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Many investigations of moral decision-making employ hypothetical scenarios in which each participant has to choose between two options. One option is usually deemed “utilitarian” and the other either “non-utilitarian” or “deontological”. Very little has been done to establish the validity of such measures. It is unclear what they measure, let alone how well they do so. In this exploratory study, participants were asked about the reasons for their decisions in six hypothetical scenarios. Various concerns contributed to each decision. Action decisions occurred when utilitarian concerns dominated. Bystanding decisions resulted from different concerns or combinations of concerns dominating in different situations, with utilitarianism usually among participants’ concerns. None of the labels usually used for either decision therefore seems entirely appropriate. Five concerns were identified as necessary and sufficient to predict over 85% of participants’ decisions. This suggests great promise for future research, particularly in investigation of real-world moral decisions.  相似文献   
Research suggests that identity and memory are deeply interconnected, but little is known about the identity processes and the memory characteristics involved in this interaction. We employed a longitudinal design to examine relations between the satisfaction of autonomy, relatedness, and competence needs in self-defining memories and identity processing styles within the domain of friendship. We also assessed satisfaction with friends to evaluate the relation of identity processes and memory characteristics to well-being in friendships. Participants were 166 students who responded twice (at about a two-year interval) to the Identity processing style Inventory-3 and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. We adapted these measures to tap into the domain of friendships, which is an important aspect of young adults’ identity. Participants also described a friend-related self-defining memory and rated the degree of need satisfaction they experienced in that event. A cross-lagged panel analysis revealed that memory need satisfaction predicted increases in informational identity processing style and friend satisfaction over time. Implications for the directive function of memory in identity are discussed.  相似文献   
The collective influence of identity styles and romantic attachment insecurity on psychological dating aggression was examined for 1,975 adolescents living in a southern state in the United States. Informational identity style related negatively to psychological dating aggression, but anxious romantic attachment related positively to this behavior. Diffuse-avoidant identity style and using psychological dating aggression were associated positively, whereas normative identity style and receiving psychological dating aggression were associated negatively. In addition, the combination of high informational or normative identity style with high avoidant romantic attachment was linked to lower psychological dating aggression. Our findings build on the previously noted parallelism between identity styles and romantic attachment insecurity by showing how they work together to explain variability in psychological dating aggression.  相似文献   
以高中二年级学生为被试,探讨文理分科、不同认知方式的学生对不同体裁文章及对文章不同信息加工层次的学习效果的影响。结果表明,(1)文理分科、学生认知方式对学生阅读成绩的影响不显著;(2)从总体上看,学生对不同体裁的文章学习效果不同,对说明文的学习明显优于对散文的学习;在文章不同信息的加工层次上,学生对细节的记忆优于对结构的把握;(3)对于不同体裁的文章,学生在信息加工层次上存在差异,对散文的细节记忆好于对结构的把握,对说明文的结构把握好于对细节的记忆。  相似文献   
本研究以487名幼儿为被试,探讨害羞与社会适应的关系,以及母亲教养方式在害羞与社会适应之间的调节作用。幼儿母亲完成儿童社会偏好量表和教养方式问卷,幼儿教师完成对幼儿社会适应的评价。结果表明:(1)害羞与不合群和同伴排斥显著正相关;(2)母亲教养方式在害羞与社会适应之间具有调节作用。具体来说,母亲温暖、说理和鼓励自主的教养方式可减弱害羞幼儿的消极适应,而体罚和指令型的教养方式会加剧害羞幼儿的消极适应。研究结果对于害羞幼儿的干预具有重要价值。  相似文献   
大学生成人依恋、应对方式与负性情绪的关系研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
竺培梁 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1087-1090
本文使用结构方程模型方法,研究大学生成人依恋、应对方式与负性情绪的关系。结果发现:(1)应对方式是依恋焦虑与负性情绪之间的完全中介;(2)应对方式是依恋回避与负性情绪之间的部分中介;(3)依恋焦虑和依恋回避对应对方式的解释率为40%,而依恋回避和依恋焦虑以及应对方式对负性情绪的解释率则为56%。  相似文献   
采用认知测试、查阅人类学资料、现场调查和谈话等多种方法,探讨了我国不同生产方式、不同地区和不同民族460名成人的具体认知、抽象认知和认知方式及其与生态文化因素的关系。研究结果基本支持了我们理论上所假设的社会文化因素与具体认知操作、抽象认知操作、认知方式的关系,即狩猎和城市社会的生态环境和生产方式对人施加一种生态压力,增进其个体的具体的和抽象的认知,促使其抽象型认知方式的形成;而在捕鱼、游牧和农耕社会的生态环境和生产方式的作用下,个体倾向于较低水平的具体和抽象认知操作以及具体型的认知方式。紧密的社会结构和强调服从的社会化过程,与其个体较低水平的具体和抽象认知及具体型的认知方式相关联;而松散的社会结构和强调自主性的社会化过程,与较高水平具体和抽象认知操作、抽象型的认知方式相联系。正规教育等现代化因素是促进人认知,特别是抽象认知的有力因素。  相似文献   
Research on cognitive models of depression has identified negative cognitive styles and rumination as risk factors for depression. The present study examined the hypothesis that rumination mediates the effect of negative cognitive styles on depression. Specifically, we evaluated the differential effects of two aspects of rumination, characterized by brooding and reflection, on the relationship between negative cognitive styles and level of depressive symptoms. A total of 115 college students and 38 patients suffering from depressive disorders completed a battery of questionnaires measuring levels of depressive symptoms, brooding, reflection, and negative cognitive styles. The results support the notion that there exist two distinct dimensions of rumination and that, of the two, it is brooding and not reflection that mediates the relationship between negative cognitive styles and depression and contributes to its negative outcomes.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess the mediating effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between identity styles and academic achievement. Four-hundred high school students (200 male, 200 female) who were selected through cluster random sampling, completed the Revised Identity Styles Inventory (ISI, 6G) and Morgan-Jink Student Efficacy Scales (MJSES). Path analysis was used to analyze the data. In general, the results indicated that informational identity style had a positive direct impact on academic achievement, while diffuse/avoidance identity style had a negative effect on academic achievement. Data also suggested that informational and normative identity style had a positive influence on academic achievement through the mediation of academic self-efficacy.
Elaheh HejaziEmail:
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