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Conceptual metaphor theory suggests that knowledge is structured around metaphorical mappings derived from physical experience. Segregated processing of object properties in sensory cortex allows testing of the hypothesis that metaphor processing recruits activity in domain-specific sensory cortex. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) we show that texture-selective somatosensory cortex in the parietal operculum is activated when processing sentences containing textural metaphors, compared to literal sentences matched for meaning. This finding supports the idea that comprehension of metaphors is perceptually grounded.  相似文献   
王磊  伍麟 《心理科学》2012,35(1):88-92
任务中断是“R-V”居间系统(“现实-虚拟”居间系统)中的人机互动所要频繁面临和处理的一种现象。任务中断对主任务执行的影响主要有三种情况:消极的、积极的和因情况而异的。对中断延迟期间心理作用机制的研究揭示了中断延迟期间的准备是如何对主任务恢复发生作用的,主要理论包括:任务转换理论,长时工作记忆理论,目标记忆理论和线程认知理论。任务转换理论为中断延迟作用机制的研究提供了基础的模式,目标记忆理论和长时工作记忆理论各自提出了复述和编码两种不同的观点,线程认知理论主张多线程并行,深化了任务中断的研究。未来的研究应关注于研究中断对主任务执行产生不同影响的原因、影响中断任务执行期间复述机会的因素以及中断延迟期间的准备是对信息的复述还是编码。对任务中断理论的综述意义在于使未来有关任务中断的研究更加深入且具有实践意义。  相似文献   
Ever since its popularisation by Piaget around 60 years ago, transitive reasoning (deductively-inferring A > C from premises A > B and B > C) has been of psychological interest both as a mental phenomenon and as a tool in areas of psychological discourse. However, the focus of interest in it has shifted periodically first from child development, to learning disability, to non-humans and currently to cognitive and clinical neuroscience. Crucially, such shifts have always been plagued by one core question – the question of which of two competing paradigms (extensive-training paradigm versus non-training paradigm) is valid for assessing transitive reasoning as originally conceived in Piagetian research. The continued avoidance of this question potentially undermines several important findings recently reported: Such as about exactly what is involved in deducing transitive inferences, which brain regions are critical for reaching transitive inference, and what links exist between weakened deductive transitivity and mental illnesses like schizophrenia. Here, we offer the view that both of the competing paradigms are indexing transitivity, but each one tends to tap a different aspect of it. Then, we summarise studies from child and adult cognitive psychology, disabilities research, and from cognitive neuroscience. These, together with studies of non-human reasoning, seem to afford a theory of transitive reasoning that has two major components; one deductive but the other associative. It is proposed that only a dual-process theory of transitivity (having analytic versus intuitive routes approximate to deductive versus associative processing respectively) can account both for the variety of findings and the apparently-disparate paradigms. However, fuzzy-trace theory (“Gist” processes and representations), if not already embodying such a dual-process theory, will need to be incorporated into any complete theory.  相似文献   
孙瑾  张红霞 《心理学报》2012,44(5):698-710
品牌管理者最首要的决策就是选择一个好记的或有意义的品牌名字。由于任何特征的品牌名字都必须借助消费者的认知差异来实现真正的差异化, 因此, 从消费者认知特点出发研究暗示性品牌名字就显得尤为重要和有意义。本文通过3个实验, 分别验证了消费者认知需要和专业化水平对品牌名称暗示性与决策选择的调节作用。方差分析发现:低专业化水平的消费者更倾向于根据暗示性的品牌名字做出决策, 而高专业化水平的消费者则不受品牌名称暗示程度的影响。此外, 低认知需要的消费者比较喜欢暗示性的品牌名字, 而对于高认知需要的消费者来说, 品牌名字的暗示性程度不会对其决策过程产生影响。最后, 研究结果揭示了专业化水平和认知需要对暗示性品牌名字效果发挥具有交互作用。对于具有高专业化水平的消费者来说, 无论他们处于低认知需要还是高认知需要, 品牌名字的暗示程度都不会影响他们的态度形成。相反地,对于具有低专业化水平的消费者来说, 无论是低认知需要还是高认知需要均倾向于暗示性的品牌名字。而对于专业化程度中等的消费者而言, 暗示性品牌名字效用的发挥则取决于其处理信息的动机—认知需要水平。  相似文献   
任俊  黄璐  张振新 《心理学报》2012,44(10):1339-1348
虽然前人已有不少研究发现冥想具有减少个体焦虑、缓解抑郁水平等功能,并且也已经揭示了冥想促进情绪调节能力的认知神经科学机理,但对于冥想会怎样调制人们对于外部施加的正、负性情绪刺激(图片)的情绪反应尚不清楚,冥想究竟会使人们对外部施加的情绪刺激的敏感性增强还是减弱?如果冥想能够调节和缓解人们的情绪反应的话,那么,这种调节作用是“双向的”(即对正性或负性情绪刺激能产生具有不同效价方向的调节作用)还是“单向的”(即对正性或负性情绪刺激产生具有相同效价方向的调节作用)?为了检验和回答上述问题,本研究以无冥想(或相关)经验的大学生为被试,通过随机实验组、控制组前后测的实验设计,考察了冥想训练能否影响被试对于正、负性情绪图片的情绪唤起.62名大学生被试被随机分配到实验组和控制组(每组31人),实验组参与连续5天、每天20 min的冥想练习,控制组在此期间的控制任务为通常的闭眼休息.结果显示:冥想组在练习过程中的脑α波指数显著升高;与控制组相比,冥想组被试对消极图片的效价评定值显著改善,这表明冥想降低了被试对负性情绪图片的情绪反应,研究还发现了冥想降低被试对正性情绪图片的积极评价倾向,从而证明对外部施加的正、负性情绪刺激而言,冥想训练的调制作用是使人们的情绪反应趋于平和.  相似文献   
The present research investigated the antecedents of ambivalent sexism (i.e., hostile and benevolent forms) in both men and women toward own and other gender. In two heterogeneous adult samples (Study 1: N = 179 and Study 2: N = 222), it was revealed that gender itself was only a minor predictor of sexist attitudes compared with the substantial impact of individual differences in general motivated cognition (i.e., need for closure). Analyses further showed that the relationship between need for closure and sexism was mediated by social attitudes (i.e., right‐wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation), which were differently related to benevolent and hostile forms of sexism. In the discussion, it is argued that sexism primarily stems from individual differences in motivated cognitive style, which relates to peoples' perspective on the social world, rather than from group differences between men and women. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The present study examined whether three-year-old children (age = 42–48 months, n = 57; 31 boys) understand that object identities stipulated during pretend play could only be known by people witnessing the stipulation. Children participated in pretend scenarios that included some objects and two experimenters. Two pretend episodes corresponded to an object: one connected to its conventional function, the other to a pretend identity made-up on the spot. These episodes happened either in the presence or absence of the other person. In the test phase, this experimenter expressed an intention to do something with an object and asked for a ‘missing’ prop. The prediction was that in case she was present previously, children would be more likely to select the prop corresponding to a pretence stipulation, compared to when she was absent. The results confirmed this pattern: in the absent condition, 68.42% of the participants chose the prop connected to the conventional use of the object, while 31.58% chose the prop corresponding to its identity stipulated in pretend play. It seems that preschool aged children refrain from generalizing their knowledge about the pretend identity of an object, in case their interactive partner could not know of this identity.  相似文献   
形声字是汉字的主体,声符和义符作为形声字的构字部件,其各自的功能属性对形声字的识别具有不同的影响。当前研究采用多种实验任务,结合眼动以及脑电等多种技术,对声符和义符各自的功能属性及作用机制进行了较为全面的研究,这为后续研究奠定了良好的基础,并对未来汉字认知领域的研究具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   
有关离身经验的研究有助于当前心理学与认知科学深化对自我及具身认知的认识。进入21世纪以来,通过诱发离身经验之脑与神经科学研究,长期以来笼罩在离身经验上的神秘面纱,在一定程度上得以澄清。当前有关离身经验的科学心理学解释主要包括:诱发离身经验的神经相关物解释、诱发离身经验的身体拥有错觉解释、精神活性物质效用的解释、自发离身经验的特殊性解释。然而,当前的实验心理学与神经科学解释主要侧重于诱发离身经验,而对自发离身经验的解释则有待新的科学框架与理论予以审视。未来的跨学科研究需要继续探索离身经验究竟是一种纯粹的幻觉还是一种实在的知觉,建构更为系统、科学的身体自我意识理论框架来解释离身经验,并利用新兴神经科学技术揭示精神活性物质影响离身经验的、潜在的脑与神经生物学机制。  相似文献   
Novel products present unknown opportunities as well as unknown risks. Past research suggested that low psychological control highlights risks and reduces the adoption of novel products. Consistent with a situated cognition perspective, we show that this depends on the specifics of low control. Across five studies, novelty seeking was lower after consumers thought about instances of low (vs. high) personal influence, but higher after consumers thought about instances of low (vs. high) predictability of the world. Thinking about a lack of personal influence increased the perceived importance of personal capability and in turn impaired the exploration of novel options, whereas thinking about an unpredictable world increased the perceived importance of preparedness for an unknown future and in turn the exploration of novel options. Throughout, perceiving low personal influence benefited familiar products, whereas seeing the world as unpredictable benefited novel products. This highlights that understanding consumers' responses to a lack of control requires joint consideration of the specifics of threat and task, consistent with situated cognition principles.  相似文献   
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