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The study examines the relationship between distributive justice and teachers’ lateness, focusing on the mediation effect of organizational commitment and taking into account gender differences. The sample consisted of 1,016 teachers from 35 high schools in Israel. Results, based on multi-level analysis, showed that, for women, organizational commitment partially mediated the relation between perceived distributive justice and lateness. No such effect was found for men. The findings are explained in terms of women using lateness behavior to establish a balance between their amount of effort and the measure of their perceived reward.  相似文献   
There remains a need for counselors well-prepared to work with ex-offenders. As counselors aim to meet ethical obligations toward advocacy, they often seek to address social determinants of health (SDOH) challenges. Those working with ex-offenders should be aware of unique employment challenges ex-offenders may face and possess a baseline knowledge of the justice system for pertinent collaboration. This paper provides an explanation of how the Systems Theory Framework may be used to address ex-offenders’ employment-related needs through addressing SDOH challenges and collaborating with the justice system. Implications for employment counselors, counselor educators, and supervisors and steps for future research conclude.  相似文献   
In this article, we explore intimate partner violence (IPV) from an intersectional, feminist perspective. We describe how an updated feminist view guides us to a perspective on IPV that is more strongly grounded in an antioppressive, nonviolent, socially just feminist stance than a second‐wave gender‐essential feminist stance that suggests that patriarchy is the cause of IPV. At the time we began to work together it seemed that a researcher had to be identified as a “family violence” researcher or a “feminist” researcher of violence against women, and that it wasn't possible to be a feminist researcher who looked beyond patriarchy as the cause of IPV. We advocate critically thinking about essentialist practices in clinical work so that we can maintain an antioppressive, socially just, nonviolent approach to working with clients who experience IPV.  相似文献   
I argue that distinct conditions of justice lead to diverse wellness outcomes through a series of psychosocial processes. Optimal conditions of justice, suboptimal conditions of justice, vulnerable conditions of injustice, and persisting conditions of injustice lead to thriving, coping, confronting, and suffering, respectively. The processes that mediate between optimal conditions of justice and thriving include the promotion of responsive conditions, the prevention of threats, individual pursuit, and avoidance of comparisons. The mechanisms that mediate between suboptimal conditions of justice and coping include resilience, adaptation, compensation, and downward comparisons. Critical experiences, critical consciousness, critical action, and righteous comparisons mediate between vulnerable conditions of injustice and confrontation with the system. Oppression, internalization, helplessness, and upward comparisons mediate between persisting conditions of injustice and suffering. These psychosocial processes operate within and across personal, interpersonal, organizational and community contexts. Different types of justice are hypothesized to influence well-being within each context. Intrapersonal injustice operates at the personal level, whereas distributive, procedural, relational, and developmental justice impact interpersonal well-being. At the organizational level, distributive, procedural, relational and informational justice influence well-being. Finally, at the community level, distributive, procedural, retributive, and cultural justice support community wellness. Data from a variety of sources support the suggested connections between justice and well-being.  相似文献   
This paper has two main theses. Firstly that Oedipal material is a particular feature of clinical work with adopted children; secondly, that the concept of developmental deficit, and not only that of psychic defence, is essential to an understanding of this aspect of the work with adopted children and their families. Three levels are distinguished at which Oedipal difficulties are manifest: the first two within the individual child and the third within the triangle formed by the child, his adoptive parents and the child psychotherapist. Some consideration is given to the limitations of a conventional treatment framework for containing the powerful Oedipal dynamic forces at play when an adopted child is a patient in individual psychotherapy. Dieser Artikel hat zwei Hauptthesen. Erstens, dass ödipales Material ein besonderes Merkmal der klinischen Arbeit mit adoptierten Kindern ist; zweitens dass das Konzept eines Entwicklungsdefizit, und nicht nur das eines psychischen Abwehrmechanismus, für das Verstehen dieses Aspekts der Arbeit mit adoptierten Kindern und ihren Familien unerlässlich ist. Es werden drei Stufen differenziert, in denen sich ödipale Schwierigkeiten manifestieren: die ersten zwei innerhalb des Kindes und die dritte innerhalb des Dreiecks, das vom Kind, seinen Adoptiveltern und dem Kindertherapeuten gebildet wird. Es werden überlegungen bezüglich der Grenzen des konventionellen Behandlungsrahmens angestellt, inwieweit er die mächtigen ödipalen dynamischen Kräfte, die im Spiel sind, 'containen' kann, wenn ein adoptiertes Kind Patient in individueller Psychotherapie ist. Dans son texte, l'auteur développe deux thèses principales: d'abord, que le matériel ?dipien est d'une importance particulière dans le traitement d'enfants adoptés; et, ensuite, que le concept de trouble déficitaire du développement, en plus de celui de défense psychique, est essentiel pour comprendre cet aspect de la prise en charge d'enfants adoptés et de leur famille. L'auteur distingue trois niveaux auxquels se manifestent la problématique ?dipienne?:?les deux premiers concernent l'enfant lui-même en tant qu'individu, le troisième renvoie au triangle composé de l'enfant, de ses parents adoptifs et du psychothérapeute. Certaines limitations imposées par le cadre thérapeutique traditionnel sont ensuite explorées, notamment par rapport à la possibilité de contenir la puissante dynamique ?dipienne évoquée dès qu'un enfant adopté est pris en psychothérapie individuelle. Questo articolo sostiene due tesi principali. La prima e' che il materiale edipico e' una caratteristica particolare del lavoro clinico con bambini adottati; la seconda e' che il concetto di deficit evolutivo, e non solo quello di difesa psichica, e' essenziale per capire questo aspetto del lavoro con bambini adottati e le loro famiglie. Vengono distinti tre livelli in cui si manifestano le difficolta' edipiche: i primi due all'interno del singolo bambino, il terzo all'interno del triangolo formato dal bambino, dai suoi genitori adottivi e dallo psicoterapeuta infantile. Vengono fatte alcune considerazioni sulle limitazioni che il contesto terapeutico convenzionale ha nel contenere le potenti forze dinamiche edipiche in gioco quando un bambino adottato diventa paziente in terapia individuale.  相似文献   
This study investigated the principles that children and adolescents rely on when allocating a resource fairly. In a series of three experiments, 51 Swiss children (aged 7 and 9 years) and 309 German children (aged 6, 9, and 15 years) participated. A different situational context was presented in each experiment, where luck, need and effort of two protagonists were systematically varied. Primary-school children relied mainly on need when making distributive justice judgements. Effort became more prominent as the allocation principle in adolescence. Equality occurred rarely in all age groups. Integrational capacity and the ability to differentiate between the three situational contexts increased from childhood to adolescence. The data suggest the conclusion that the development of distributive justice decisions has both generalized and context-specific components.  相似文献   
The Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF) blends school mental health practices, systems, and resources into all levels of a multitiered system of supports (e.g., positive behavior interventions and supports). The ISF aims to improve mental health and school performance for all students by emphasizing effective school-wide promotion and prevention; early identification; and social-emotional, behavioral, and mental health intervention. Teaming is 1 of 3 foundational components of quality ISF implementation at school, district, and state levels. After introducing the ISF, the authors highlight the core implementation components (i.e., teaming, data-based decision making, and evidence-based practices) and then elaborate on characteristics of well-functioning ISF teams. The authors provide a case example to illustrate each characteristic and review 5 measures teams may consider using to evaluate their functioning and SF implementation.  相似文献   
Retributive justice theory has suggested two processes by which punishment is psychologically satisfying to victims of injustice: leveling the power imbalance caused by the transgression and revalidating social consensus over the importance of the rules, norms, and values violated by the offense. The current investigation proposes a third symbolic function that has not yet been identified as a psychological consequence of punishment: confirmation of the victim's membership status in the group (i.e., intragroup standing or respect). Three studies identified perceptions of intragroup membership status as following from third-party punishment, partly explaining the effect of punishment on a victim's group identification. Study 1 showed that, following the experience of an injustice, punishment prevented perceived membership status threats from resulting in victim disidentification. Study 2 showed that third-party desires to punish increased subsequent identification by symbolically communicating the ingroup's regard for the victim, even when the offender did not actually suffer the effects of third-party sanctions. Finally, Study 3 showed that punishment only implied membership status when the act of punishment was instigated by an ingroup authority and was thus identity-relevant. Taken together, these studies offer the first examination of membership status as a relevant concern underlying retributive justice.  相似文献   
Research has repeatedly shown that people who are habitually sensitive towards unjust victimizations tend to behave uncooperatively and hostile under certain circumstances. But what exactly is the underlying motivation for such uncooperativeness? One explanation is that victim-sensitive individuals behave uncooperatively in order to retribute fateful disadvantages in the past; an alternative explanation is that victim-sensitive individuals behave uncooperatively in order to avoid being exploited in the future. Two experimental studies are presented in which participants were confronted with an unfavorable outcome that was either due to bad luck or to another person’s mean intentions. Findings from both studies suggest that victim-sensitive individuals are specifically sensitive towards mean intentions, but not to fateful disadvantages in general.  相似文献   
This research investigated how the relationship between prejudice and intergroup inequalities with justice judgments is modulated by individual differences in self-regulation of bias through suppression. The first study conducted among 170 White British adolescents revealed that the link between racism and intergroup inequality in justice judgments was moderated by bias suppression. Prejudice, bias suppression, and blatant as well as subtle justice judgments were assessed in a second study carried out with 103 Canadian White adolescents. Bias suppression moderated the link between racist beliefs toward Aboriginals and intergroup inequality in punitive rulings. Racism translated into intergroup inequality in the potential for rehabilitation, irrespective of the level of bias suppression. The role of bias suppression is discussed.  相似文献   
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