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Given the flexible organization of locomotion evidenced in the many ways the limbs can be coordinated, the authors explored the potentially correspondingly flexible organization of nonvisual (kinesthetic) distance perception. As kinesthetic distance perception is known to be affected by how the limbs are coordinated, the authors probed the potential perceptual contribution of the arms during locomotion by manipulating arm–leg coordination patterns in blind-walked distance-matching tasks. Whereas manipulation of arm–leg coordination for walking with free-swinging arms had no observable perceptual consequences, comparable manipulation for walking with hiking poles did affect distance matching. These results suggest that under conditions in which the arms act to propel the body (e.g., crawling or stair-climbing) a person's nonvisual sense of movement is conveyed in the coordinated actions of all four limbs.  相似文献   
We investigated perception of the extent of an object held in the hand or attached to the head during walking. Participants wielded an occluded, weighted rod by hand and by head and reported the perceived location of the rod end (relative to a virtual vertical line) while walking and while standing. There was an unexpected effect of body part on perceived location of the rod end. In particular, participants stood or walked so that the rod end was farther away from the vertical line when wielding with the head than wielding with the hand. It is possible that differences between the tasks and the relative costs of a collision influenced the locomotory behavior in each condition.  相似文献   
Information associated with the inertia tensor is the preeminent explanation for haptic perception of object properties, notably wielded rod length. Critics counter that tensorial-based information requires non-tensorial supplementation (mass, torque). However, those critiques omit important constraints. With relevant constraints included, the inertia tensor alone completely specifies rod length. I list constraints inherent (but tacit) in haptic rod length perception, and show that object properties associated with the inertia tensor are invariant, even with constraints removed, by involving (a) longitudinal moment equivalents for rod mass and (b) derivatives of moments with respect to varying rotation axes. Analytic outcomes show tensorial-based information is a robust basis for wielded rod length perception, and suggest open questions for empirical exploration.  相似文献   

Bodynamic Analysis combines depth cognitive psychotherapy and an emphasis on relationship with an understanding of the body based on an empirical study of the psychological function of each muscle. The resulting developmental understanding has been elaborated in the form of Seven Developmental Stages, each having specific themes and issues. These themes and issues are often found to be at the core of the conflictual dynamics presented by couples who are seeking therapy. Thus, while addressing the issues of one person, we can simultaneously be eliciting and working with the interpersonal dynamics of the couple.  相似文献   
触觉是个体探知外部世界的重要感觉通道,其情绪功能在维系社会联结、促进人际沟通等方面具有重要作用。触觉的情绪功能一方面表现为通过触觉动作本身直接传递情绪信息,另一方面则是通过增强注意和锐化社会评价的方式促进个体对跨通道情绪信息的加工。神经生理学研究发现,触觉情绪信息由无髓鞘C纤维介导,经脊髓丘脑束通路投射于岛叶(头面部触觉情绪信息的传导路径尚不明确),并在杏仁核、内侧前额叶、后颞上沟等"社会脑"网络的核心区域被精细加工。未来还应对触觉情绪的人际依赖性、文化独特性、操作标准化,及其在神经水平上与感觉-辨识系统间的关联性与独立性做深入探究。  相似文献   
从触摸的历史反思医学中触摸的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从触摸的定义、起源、应用发展演变阐明了其历史,并总结触摸在医学中的应用现状及特色。但由于历史、宗教、性别文化等因素的影响,触摸在医学中的应用存在一定障碍和困境,对这些应用困境进行反思,最终提出解决策略。  相似文献   
Equivalence classes generated by sequence training   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In Experiment 1, 3, adult females were taught with verbal instructions and contingencies to select, in sequence, three arbitrary visual stimuli from an array of five stimuli. After four different sequences were taught, match-to-sample tests assessed emergent conditional relations among all stimuli that had been selected in the same order in the sequences. Subjects' performances indicated development of four stimulus classes, three based on ordinal position and one based on nonselection. Next, match-to-sample training established conditional relations between each of four novel figures and one member of each of the ordinal stimulus classes. Tests confirmed that the classes were equivalence classes, each expanded by one new member. In subsequent sequence tests, the new stimuli were selected in a sequence that was consistent with ordinal class membership. Experiment 2 replicated Experiment 1 with 2 different adult females, but the verbal instructions were omitted. Results were similar to Experiment 1, except that extensive review and retesting were required before expansion of the ordinal classes with the novel figures was observed.  相似文献   
Two rhesus monkeys were trained in a same/different task to discriminate digitized computer-stored picture stimuli. The pictures were digitized from 35-mm slides and presented in pairs on a computer monitor. The monkeys were required to touch the pictures and then make a choice response to indicate whether the pictures were identical or nonidentical. The response areas and stimuli were located to the sides of the picture stimuli. Responses were defined and monitored by an infrared matrix touch screen. After learning the same/different task, both monkeys showed performance accuracy with novel picture stimuli similar to that with training picture stimuli. This accurate novel-picture transfer indicates that a same/different concept had been learned, a concept similar to the one they had previously demonstrated in a different apparatus with rear-projected slide stimuli and a response lever.  相似文献   
Three adult subjects were taught the following two-sample, two-comparison conditional discriminations (each sample is shown with its positive and negative comparison, in that order): A1-B1B2, A2-B2B1; B1-C1C2, B2-C2C1; and C1-D1D2, C2-D2D1. A teaching procedure was designed to encourage control by negative comparisons. Subjects were then tested for emergent performances that would indicate whether the baseline conditional discriminations were reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. The tests documented the emergence of two classes of equivalent stimuli: A1, B2, C1, D2 and A2, B1, C2, D1. These were the classes to be expected if the negative comparisons were the controlling comparisons in the baseline conditional discriminations. The negative comparisons, however, were not the comparisons that subjects were recorded as having chosen in the baseline conditional discriminations. Differential test results confirmed predictions arising from a stimulus-control analysis: In reflexivity tests (AA, BB, CC, DD), subjects chose comparisons that differed from the sample; one-node transitivity (AC, BD) and "equivalence" (CA, DB) tests also yielded results that were the opposite of those to be expected from control by positive comparisons; symmetry tests (BA, CB, DC), two-node transitivity (AD) tests, and two-node "equivalence" (DA) tests yielded results that were to be expected from control by either positive or negative comparisons.  相似文献   
In the present experiments, controlling relations in arbitrary matching-to-sample performance were tested in a 9-year-old female chimpanzee who showed statistically significant emergence of symmetry in previous two-choice conditional discrimination experiments. In Experiment 1, a novel (undefined) sample stimulus was followed by a pair of trained (defined) and undefined comparison stimuli to assess the control by exclusion in arbitrary matching. The chimpanzee selected the undefined shape comparison, excluding the defined one, in color-sample-to-shape-comparison probe trials, although stimulus preferences were relatively stronger than control by exclusion in shape-sample trials. An additional test for control by relations of the sample to the positive comparison (S+ control) showed that her behavior was also under the control of relations of the sample to the positive comparison. In Experiment 2, a defined sample was followed by a pair of negatively defined and undefined comparisons to test control by the relations of the sample to the negative comparison. (S- control). The subject selected undefined comparisons in both color-shape and shape-color test trials. These results clearly indicate that the conditional discrimination behavior of this “symmetry-emergent” chimpanzee was under both S+ and S- control. Furthermore, her performance was also under control by exclusion in color-shape arbitrary matching, unlike other chimpanzees who showed no evidence of symmetry but only S+ control of arbitrary matching.  相似文献   
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