presents a world in which diverse and even contradictory points of view or interpretations coexist. These texts allow for paradox to be acknowledged and to remain unresolved. The author suggests that Borges's writing style, the form of his stories and essays, allows for the containment of the anxiety that the possibility of evolutionary change may create. Borges's works of fiction symbolize the paradoxical nature of the caesura: inner continuity where there appears to be a break After reviewing Bion's concepts of caesura and transcendence of caesura, the stylistic devices that Borges uses in relation to the coexistence of different perspectives or interpretations will be discussed. A psychoanalytical reading of Borges's Theme of the Traitor and the Hero and The South enriches the understanding of processes of failure and success in transcending caesurae. The relevance of the transcendence of the caesura for analytic listening is underscored.  相似文献   
吴伟炯 《心理学报》2017,(11):1449-1459
本文从社会过渡带和心理过渡带两个方面对"通勤悖论"进行解析,构建了通勤时间影响幸福感的理论模型。通过对广州市白领的追踪调查和多项式回归分析,结果发现:(1)婚姻状态(社会过渡带)具有调节作用,未婚员工通勤时间负向影响生活满意度,已婚员工通勤时间对生活满意度和快乐度有曲线影响;(2)恢复体验(心理过渡带)具有交互效应,心理解脱调节了未婚员工通勤时间与通勤效用的关系,放松体验调节了未婚员工通勤时间与快乐度的关系;(3)已婚员工通勤时间与通勤效用和快乐度的关系受放松体验调节,与生活满意度的关系受心理解脱调节;(4)通勤时间对生活满意度和快乐度的影响,以及婚姻状态和恢复体验的交互效应,以通勤效用为中介;(5)员工在"通勤时间陷阱"(1.75~2.75小时)的效用均衡。结论有助于分析"通勤悖论"的深层原因,对城市管理、企业管理和个人都具有积极启示。  相似文献   
亲子鉴定对于维护家庭应有的婚姻观念和伦理关系的积极意义是不言而喻的;但同时也带来一系列需要引起注意的新问题,如强化了男子亲权的意义而忽视了女子亲权的意义、强化性关系的生理和血缘伦理意义而弱化了性关系的社会伦理意义,容易因诱发和助长夫妻间的不信任情绪而导致婚姻和家庭信任危机等;因此,国家和社会应当对亲子鉴定进行必要的引导和限制。  相似文献   
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