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The author reviews the main points in Freud's 1917 paper 'Mourning and Melancholia' and relates them to the process of both normal and troubled adolescent development. Using clinical examples she illustrates the ways in which the processes Freud describes in melancholia operate in some disturbed adolescents such that instead of mourning the lost objects of their childhood, they become stuck, remaining ambivalently attached to them and incorporating them into their final adult identity and sexual organization.

L'auteur passe en revue les points essentiels du texte de Freud « Deuil et mélancolie » (1917e [1915]) et les relie aux processus du développement, normal et pathologique, de l'adolescence. À l'aide d'exemples cliniques, il illustre la manière dont les processus décrits par Freud dans la mélancolie sont mis en ?uvre chez certains adolescents perturbés?:?au lieu de faire le deuil des objets perdus de leur enfance, ils restent bloqués dans l'ambivalence de leur attachement À ceux-ci et s'efforcent de les incorporer dans leur identité adulte et leur organisation sexuelle finale.

L'autrice passa in rassegna i punti principali dell'articolo del 1917 di Freud 'Lutto e melanconia' e li mette in relazione al processo dello sviluppo adolescenziale sia normale che disturbato. Utilizzando esempi clinici l'autrice illustra i modi in cui i processi che Freud descrive nella melanconia operano in alcuni adolescenti disturbati cosi' che invece del lutto per la perdita degli oggetti dell'infanzia, gli adolescenti rimangono incastrati e ambivalentemente attaccatti ad essi, incorporandoli nella loro identita' adulta finale e nell'organizzazione sessuale.

Die Autorin rezensiert die Hauptpunkte in Freud's Abhandlung ' Trauer und Melancholie' und bezieht sie auf den Prozess sowohl der normalen als auch der gestörten adoleszenten Entwicklung. Anhand von klinischen Beispielen illustriert sie die Art und Weise, in denen die Prozesse, die Freud in der Melancholie beschreibt, in einigen gestörten Jugendlichen operieren, so dass sie anstatt die verlorenen Objekte ihrer Kindheit zu betrauern, sie festgefahren sind und ambivalent an sie gebunden bleiben und sie letztlich in ihre Erwachsenenidentität und sexuelle Organisation inkorporieren.  相似文献   
This essay explores the degree to which public reason can sustain political liberalism's commitment to justice and pluralism without attending to the role of what Jeffrey Stout calls “cultural inheritance” in shaping and justifying political commitments. At issue is whether public reason is the best resource for guiding conversations on political matters that are enmeshed in religious commitments and moral beliefs. Unless public reason can account for cultural inheritance, and foster a deliberative context in which political actors might grapple with the relationship between overlapping political claims and comprehensive doctrines, public reason will remain narrow and inadequate in a contemporary world where epistemic diversity is increasingly at odds with political liberalism's normative model of social cooperation and public deliberation.  相似文献   
<易纬·乾凿度>以易与历相结合,以<周易>六十四卦两卦一组主岁,而构造出独具特色的爻辰说体系,在这其中又涉及<乾><坤>、<泰><否>和<中孚><小过>三组变例问题.对此问题,自明季以来虽论之者甚众,然犹有可商榷之处.  相似文献   
Scholarship on W. E. B. Du Bois's understanding of religion is in the midst of a renaissance. Yet, few engage Du Bois's Prayers for Dark People, written over 1909–10 at Atlanta University. As a remedy, I first provide historical context on the production and reception of Prayers. I then delve into the content of Prayers, identifying the tenets of a Du Boisian “sociological spirituality” brought to bear on the study and navigation of “race” and the “color-line.” Through four strategies, Du Bois blended sociological empiricism and theorization with appeals to spirituality in the form of moral realism, stoicism, hypostasis, and metaphysics: (1) a critical deism that conserves belief in sacred divinity; (2) pedagogical racial uplift strategies that help resolve theodicies; (3) symbolic interactionism that sanctifies the Black self, and; (4) a sociology of knowledge based on otherworldly dimensions. I conclude that Du Bois's Prayers serves as a liturgy for Black liberation. Prayers emphasizes a transgressive rhetoric that exceeds the confines of social theory through a sacralization of sociological knowledge as a prophetic anticipation of moral Black lifeworlds.  相似文献   
Michael Leff 《Argumentation》2009,23(3):301-311
Perelman’s view of the role of persons in argument is one of the most distinctive features of his break with Cartesian assumptions about reasoning. Whereas the rationalist paradigm sought to minimize or eliminate personal considerations by dismissing them as distracting and irrelevant, Perelman insists that argumentation inevitably does and ought to place stress on the specific persons engaged in an argument and that the relationship between speaker and what is spoken is always relevant and important. In taking this position, Perelman implicitly revives the classical conception of proof by character (ethos or “ethotic” argument), but despite an extended discussion of act and person in argument, The New Rhetoric does not give much consideration to the classical concept and confuses differing approaches to it within the tradition. The result is that Perelman treats the role of the speaker in argument only by reference to abstract techniques and does not recognize the importance of examining particular cases in order to thicken understanding of how ethotic argument works in the complex, situated context of its actual use. Consequently, Perelman’s account of the role of persons in argument should be supplement by reference to case studies, and to that end, I consider ethotic argument in W.E.B. Du Bois’ famous essay “Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others”.
Michael LeffEmail:
Renewed enthusiasm has produced provocative speculations in recent literature on the origin of speech. The purpose of the present investigation is to expose the adaptive renovations underlying the emergence of a “Vocal Tract” and from this to define its anatomical substrate which governs the biomechanics of speech production. The vocal tract is a double resonator tube coupled in series and composed of oral and pharyngeal cavities. Analysis is made of the crucial structural elements of this complex from detailed dissections in modern man and the study of modern and fossil hominid crania. The study focuses on relations of the skull base, jaw, hyoid bone and the contained tongue, pharynx and valvular devices, calling into question recent reconstructions built on classical Neanderthal skulls.  相似文献   
《易纬·乾凿度》是汉代一部非常重要的易学和哲学著作 ,其用象数方式编织的天道观 ,不仅包含了阴阳卦气思想 ,同时还继承了老子和《中庸》的本体论思想以及儒家的价值理想 ,是我们研究汉代哲学思想不可或缺的资料。《乾凿度》提出的“易者 ,易也 ,变易也 ,不易也”勾画出了一幅理想的宇宙社会图景 ,其中既有高妙的本体论思想 ,又有对社会秩序的思考。《乾凿度》还借助道家思想和孟京以来的卦气说 ,建构了一套完整的宇宙生成模式。尽管这种生成模式不甚深刻 ,也有一定缺陷 ,但却体现出很强的时代特色。同时 ,在这个宇宙生成模式背后包含着作者深切的人文精神和深沉的忧患意识 ,体现了汉代易学“天人之学”的精神实质  相似文献   
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