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The Occipital Cortex in the Blind   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— Studying the brains of blind individuals provides a unique opportunity to investigate how the brain changes and adapts in response to afferent (input) and efferent (output) demands. We discuss evidence suggesting that regions of the brain normally associated with the processing of visual information undergo remarkable dynamic change in response to blindness. These neuroplastic changes implicate not only processing carried out by the remaining senses but also higher cognitive functions such as language and memory. A strong emphasis is placed on evidence obtained from advanced neuroimaging techniques that allow researchers to identify areas of human brain activity, as well as from lesion approaches (both reversible and irreversible) to address the functional relevance and role of these activated areas. A possible mechanism and conceptual framework for these physiological and behavioral changes is proposed.  相似文献   
The central role of sensory-motor representations in cognitive functions is almost universally accepted. However, determining the link between motor execution and its sensory counterpart and when, during ontogenesis, this link originates are still under investigation. The aim of the present study is to investigate whether at birth this link is already present and 2-day-old newborns are able to discriminate between visual cues indicating goal-directed or non-goal-directed actions. Here, with a preferential looking technique, a hand grasping a ball was the observed movement and we orthogonally manipulated the three factors necessary to successfully reach the goal: (a) presence of the ball, (b) direction of the arm movement, and (c) hand shaping. Results indicated that newborns orient more frequently and look longer at a hand shape for whole hand prehension but only when the movement is directed away from the body and toward the external world. In addition, newborns prefer the away from the body movement only when the object is present. We argue that newborns prefer a movement directed toward the external world only when it may develop into a purposeful movement because of the presence of the to-be-grasped object. Overall, our results support the existence of primitive sensory-motor associations since the first days after birth.  相似文献   
在神经发育过程中Semaphorins为轴突导向和神经细胞的迁移提供导向信息。这些导向分子通过抑制自发的或异常的轴突生长来维持己建立的神经连接,并参与突触可塑性以及中枢神经受损后抑制神经再生与神经细胞的死亡。目前,虽然对Semaphorins在神经发育、成熟及受损不同阶段中的功能己有初步的了解,但Semaphorins其受体多样,尚无法预测Sema-phorins与其受体的结合将产生的生物学效应以及Semaphorins在神经系统中起作用的分子机制。进一步研究Semaphorins对癫痫、精神分裂、老年痴呆症等神经系统性疾病的治疗具有深远意义。  相似文献   
自动情绪调节无需意识决定、注意加工及有意控制, 改变着情绪轨迹。迄今为止, 研究仅限于证实其确能低耗高效地改变情绪过程, 尚未对其如何改变情绪过程进行研究。以自动情绪调节的神经机制作为研究对象具有可操作性, 可从行为和心理生理层面, 对自动情绪调节改变情绪过程的机制进行实验研究。研究问题包括:1)通过EEG技术检验自动情绪调节是否影响预备阶段行为反应倾向; 2)自动情绪调节对注意的注意觉醒、注意朝向和注意执行三个阶段的作用机制; 3)自动情绪调节对评价和反应的作用机制; 4)自动情绪调节的可塑性在脑活动上的体现。最终确定自动情绪调节的加工规律, 构建其预备-注意-评价-反应模型, 并为有效控制情绪紊乱和研究出高效的情绪调节干预方案提供理论和实证依据。  相似文献   
大量研究表明, 前额叶的结构和功能更容易受年老化影响; 然而, 近年来的研究发现, 前额叶的结构和功能在老年阶段具有一定的可塑性。对老年人进行认知训练, 能够延缓前额叶皮层厚度的萎缩, 提高白质完整性, 改善神经网络的功能连接和分化, 并可能通过调节多巴胺系统的活动改变前额叶皮质和皮质下结构的功能激活模式。有氧锻炼能够改善心脑血管功能, 保护和促进神经元的存活和生长, 引起前额叶灰质、白质体积的增加及功能激活的变化。认知训练与有氧锻炼等相结合的整合性训练不仅引起前额叶及相关认知功能的改变, 而且具有更好的生态学效度, 使老年人日常认知能力和生活质量得到提高。未来研究应采用多种技术手段, 从多个层面理解老年阶段前额叶的可塑性及相关机制; 加强对与前额叶关系密切的多种认知功能可塑性神经机制的研究; 并重视与整合性训练有关的前额叶可塑性。  相似文献   
Chapados C  Levitin DJ 《Cognition》2008,108(3):639-651
This experiment was conducted to investigate cross-modal interactions in the emotional experience of music listeners. Previous research showed that visual information present in a musical performance is rich in expressive content, and moderates the subjective emotional experience of a participant listening and/or observing musical stimuli [Vines, B. W., Krumhansl, C. L., Wanderley, M. M., & Levitin, D. J. (2006). Cross-modal interactions in the perception of musical performance. Cognition, 101, 80--113.]. The goal of this follow-up experiment was to replicate this cross-modal interaction by investigating the objective, physiological aspect of emotional response to music measuring electrodermal activity. The scaled average of electrodermal amplitude for visual-auditory presentation was found to be significantly higher than the sum of the reactions when the music was presented in visual only (VO) and auditory only (AO) conditions, suggesting the presence of an emergent property created by bimodal interaction. Functional data analysis revealed that electrodermal activity generally followed the same contour across modalities of presentation, except during rests (silent parts of the performance) when the visual information took on particular salience. Finally, electrodermal activity and subjective tension judgments were found to be most highly correlated in the audio-visual (AV) condition than in the unimodal conditions. The present study provides converging evidence for the importance of seeing musical performances, and preliminary evidence for the utility of electrodermal activity as an objective measure in studies of continuous music-elicited emotions.  相似文献   
Snoeren ND  Seguí J  Hallé PA 《Cognition》2008,108(2):512-521
The present study investigated whether lexical access is affected by a regular phonological variation in connected speech: voice assimilation in French. Two associative priming experiments were conducted to determine whether strongly assimilated, potentially ambiguous word forms activate the conceptual representation of the underlying word. Would the ambiguous word form [sud] (either assimilated soute 'hold' or soude 'soda') facilitate "bagage" 'luggage', which is semantically related to soute but not to soude? In Experiment 1, words in either canonical or strongly assimilated form were presented as primes. Both forms primed their related target to the same extent. Potential lexical ambiguity did not modulate priming effects. In Experiment 2, the primes such as assimilated soute pronounced [sud] used in Experiment 1 were replaced with primes such as soude canonically pronounced [sud]. No semantic priming effect was obtained with these primes. Therefore, the effect observed for assimilated forms in Experiment 1 cannot be due to overall phonological proximity between canonical and assimilated forms. We propose that listeners must recover the intended words behind the assimilated forms through the exploitation of the remaining traces of the underlying form, however subtle these traces may be.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT— Change in the synaptic communication between neurons—known as synaptic plasticity—plays a key role in learning and memory. It is not yet clear, however, whether the properties of synaptic plasticity are sufficient to account for long-term-memory maintenance. Recent studies have revealed that synaptic plasticity can indeed persist for weeks or months, as might be expected of a long-term-memory mechanism. However, memories encoded by neural systems are not static; they continue to evolve as new learning occurs. Furthermore, neural-network modeling has shown that synapses must be able to reconfigure their connection strengths during new learning if old information is to be preserved. Recent tests confirm that synapses, once modified, retain their capacity for further modification, indicating that they can indeed operate in the manner predicted to be necessary for memory maintenance in a dynamic learning network.  相似文献   
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