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In this paper I talk about the potential benefits for offenders of working within the transitional space provided by a discussion group. Through ‘play’ these men have an opportunity to interact and learn to be potent without resorting to omnipotent defences of violence to get their own way. In considering the discussion group within the context of the prison as a whole, I focus on the relationship between staff and prisoners and how this relationship can be managed in such a way as to create more opportunities for thinking, leading to an enhanced focus on rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Langan R. Proteus Reprised. Int Forum Psychoanal 1997;6:45-49. Stockholm, ISSN 0803-706X.

Proteus was the mythical Greek sea-god able to change his shape at will. In the Odyssey, King Menelaos manages not to release his wrestler's hold on the mercurial trickster, and theory can, at last, return home. The myth has sundry and changing applications to the living experience of what goes on between patient and psychoanalyst. In one sense, the analyst's job is to be like Proteus, escaping the transferential grip whereby the patient tries to pin the analyst into characterological shapes of the past. In another sense, the patient is Proteus, and the analyst's job is to hold firmly to the process of future change, refusing to settle for one fixed version of selfhood. In yet another sense, both patient and analyst become Proteus, experiencing fluidly present senses of self as an inner subjective “I,” as an intimately relational “Thou” with “Thee,” and objectively, as one Other among others. Additionally, the myth insinuates within the psychoanalytic situation a potential transcendence of time.  相似文献   
In this paper I shall describe the psychotherapeutic treatment of a 14-year-old boy, who suffered from mild Asperger's syndrome. This adolescent had a multiplicity of imaginary friends, which protected him from catastrophic feelings of loneliness and deadness, but at the same time interfered with the possibility of establishing meaningful relations with human beings. As the relationship with the therapist gradually gained the vitality and importance originally invested in his parallel fantasy world, the imaginary companions simultaneously faded away. His imagination then became more closely connected to inner reality and to creative processes. The psychoanalytic literature on imaginary companions is reviewed, and it is suggested that the concept of a self-protective device could be usefully applied to understanding the functions that this fantasy performed for the patient.

Dans cet article, l'auteur décrit le traitement psychothérapeutique d'un garçon de 14 ans qui présentait une forme atténuée du syndrome d'Asperger. Cet adolescent avait une foule d'amis imaginaires, ce qui, tout en le protégeant contre le sentiment catastrophique de solitude et de morne tristesse, l'empêchait d'établir des rapports authentiques avec des êtres humains. Au fur et à mesure que sa relation à sa thérapeute était investie de la vitalité et de l'importance initialement accordées à son monde fantasmatique parallèle, ses compagnons imaginaires s'effaçaient. Son imagination était alors davantage en contact avec sa réalité intérieure et avec sa créativité. Passant en revue un certain nombre de textes psychanalytiques sur les compagnons imaginaires, l'auteur suggère que le concept d'un dispositif d'auto-protection pourrait aider à comprendre le rôle que jouait pour son patient cet univers fantasmatique.

In questo articolo l'autrice descrive il trattamento psicoterapeutico di un ragazzo di 14 anni con sindrome di Asperger in forma leggera. Questo ragazzo aveva una molteplicita' di amici immaginari che lo proteggevano da sentimenti catastrofici di solitudine e senso di morte, ma che allo stesso tempo interferivano con la possibilita' che egli stabilisse delle relazioni significative con altri esseri umani. Con l'intensificarsi della relazione con la terapeuta, che gradualmente acquisi' la vitalita' ed importanza originariamente investiti nel suo mondo di fantasia parallelo, simultaneamente i compagni immaginari scomparvero. La sua immaginazione divenne allora piu' strettamente connessa con la realta' interna e con i processi creativi. Nell'articolo viene passata in rassegna la letteratura psicoanalitica sui compagni immaginari, e si avanza l'ipotesi che il concetto di manovra protettiva per il se' potrebbe essere utilmente applicato alla comprensione delle funzioni che tale fantasia fungeva per il paziente.

In diesem Artikel werde ich die psychotherapeutische Behandlung eines 14-jährigen Jungens beschreiben, der an leichtem Asperger Syndrom litt. Dieser Jugendliche hatte eine Vielzahl von imaginären Freunden, die ihn vor katastrophalen Gefühlen der Einsamkeit und Leblosigkeit schützten, aber gleichzeitig die Möglichkeit, bedeutsame Beziehungen mit Menschen herzustellen, beeinträchtigten. Als die Beziehung mit der Therapeutin allmählich die Vitalität und Bedeutung erlangte, die ursprünglich in seiner parallellen Phantasiewelt investiert war, verblassten gleichzeitig die imaginären Begleiter. Seine Phantasiewelt war dann näher mit seiner inneren Realität und kreativen Prozessen verbunden. Es wird die psychoanalytische Literatur über imaginäre Begleiter rezensiert und vorgeschlagen, dass das Konzept einer selbst-schützenden Vorrichtung nützlich zum Verstehen der Funktionen angewendet werden kann, die diese Phantasie für den Patienten erfüllten.  相似文献   
动机对高一学生创造性的科学问题提出能力的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
选取了360名高一学生,采用直接和间接激发内外动机的方式,通过两个研究考察了内外动机和不同水平的外部动机对中学生创造性的科学问题提出能力的影响,结果发现:(1)直接激发条件下,内部动机能够促进创造性的科学问题提出能力,尤其表现在流畅性以及独创性维度上;(2)直接激发条件下,外部动机能够抑制创造性的科学问题提出能力,尤其表现在独创性维度上;(3)评价情境不同引起的不同的动机水平对于创造性的科学问题提出能力的影响是不同的,期待正性评价不影响创造性的科学问题提出能力,但避免负性评价对创造性的科学问题提出能力有着显著的抑制作用.  相似文献   
This case study examines an arts organization at the center of an urban neighborhood revitalization effort and its contributions to creative placemaking and inclusive community building. The study documents innovative arts practices and explores their meaning for a local context, an understudied city in the Mid‐South region of the United States. It builds on the research team’s ongoing work as teachers, students, and scholars in partnership with the arts organization. It includes systematic participant observation, interviews with stakeholders, and a review of historical and contemporary media coverage. We found that the organization and its practices provided a rich context for exploring an expanded sense of community including bridging social capital and place‐based frameworks. Analysis suggests that the organization’s intentional arts based practices bring multiple understandings of community and art into meaningful dialogue through the generation of creative and social friction. These practices illustrate one context‐specific strategy addressing the tensions in a community–diversity dialectic (Townley et al. in Am J Commun Psychol 47:69–85, 2011 ).  相似文献   
男性代言女性产品的广告策略真的奏效吗?本文旨在探讨女性产品代言人性别与女性消费者对该产品评价之间的关系。4个实验的结果显示,与女性代言女性产品相比,男性代言时女性消费者对该产品的评价会显著降低。该影响是通过身份威胁感的中介实现的。此外,身份肯定对该效应存在调节作用。具体来讲,当被试受到女性身份肯定操控时,主效应会加强。本文实证研究了男性代言女性产品可能带来的负面效应,基于性别认同一致性理论拓展了产品性别属性的下游结果。  相似文献   
Product counterfeiting, a serious problem throughout the world, is particularly challenging for luxury brands, which often have simple designs and a value that depends largely on buyers' perceptions. This study incorporates the concept of customer value into an investigation of the anticounterfeiting strategies. Both hedonic and utilitarian values positively influence customer loyalty toward luxury brands. As a means to strengthen customer values, legal and product strategies positively influence customers' hedonic value, whereas communication and product strategies positively influence their utilitarian value. The managerial implications of these findings and directions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   
Designing products possessing only technical perfectness does not seem to be enough in today's market. New expectations adding value to the product such as product usability and feelings have become more important. Consequently, product usability has become a major focus of manufacturing companies. In this study, touch screen cell phones are examined, and various specifications that affect the usability are researched. Usability tests were carried out with the participation of 15 subjects for four different brands of touch screen phones having the highest market share. The usability factors regarding questionnaires were evaluated by taking into consideration the relationships between them in a three‐stage (strategic, tactical and operational) hierarchical network model. Analytical network process method was used in order to analyse the network for end consumer. The results were evaluated within the general framework of the hierarchy, and the most important factors in respect of usability were calculated. Moreover, the usability levels of four brands were ranked evaluating the usability scores. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Parents dream that their children will have every benefit possible to survive and thrive in the world. When their children have special needs, these dreams are challenged. Parents must adjust to the needs of their child and to the loss of this aspect of their dream. Common challenges and considerations when working with fathers of children with special needs are presented. “Redreaming,” an intervention to facilitate positive reappraisal, and creative approaches are also presented.  相似文献   
Studies in Philosophy and Education - This article analyzes the concept of narrative.How do we recognize a narrative when we seeone? Which criteria do we or should we apply?The article itself...  相似文献   
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