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A study is reported of neurotic patients at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, who were given the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and who were rated by their doctors for prognosis and final assessment after treatment. The results indicated that those patients who had elevated psychoticism scores took longer to improve and that doctors rated them harder to treat at final assessment. It is suggested that early knowledge of patients with a poor prognosis, in the form of their Psychoticism score, might prove helpful to psychiatrists and psychologists, both for diagnosis and (primarily) for choice of appropriate treatment.  相似文献   
The ability of 15 control, 15 nonaphasic brain-damaged, and 15 aphasic patients to carry out three-word commands on the Token Test was studied under three conditions: no delay, 20-sec unfilled delay, and 20-sec delay filled with a counting task. Only aphasics with mild to moderate comprehension deficit participated in the experiment and their scores in the no-delay condition were not inferior to those of the other two groups. The 20-sec unfilled delay did not bring about a decrement of the performance in any group, while all of them were impaired with 20-sec filled delay. The rate of forgetting was, however, significantly greater in aphasics than in patients without language disorders, even when the scores of the no-delay condition were introduced as covariates in the analysis of the filled-delay condition. The same result was obtained when, in a second experiment, 4 sec elapsed between the end of the command and the beginning of the counting activity. The increased susceptibility of aphasics to the disruptive effect of the distractor task is viewed as following a failure in organizing verbal information, a deficit that may contribute to lowering their comprehension level.  相似文献   
In a previous study investigating the relationship between subjective, physiological and behavioural changes during treatment of specific phobias, a marked between-session increase was found in subjective fear after high, but not after low intensity phobic stimulation although the groups showed similar fear ratings and heart rates immediately after treatment (Grey et al, 1979). It was hypothesized that the high intensity stimulation led to ‘treatment fatigue’; a state of deactivation, the recovery from which led to a return of fear.In this study high intensity in vivo stimulation was used for the treatment of phobic subjects under conditions of distributed and massed practice. No differences emerged between treatment conditions. A small group of Ss with a conspicuously high heart rate (mean level 120 bpm) when rating zero fear, showed a significant increase in fear after one week's interval, although they had shown similar improvement to the Ss during treatment. Subjects in both treatment conditions showed lower heart rate at all post-treatment assessments than pre-treatment. The high initial heart rate Ss continued to have higher heart rate than other Ss throughout the experiment, although they showed a decrease after treatment. It was only these Ss with desynchronously high heart rate, i.e. high heart rate with zero fear ratings, who suffered a return of fear, whereas high heart rate during high fear did not predict either response to treatment or return of fear. A further finding was a lack of correlation between the behavioural and physiological indices of fear, namely, between distance and heart rate at high levels of fear.  相似文献   
The received account of whistleblowing, developed over the last quarter century, is identified with the work of Norman Bowie and Richard DeGeorge. Michael Davis has detailed three anomalies for the received view: the paradoxes of burden, missing harm and failure. In addition, he has proposed an alternative account of whistleblowing, viz., the Complicity Theory. This paper examines the Complicity Theory. The supposed anomalies rest on misunderstandings of the received view or misreadings of model cases of whistleblowing, for example, the Challenger disaster and the Ford Pinto. Nevertheless, the Complicity Theory is important for as in science the contrast with alternative competing accounts often helps us better understand the received view. Several aspects of the received view are reviewed and strengthened through comparison with Complicity Theory, including why whistleblowing needs moral justification. Complicity Theory is also critiqued. The fundamental failure of Complicity Theory is its failure to explain why government and the public encourage and protect whistleblowers despite the possibility of considerable harm to the relevant company in reputation, lost jobs, and lost shareholder value. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 2005 conference, Ethics and Social Responsibility in Engineering and Technology, Linking Workplace Ethics and Education, co-hosted by Gonzaga University and Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 9–10 June 2005.  相似文献   
The notion of immunity to error through misidentification (IEM) has played a central role in discussions of first-person thought. It seems like a way of making precise the idea of thinking about oneself ‘as subject’. Asking whether bodily first-person judgments (e.g. ‘My legs are crossed’) can be IEM is a way of asking whether one can think about oneself simultaneously as a subject and as a bodily thing. The majority view is that one cannot. I rebut that view, arguing that on all the notions of IEM that have so far been successfully defined, bodily first-person judgments can be IEM.  相似文献   
This paper outlines the research methodology used as part of a professional doctorate in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The project researched the maternal state of mind following the loss of an infant or small child and the birth of the next baby. Three mothers were seen for psychoanalytic psychotherapy on a weekly basis as part of this research. They were encouraged to bring their new baby to sessions. The author describes how an interest in this area of research developed as a result of working as a child psychotherapist with 'replacement children' (Cain and Cain, 1964). An argument is made to show that the psychoanalytic method is unique and that the psychoanalytic setting may be considered an 'ideal laboratory' (Fonagy and Moran, 1993) for psychoanalytic psychotherapeutic research. Clinical material is used from one case study to show how material can be analysed and demonstrates the research methodology used within the project. The material explores the developing therapeutic relationship and focuses on the way one mother in the research group experienced the loss of a small child prior to the birth of her next baby. Cet article décrit brièvement la méthodologie de recherche employée dans le cadre d'un doctorat professionnel en psychothérapie psychanalytique. Le projet de recherche porte sur l'état psychique maternel à la suite de la perte d'un nourrisson ou d'un enfant en bas âge lorsque un nouveau bébé vient à naître. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, trois mères ont bénéficié d'une psychothérapie psychanalytique à raison d'une séance hebdomadaire. Il leur était proposé d'amener leur bébé aux séances. L'auteur décrit comment son intérêt pour ce champ de recherche s'est développé à partir de son travail de psychothérapeute d'enfants auprès d'"enfants de remplacement" [A. Cain & B. Cain 1964]. Elle affirme que la méthode psychanalytique à sa propre valeur et que le cadre psychanalytique peut être considéré comme un "laboratoire idéal" [P. Fonagy & G. Moran 1993] pour la recherche en psychothérapie psychanalytique. Le matériel clinique d'une étude de cas montre comment l'analyser et illustre la méthodologie de la recherche employée dans ce projet. Ce matériel explore l'évolution de la relation thérapeutique et traite en détail de la façon dont une des mères de l'échantillon a vécu la perte d'un enfant en bas âge avant la naissance de son bébé actuel. Questo articolo mette in rilievo la metodologia di ricerca utilizzata come parte di un dottorato professionale in psicoterapia psicoanalitica. Il progetto di ricerca studiava lo stato mentale materno conseguente la perdita di un neonato o bambino piccolo e la nascita del bambino successivo. Come parte della ricerca tre madri furono seguite una volta alla settimana in psicoterapia psicoanalitica, ed incoraggiate a portare alle sedute i loro nuovi bebe'. L'autore descrive come il suo interesse in questa area si e' sviluppato conseguentemente al suo lavoro come psicoterapeuta infantile con 'bambini sostituti' (Cain e Cain, 1964. Si cerca di mostrare l'unicita' del metodo psicoanalitico e come esso possa essere considerato un 'laboratorio ideale' (Fonagy e Moran, 1993) per la ricerca in psicoterapia psicoanalitica. Viene usato il materiale clinico di un caso per mostrare come esso possa essere analizzato e illustrare il metodo di ricerca usato nel progetto. Il materiale esplora la relazione terapeutica nel suo evolversi e si concentra sul modo in cui una madre nel gruppo di ricerca visse la perdita di un bambino piccolo precedente la nascita dell'altro bebe'. Dieser Artikel umreisst die Forschungsmethodik, die als Teil einer Doktorarbeit in psychoanalytischer Psychotherapie verwendet wurde. Das Projekt erforschte den müterlichen Gemütszustand nach dem Verlust eines Babys oder kleinen Kindes und der Geburt des nächsten Babys. Als Teil dieser Forschung wurden drei Mütter einmal wöchentlich in Psychotherapie gesehen. Sie wurden ermuntert, ihr Neugeborenes zu den Stunden mitzubringen. Die Autorin beschreibt, wie das Interesse in diesem Forschungsbereich sich als Folge ihrer Arbeit als Kinderpsychotherapeutin mit 'Ersatzkindern' entwickelt hatte. (Cain und Cain 1964). Es wird argumentiert, dass die psychoanalytische Methode einzigartig ist und das psychoanalytische Setting als ein 'ideales Labor' (Fonagy und Moran,1993) für psychoanalytische psychotherapeutische Forschung angesehen werden kann. Es wird klinisches Material einer Fallstudie benutzt, um zu zeigen, wie das Material analysiert werden kann und es demonstriert die Forschungsmethodik, die im Projekt benutzt wird. Das Material erforscht die sich entwickelnde therapeutische Beziehung und legt den Schwerpunkt auf die Art und Weise, wie eine Mutter in der Forschungsgruppe den Verlust eines kleinen Kindes vor der Geburt ihres nächsten Babys erlebte.  相似文献   
The author develops here a theoretical model to account for the different levels of organization and functioning of the transference chimera of which he gave a clinical presentation in an earlier article. From his reading of Jung's 'Psychology of the transference' he derives a dynamic model of the chimera and links it to quantum mechanics and chaos theory not so much to describe the reality of the phenomenon, but to offer a model of representation as a conceptual and meditative tool for analysts to use in their practice. The main hypothesis of this work is that the chimera arises from the intimate interplay of the respective de-integrates of the analyst and of the patient, thus constituting a genuine self in the transference. The author concludes with some implications for the analyst's own internal position.  相似文献   
《淮南子·缪称训》所见子思《累德篇》考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《淮南子·缪称训》除首尾两段为编者所加前言后语外 ,其他悉为子思书佚文。而种种迹象表明 ,这篇佚文正是《后汉书》李贤注所提到的《累德篇》。该佚篇与子思的其他著作血肉相连 ,与郭店简中子思弟子遗著也存在着极为密切的关系。  相似文献   
Despite the fact that the Dao De Jing道德經 is one of the mos frequently translated texts in history,most of these translations share certain unexamined and problematic assumptions which often make it seem as though the text is irrational,incoherent,and full of non sequiturs.Frequently,these assumptions involve the imposition of historically anachronous,linguistically unsound,and philosophically problematic categories and attitudes onto the text.One of the main causes of the problem is the persistent tendency on the part of most translators to read the first line of the text as referring to or implying the existence of some kind of "eternal Dao." These are what I term "ontological "readings,as opposed to the "process" reading I will be articulating here.  相似文献   
王莹 《周易研究》2003,(2):34-40
在《周易》经的部分中,"道"德"概念已开始出现。通过对《周易》经文"道"德"概念的分析,我们可以看到"道"德"概念无论以具体概念的形式,还是以抽象概念的形式出现在卦爻辞中,都体现了《周易》在理性思维的框架内,容纳了直观思维、形象思维等诸多思维方式的特点。  相似文献   
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